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Will there be a 'stretch' option for GBA games on the DS?


You know, how when you play a GBC game on GBA, you can hit L or R to Stretch it across the screen, so you don't just have black screen around it? Can you do the same for the DS? Might make some games look funny, but I think it works better most of the time .. I played GBC Zelda games on GBA and it looked good.

Also what screen will the game play on, top or bottom, and whats on the other screen while you play?


DS Resolution per screen = GBA Resolution

You can choose on which screen GBA-Games are displayed.


Yeah the DS screen is bigger I thought. It will be just a small about of stretching to fit the screen, but I like it better when its full screen ya know.
Hollywood said:
Will there be a 'stretch' option for GBA games on the DS? #1

If there is, I know I won't be using it. I don't like the blurry look when you resize images like that. Only pixel doubling looks good going up to me.


Yeah I'm nitpicking.


I don't think there's an option to play gba games on a larger resoultion.

Just an option, which allows you to choose what screen you want to view the games on.
Uneven stretches look pretty awful. "Stretch is BAD" I tell my stepbrother whenever I find him doing the stretch on an old game.

Doesn't surprise me it's not available on the DS, though. I mean, from GB/C to GBA was a pretty big width difference: 50%. The stretch ignored the 11% height increase. From GBA to DS, though, it's just a 7% width increase and a 20% height increase. 78% of the screen will be used, compared to 60% of the GBA screen being used for an unstretched GB/C game.


I could have sworn it was 256*192 - I've done a couple of snes conversions to GBA and they both used 192.. i know that because i only had to loose 16 pixels off the side but 32 off the top and bottom! if it was 224 the difference would have been much worse!

are you sure they were 224? maybe i just got lucky and the games i worked on used a lesser known resolution?


It was 224. Some games didn't use the very bottom 8 or 16 pixels, though.

EDIT: Actually, it might've been as much as 32 pixels. I'll have to check, but I'm thinking it might've been even more than 16 pixels.


Ford Prefect said:
Anyone know what X and Y do? Nothing? Or "short-cuts" for L and R? I pray for the latter.

aren't buttons ALWAYS to be assigned by the developer? If a developer simply codes the X_pressed() function (just giving the thing a name) to call L_pressed(), you've got your shortcut...

I don't think many developers will tho.
Blackbird said:
aren't buttons ALWAYS to be assigned by the developer? If a developer simply codes the X_pressed() function (just giving the thing a name) to call L_pressed(), you've got your shortcut...

I don't think many developers will tho.
I doubt GBA games can be told about whether X and Y are being pressed. Nor can it work retroactively on released games.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
JoshuaJSlone said:
I doubt GBA games can be told about whether X and Y are being pressed. Nor can it work retroactively on released games.

No but it COULD be programmed into the hardware to set x = b and y=a (or x=a and y=b) in GBA mode.

aoi tsuki

The GC controller does that.
True, but the GB Player is emulating the Gameboy-series hardware. i was under the assumption that the DS actually contained the GBA hardware, which would mean it would need to be modified to accept the change. It's possible, seeing as how you can choose which screen to play your GBA games on. i'd love for such a "shortcut", because it would mean i'd finally have some decent portable fighters since i retired my NGP.


The GBA player actually contains the GBA hardware - AFAIK its not emulating anything. It works just like the dev carts that plug into an N64, in that it runs in hardware and then simply transfers the output from the screen to the GC to display. (the N64 dev carts just output to an N64)

An the GBA contains the GB hardware in much the same fashion as the DS will contain the GBA hardware so if they manages to remap the L&R buttons on the GBA when playing GB games (and also add the stretch function) i see no reason why they can't do the same with the DS
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