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Will you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2008 if she runs for President?

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Hillary will run an almost perfect campaign:

1) The media already loves her. The NY Times (surprise, surprise) seems to bust a nut whenever she is mentioned. Any scandal she's in and she has weaseled out with no problems. The media will back her like no other.

2) If a man runs against her in the Democrats, millions of angry feminists (is there any other kind?) will call any opponent a chauvinist male pig who only wants women to make babies and not wear shoes. The Democrat competitors will tiptoe around the issue instead of attacking the real issues. They will be seen as weak and will only make Hillary stronger for a nomination.

3) The same as #2 with the GOP opponent. The GOP candidate will tiptoe around the issue, trying as hard as he can to make sure that he isn't a male pig. Since he goes by a defensive campaign, that makes him much more likely to lose. As we all know from 2004, defensive campaigns are failed campaigns.

4) Her right shift in recent years will make her more appealing. She's been one of the few senators willing to tackle on the border security issue. Whether or not she's serious is up in the air. She will be Socialist trojan horse. I expect her to do a 180 on her issues when she gets elected. Maybe not in 2008 but in 2012 after she has won her second term. Most Presidents use the first term as an indirect second term campaign. Get a good approval rating and then use it for 2012 to do what she wanted to do in Bill Clinton's first term.

5) If Iraq is a failure, she will bank hard on this and most Americans will be against the GOP. It was the factor that got Jimmy Carter elected. The same will happen here. Expect her to take on security like John Kerry did but maybe a little more tough on security than Kerry.

6) Bill Clinton is already talking about being the backup for Hillary. So if people are unsure, Bill is there to save the day. The Clinton years were good years. Job rates fell, liberals were in power without the people getting fucked in the ass with taxes, and the economy was booming. People tend to vote with emotions so with Bill there probably campaigning hard for his wife, it will sway voters who are unsure about the candidates but loved the Clinton years.

I go by the issues. So if Hillary has the best issues, then I will vote for her. However, its foolish to assume that her running will be a total loss.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Wendo said:
I think the only Republican I'd vote for would be McCain. But then again, I'm still ticked at how he just took it up the ass last year and pledged his support for W after all he's been through.

I feel exactly the same way. He's the only republican I'd ever vote for.

And I'd vote for Hillary in a second.


You guys should be very careful. A woman somehow slipped through our system (New Zealand) and we haven't had a man elected since.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I would definitely vote for her (the only way you'd get me to vote Republican is if it was McCain), but I don't think she has a chance in hell of winning in this political climate, if she even made it past the primaries (which I doubt).

Oh, and why does the rest of the country have it in for us Northeastern liberals? :p


I'm split on the issue. I like Hillary as a person, but I don't think she's progressive enough for me. I definately think she would run a tough campaign, though. I also doubt that she would capitulate quickly like Kerry did in the case of another questionable election (and I'm pretty sure the next election will have questionable results unless true election reform is passed).

Quite frankly, I'm not even sure if I'm going to vote Democrat or vote at all in the next election. I'm not convinced that the leaders of the party are all on the same page and ready to defend traditional values of the party. I'm tempted to go Green or not vote at all if, by election time, the Democratic party still looks like it's lost.


Post Count: 9999
Hillary is pretty far to the left, and being quite disingenuous with the rhetoric that makes her appear as a centrist.

Couple that with the fact she has done NOTHING for Western NY as Senator - basically fulfilling none of what she so heavily campaigned on - I say no way. Her becoming Senator was nothing but a stepping stone to the office she really wanted. What a scam, she wasn’t even a fucking NY resident ...
I'm secretly hoping that the GOP picks Newt Gingrich and Democrats pick Hillary. What this will do is cause third parties power to grow substantially. I'm getting sick and tired of both parties taking a shit on the Constitution and not giving a fuck about the people they represent. I'd much rather see the Libertarians vs. Better Life (Nader) fight it out for 2008. A Ross Perot of this decade but without constantly leaving/entering in the race.
Doesn't really matter how many guys here will vote no. Every single woman over the age of 18 will register and vote for her on their "Woman Power/Superiority" premise. :D

Jokes aside, she lost all creditability with me when she didn't kick her husband's ass to the curb, cause she knew it would mean her out of the White House...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Yeah I'd vote for him. Hilary has shown himself to be pretty politically savvy... I wouldn't want to cross him that's for sure... hold on a sec...

<co-worker whispers in my ear>

WTF do you mean he's a she?!?!?!? Yeah I'm gonna have to get back to you guys on this one....
Given the likelyhood of a Jeebofacist monster being nominated by the GOP in 2008 (Brownback? Frist? Allen? Haha), Hilary's going to look pretty damn good in comparison.

