And I don't understand why people consider John McCain to be a "moderate". He's nothing of the sort, and is all about putting his grill in the nearest camera. Personally, I can't stand the man. He failed to stand up for himself in the SC primaries in 2000, campaigned for W's reelection, then supported the enabler of the GitBay and AbuGharaib torture scandals, Alberto Gonzalez, for Attorney General. His votes provide a clearer picture, though.
I'm glad someone mentioned this. McCain is an asshole in the first degree. Most Republicans hate his ass so he won't get nominated fortunately.
I don't know too much about American politics, but from what I do know, I would expect the Republicans to wage a very aggressive campaign against Hilary.
Well, women is what helped W to victory in 2004. Women overall barely chose Kerry (married women went to Bush), which is pretty damn rare and probably hasn't happened since Reagan in 1984 (women are the key demographic for Democrats). The GOP is going to try to secure women voters and if the other side is calling them misogynists for running against Hillary, they're going to attempt damage control. Although many women do hate feminists so maybe they will ignore the attacks. Maybe.
I'd have to wonder who would actually be making the big decisions
Bill wouldn't be making them but he would campaign hard for his wife and try to remind voters of the days when he was in office. Clinton tried that with Kerry but it was too late. Had he not had the troubles he had, he would have campaigned much harder for Kerry. Enough to win? Doubt it but he might be able to change a few minds and in some swing states, that is all that is needed.
Which is why the GOP would nominate Rice
A black woman? I doubt it. Not for the GOP. This is the same shit I heard but with Elizabeth Dole for the 2000 election. Rice might eventually one day be head of the GOP or maybe become a senator or future cabinet members but I doubt she will be President. Who knows.
It's either George Allen, Rick Santorum, Bill Frist, etc....potentially the most vile of the vile in the Republican party
Damn, what a shitty list. Then again, most of the first announced candidates never turn out. Joe Lieberman and Wesley Clark were the first ones to announce running but were the first to leave. The GOP might go with a Governor though. History does show that Senators tend to lose out to Governors. I think the GOP candidate will not be any of the names mentioned but someone out of the blue. The GOP image is getting tarnished right now (even with its base) so they might want someone completely new to start off.
Kind of like how George W. Bush put an end to the balanced budget aspect of the GOP and went back to Reaganesque Neoconservatism.
any dude who hates Feminists is a sexualy frustrated loser who cant score
A dude who is with feminists won't score because any form of sex is considered rape.