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Windows 11 reaches 30% install base

Are you using Windows 11?

  • Yes, I'm already using Windows 11

    Votes: 128 51.4%
  • No, I'm sticking with Windows 10

    Votes: 82 32.9%
  • I'm using Linux/MacOS

    Votes: 26 10.4%
  • I'm happy using Windows 95

    Votes: 13 5.2%

  • Total voters


MS really think they're going to get away with wholesale abandoning W10 next year when it still holds 60% marketshare? Not without congressional hearings.
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I'm on Windows 11, but fun fact......even if you are using Windows 11, you are using Windows 10.

Go to command line and type "ver"


Win 11 is a service pack


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
My gaming and content creation PC is running win11. my laptop, home pc, phone ect are all on linux/android

I hated 10 more than 11 and would keep running 8.1 if I could no steam support forced me to 11.



According to Statcounter, Windows 11 reached a new record, with 29.71% of Windows version market share.
Meanwhile, Windows 10 dropped to 66.1%.

Doesn't seem like a big increase. This is likely because they allowed updates for machines they previously prevented from the update in April



Gold Member
W11 is dope. The window docker function alone is worth upgrading for, baller feature.


Jesus! How old is your computer?
It's actually a fairly recent build of about 2-2.5 years ago. Imagine my surprise when I found out Win11 wasn't supported out of the box.

You can just bypass the TPM requirement.

I know, but I really can't be bothered with stupid shit like this these days. Image being Microsoft and creatting an official hack past your own requirements. Maybe just don't bust my balls in the first place you cunts.
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The day Win10 reaches EoL is when I go full Linux.

Hopefully Valve has SteamOS ready on that day.
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Staying on 10 on my old PC but when I change it's gonna be full Linux. Fuck MS increasingly intrusive policies.


I have both Win10 and 11 (pre-installed on my laptop) and sometimes I get angry with how they're hiding some stuff or how there's more annoying features for me to disable. I didn't have any major technical issues with W11 yet though.

I know I wouldn't voluntarily upgrade and my Win10 PC will stay that way until I stop using it. Same way I used Win7 for as long as possible on my older PC.
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Demigod Mac

11 is not all that different from 10 after you disable all the annoying cruft and new "features" and move the start menu icon back to the corner. No reason to upgrade if you're already on 10 and happy with it, but it isn't worth going well out of your way to avoid 11 either.
Planned EOL date for 10 is October 14, 2025, meaning there will be no more public security updates afterward - unless MS extends it like they did with XP.


Had windows 10 for a while, and moved to windows 11 a long time ago. Some things in windows 11 are more cumbersome such as right click > more options. Pisses me off. Other then that i like just as much as windows 10, no issue's with the OS.
right click > more options
I did this registry hack to restore the right click menu back to 'normal'

I wish MS wasn't so shit and would actually address some of the things people hated about 11 that were changed from 10 a little faster considering they are planning on cutting 10 off next year. It literally took them 3 years to bring back some of the stuff they ruined about the taskbar from 10 to 11. They still are considering when they plan to add little "Copy" and "Paste" labels under the stupid icons they replaced the context menus with and it's been 5 years now. This is why MS can't ever be competitive with anyone in markets they aren't the monopolist, everything they do is on geologic time scales


Still haven't found a necessity to upgrade honestly. It doesn't impact gaming at all as of now.
Security patches are going to get way more important, going forward with W10 going EOL next year. Staying on W10 not long after will leave a lot of PC's way more vunerable to malware and attacks.

I find W11 a lot more stable as well.
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Security patches are going to get way more important, going forward with W10 going EOL next year. Staying on W10 not long after will leave a lot of PC's way more vunerable to malware and attacks.

I find W11 a lot more stable as well.
It's ironic that they made 11 difficult to upgrade to in order to increase security and the result will be even more unsafe systems by a big percentage of users sticking to 10. That backfired nicely.


Windows 10 is going to be my last Windows unless they change course on some things. With Steam Deck providing a lot of incentive to get Linux gaming going, it's just good timing for me. I've got it on my work laptop after a malicious overnight update. I don't what it offers to anyone over 10. I know there were gaming perf issues at launch. I haven't checked to see if they've been sorted. For my tastes and needs it's a downgrade in every measurable category.
Security patches are going to get way more important, going forward with W10 going EOL next year. Staying on W10 not long after will leave a lot of PC's way more vunerable to malware and attacks.

I find W11 a lot more stable as well.
The problem is that the requirements MS set for upgrading to 11 make over a billion otherwise working PC's obsolete

No one should be shocked that 11 can't seem to get past 30% of Windows installs when MS literally won't let the remaining PC's install it


I have 2 windows 10 desktops and 1 windows 11 desktop (recent build) - so any gaming other than light weight or old ones fall on windows 11 pc.

Also use stream deck occasionally, but honestly I am more of sit down and play on monitor/tv person than looking at small screen… so unfortunately my steam deck gets least use. :(


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I'm on Windows 11, but fun fact......even if you are using Windows 11, you are using Windows 10.

Go to command line and type "ver"


Not how that workls.
Version number isnt the same as build.

Cuz otherwise Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 were all Windows Version 6.x
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