If the GOP can put up a bona fide moderate candidate, they'll have a better shot. Unfortunately, moderate candidates have a really hard time in the cracker belt primaries like SC.
Nothing quite like asking an undersexed and socially awkward group of boys if they'd vote in a woman president to get comedic responses. I especially liked the one about women making decisions with emotion rather than logic. That's why I won't vote for a black man, because as we all know all black men are prone to fits of rage and would start wars over Air Jordans. Also black people have tremendous dicks, though I've never actually seen one.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
brooklyngooner said:
Nothing quite like asking an undersexed and socially awkward group of boys if they'd vote in a woman president to get comedic responses. I especially liked the one about women making decisions with emotion rather than logic. That's why I won't vote for a black man, because as we all know all black men are prone to fits of rage and would start wars over Air Jordans. Also black people have tremendous dicks, though I've never actually seen one.

You forgot we like chicken, kool-aid and we steal alot.. so if a black man became pres he'd probably use our special ops forces to steal from other countries... all the time claiming he didn't know anything about it.... oh yeah he'd have 6 kids by 4 different baby's mama's... now that's some drama fo dat ass.
Hell I'm in Northern Ireland and I'll vote for her.

Bout time u dudes got up to date we had a female PM over 25 years ago

If she's basically Bill with tits, I'd probably vote for her.

quoted for quotabilities sake :D
I'll vote for her because I'm a Democrat, but with the realization that we've just lost another election. On the Dem side in 2008, it's a whisper campaign right now pitting Clinton vs Kerry vs Edwards vs Byah. Many people expect Clinton to win the nomination, but admit that if Kerry were to run again, he would hold a huge advantage over her in terms of support(3+ million email list) and could leverage that grassroot support to fuel another nomination win. Privately, both camps(Kerry and Clinton) have been at war over campaign staffers, speech writers, and why the other isn't a viable option for 2008.

Edwards is using his post at UNC to develop a strategy to win back the south(even though he couldn't carry his own state......) and frame himself as the "anti-hillary" candiate. Though there was news a few weeks ago that Edwards would not run should Kerry enter the race again. But who knows.

I do not think Hillary Clinton could win the general election. Nomination? Of course. But I hope the primary states use their heads come voting time and realize that offering up Hillary to the GOP is suicide.

For the GOP, I think it's George Allen. He's a more articulate version of W, and that's scary. He's dumb as fuck all, but he knows how to speak properly and can be convincing if you've never heard either side of the argument before. And I don't understand why people consider John McCain to be a "moderate". He's nothing of the sort, and is all about putting his grill in the nearest camera. Personally, I can't stand the man. He failed to stand up for himself in the SC primaries in 2000, campaigned for W's reelection, then supported the enabler of the GitBay and AbuGharaib torture scandals, Alberto Gonzalez, for Attorney General. His votes provide a clearer picture, though.

And if I hear the word "maverick" applied one more time to any free and independent thinking Republican that hasn't hitched his ride to W's path of destruction, I'm going to throw something at the TV.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Isn't she more liberal than Clinton? In that case, only if Republicans brings a group as bad as the current administration will I think about it.



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Don't forget... a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote AGAINST Grand Theft Auto!!!!


The Experiment said:
Hillary will run an almost perfect campaign:

1) The media already loves her. The NY Times (surprise, surprise) seems to bust a nut whenever she is mentioned. Any scandal she's in and she has weaseled out with no problems. The media will back her like no other.

2) If a man runs against her in the Democrats, millions of angry feminists (is there any other kind?) will call any opponent a chauvinist male pig who only wants women to make babies and not wear shoes. The Democrat competitors will tiptoe around the issue instead of attacking the real issues. They will be seen as weak and will only make Hillary stronger for a nomination.

3) The same as #2 with the GOP opponent. The GOP candidate will tiptoe around the issue, trying as hard as he can to make sure that he isn't a male pig. Since he goes by a defensive campaign, that makes him much more likely to lose. As we all know from 2004, defensive campaigns are failed campaigns.

4) Her right shift in recent years will make her more appealing. She's been one of the few senators willing to tackle on the border security issue. Whether or not she's serious is up in the air. She will be Socialist trojan horse. I expect her to do a 180 on her issues when she gets elected. Maybe not in 2008 but in 2012 after she has won her second term. Most Presidents use the first term as an indirect second term campaign. Get a good approval rating and then use it for 2012 to do what she wanted to do in Bill Clinton's first term.

5) If Iraq is a failure, she will bank hard on this and most Americans will be against the GOP. It was the factor that got Jimmy Carter elected. The same will happen here. Expect her to take on security like John Kerry did but maybe a little more tough on security than Kerry.

6) Bill Clinton is already talking about being the backup for Hillary. So if people are unsure, Bill is there to save the day. The Clinton years were good years. Job rates fell, liberals were in power without the people getting fucked in the ass with taxes, and the economy was booming. People tend to vote with emotions so with Bill there probably campaigning hard for his wife, it will sway voters who are unsure about the candidates but loved the Clinton years.

I go by the issues. So if Hillary has the best issues, then I will vote for her. However, its foolish to assume that her running will be a total loss.

I think this falls apart on #3. I don't know too much about American politics, but from what I do know, I would expect the Republicans to wage a very aggressive campaign against Hilary.


Hang out with Steve.
Boogie said:
I think this falls apart on #3. I don't know too much about American politics, but from what I do know, I would expect the Republicans to wage a very aggressive campaign against Hilary.

Which is why the GOP would nominate Rice. They could then be as agressive and nasty as they wanted to be against Hillary but it's CLEARLY not because she's a woman, because they've got one running, too.


OK before everyone starts bashing me, which I knew would happen before I made my last post, let me say something.

I didn't bring Bush into my post. I didn't bring him into it for the simple reason that I knew people would respond the way you are.

The only thing I stated was that from my experience with women, they tend to make decisions based on emotion. This is something I've seen countless times. This is NOT something I want the person in the White House to be doing for four years.


It depends on who runs against her.

I would normally vote Democrat, and if she were the nominee, then I likely would, but the two Rebulicans who might make me second guess would be Sen. McCain or Gulliani.

But I certainly could and possibly would vote for Hilary in 2008.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ecrofirt said:
OK before everyone starts bashing me, which I knew would happen before I made my last post, let me say something.

I didn't bring Bush into my post. I didn't bring him into it for the simple reason that I knew people would respond the way you are.

The only thing I stated was that from my experience with women, they tend to make decisions based on emotion. This is something I've seen countless times. This is NOT something I want the person in the White House to be doing for four years.

I agree instead let's continue to choose people who make decisions based on sheer f'n stupidity.


The Experiment said:
6) Bill Clinton is already talking about being the backup for Hillary. So if people are unsure, Bill is there to save the day. The Clinton years were good years. Job rates fell, liberals were in power without the people getting fucked in the ass with taxes, and the economy was booming. People tend to vote with emotions so with Bill there probably campaigning hard for his wife, it will sway voters who are unsure about the candidates but loved the Clinton years.
This is something I hadn't thought about, but if she were to go into office, I'd have to wonder who would actually be making the big decisions. No doubt Bill would involve himself somehow, not that I would have a problem with that.


DarienA said:
I agree instead let's continue to choose people who make decisions based on sheer f'n stupidity.
Quit bringing Bush into this discussion. Did I EVER ONCE mention I voted for him? Try baiting me somewhere else. This isn't a discussion about George Bush and how he's a terrible terrible person. This is a discussion about who would vote for Hillary.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ecrofirt said:
This is something I hadn't thought about, but if she were to go into office, I'd have to wonder who would actually be making the big decisions. No doubt Bill would involve himself somehow, not that I would have a problem with that.

I'm a Bill Clinton fan, but I've seen Hillary in action in NY, Anyone who thinks Hillary would let Bill run over her in terms of her making decisions... is crazy.

Ecrofirt said:
Quit bringing Bush into this discussion. Did I EVER ONCE mention I voted for him? Try baiting me somewhere else. This isn't a discussion about George Bush and how he's a terrible terrible person. This is a discussion about who would vote for Hillary.

You've made a solid point.. because we shouldn't compare poential future presidents and the decisions they might have to make to current presidents and the decisions they've made... let's just give Bush a pass... riiight.


DarienA said:
I'm a Bill Clinton fan, but I've seen Hillary in action in NY, Anyone who thinks Hillary would let Bill run over her in terms of her making decisions... is crazy.
I'm not sure it's something she would let happen. It's something of a case where some staff members and whatnot might go to Bill to see what he thinks on some issues.

I'll no doubt say that having him in or around the office again would be a great thing for democrats. I like Bill. I'm sure foreign countries like him. If leaders of foreign countries see that he's in a position where he has the potential for power somehow, I'm sure they'd like that as well.

And Darien, I'm going to leave this thread now. You've effectively ruined it for me, because you can't get off your high horse about Bush. My comments weren't about him, they were about a 2008 election and voting for Hillary. You're still assuming I'm giving him a pass on things when I'm just trying to avoid him entirely so the whole point of this thread doesn't get changed. Please understand that. Thank you.


She would have no chance at winning. Here's why.

No current republican voters would probably vote for her.

Most men either democrat or republican do not want a woman as president.

Most women do not like other women. I base this on the fact that almost anytime a woman sees another woman that is more successful/pretty than they are they often will look for flaws and put them down. (oh she's too fat, too much makeup, etc...)

This doesn't leave that many people that would vote for her. Definately a minority.

No chance.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ecrofirt said:
And Darien, I'm going to leave this thread now. You've effectively ruined it for me, because you can't get off your high horse about Bush. My comments weren't about him, they were about a 2008 election and voting for Hillary. You're still assuming I'm giving him a pass on things when I'm just trying to avoid him entirely so the whole point of this thread doesn't get changed. Please understand that. Thank you.


Your comment basically saying women are incapable of making decisions not based on emotions was dumb.
The Republican nom would have to be a really, reeeeeeeeeally EVIL motherf*cker to get me to vote for Hillary. And I'm talking "caught on live television eating a newborn baby seasoned with cocaine and PCP, while sodomizing a goat with a razor-studded cocksheath" evil here.

I'm hoping McCain runs in 2008. :)


DarienA said:
Your comment basically saying women are incapable of making decisions not based on emotions was dumb.

Where does this shit come from, anyway? My whole life all I've known is men making stupid, rash, idiotic, spur of the moment decisions with no regards to consequences. If anything, women are bastions of fucking logic compared to men.
The GOP election train is such a well-oiled machine that you don't realize the candidate you've just voted for is dumb, stupid, evil, far-right loony toon or any combination of the four, until after the election is won based on projecting all those traits onto the opponent.

I wish the Democrats would start playing by their rules. Haven't won a fucking majority in a presidential race since 1976. How f'n sad...


Incognito said:
For the GOP, I think it's George Allen. He's a more articulate version of W, and that's scary. He's dumb as fuck all, but he knows how to speak properly and can be convincing if you've never heard either side of the argument before. And I don't understand why people consider John McCain to be a "moderate". He's nothing of the sort, and is all about putting his grill in the nearest camera. Personally, I can't stand the man. He failed to stand up for himself in the SC primaries in 2000, campaigned for W's reelection, then supported the enabler of the GitBay and AbuGharaib torture scandals, Alberto Gonzalez, for Attorney General. His votes provide a clearer picture, though.

And if I hear the word "maverick" applied one more time to any free and independent thinking Republican that hasn't hitched his ride to W's path of destruction, I'm going to throw something at the TV.

That's what creeps me out about the rumored Republican nominees. It's either George Allen, Rick Santorum, Bill Frist, etc....potentially the most vile of the vile in the Republican party. McCain, and here I agree with your sentiments towards him, is probably the only Republican I can even stomach out of the suggested nominees; and even then, he's far from ideal the way he ponied up to the the administration and many of its policies. He'd have to make it absolutely clear that once he were given the reigns, he'd take the Republican party back to where it should be and not on the far right fringe.

And I have no idea what people's problems with strong women here is. Really, I know it's Hilary, but some of the comments are ridiculous and generalized.
ecro, no offense but what the fuck? i'm not a feminist but your logic is baffling to me. women you know make choices based on emotion? doesn't everyone? a buddy of mine (male) was cut off on the freeway and got extremely pissed. so he sped up to catch the guy later to flip him off. isn't this a decision based on emotion that could have been dangerous? isn't a lot of g dubya's presidency based on emotion? isn't a lot of many presidents decisions based on emotion? i know you didn't bring up GB, but that's not the point. you're making a generalization that women are MORE likely to act on emotion. what are men more likely to do? men are just as likely to make emotional decisions.

but i suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree


The democratic party needs to come up with a better canidate. Fact is that the dems can't win the election with liberal votes alone they need to pick up swing voters and moderates. Hillary's already hated by a large contingent of people (and not all of them are republican), and a lot that don't hate her already have some preset notions of her. Seems like there should be a better choice for someone to get the swing vote. Especially if the republicans run McCain in '08 who would get a large swing vote.
xsarien said:
The Republicans would be *insane* to run Santorum. The GOP would lose the ENTIRE centrist vote.

Santorum's on his way to a reelection campaign(2006), and it's shaping up to be a loss to Bob Casey Jr. (Still way early, though. We'll see what the GOP can pull out of its hat to erase a 14pt difference in the polls...) But I think you're right regardless if he wins or loses his senate seat; he's just way too out there and is not shy about his positions. Such as his stance on gay marriage: "This is a threat to our homeland, I think, that is greater than terrorism." Plus, he has this weird penchant of always referencing Hitler or the Nazis when talking about the Democrats and their evil friends, the NYTimes. Not good...

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