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Winter 2009 Anime Season of "too much loli - gonna go watch Vampire Bund"

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NeoForte said:
So I caught up with Hidamari Sketch (x365 and now up to ep7 of Hoshimitsu). I gotta say wow, the animation keeps getting better and it's still as charming and HHNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG'in as ever. Awesome :D

Hidamari fans will be happy after Bake fans, but before SZS fans. Probably.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'd like a Bakemonogatari 2D platformer featuring Meme and his desks.

The dress makes the RL model look fat.


firehawk12 said:
I'll just say that what I appreciated was the way it played with the form and that it worked because it played into a rabid fanbase who had waited years for this (something I haven't experienced since I only watched the first season recently).

I mean, this is the show that aired out of order the first time around and then for the second season, they decided to "splice" in the new episodes during a rerun of the first season.

I don't deny that it's not wankery. It's just that as a fan of the medium, I'm just genuinely impressed with what they've done. The producers of Lost only wish they could be as high concept as this. :lol
I don't even know what that means. I like some anime shows but I wouldn't consider myself a fan of anime anymore than I'd consider myself a fan of tv. 95% of everything sucks, anime, music, movies, tv, most of it is crap, it's hard to be a fan of the medium itself.

Nor do I think showing something out of order was some experiment, lots of stuff has been shown out of order, Firefly was shown out of order and for less "artsy" reasons than Haruhi was, Star Wars was shown out of order for Lucas knows why, I assume because it was the only 3 movies that were worth a shit but the more rabid fans disagree. The only reason there even is an order is because we know the source material, had the TV show been people's first introduction to the story no one would have known it was out of order in the first place and it'd have been no different with any other show that's jumbled around, then concerning the novels themselves, they're not in order, they skip around all over the fucking place, they're hardly in chronological order themselves. I really don't think there's a single artistic or higher level thought that went into the order outside of what they felt worked the best.

Now, once they did decide to do the shit out of order thank goodness they showed season one and two in sync with each other, I actually think that was a good move.

Perhaps I'm just an ass, or not giving movies, tv, books, anime, whatever the artistic credit they deserve but I just genuinely feel that most things that some people consider artsy, high minded or whatnot as someone just being silly. It's like that movie Mulholland Drive, I hate that movie, I don't know what the fuck was meant to be going on for the second half, no one does. I feel that that's a failure of the director to properly tell his story, but my God are there fans with their interpretations that think I'm a total plebe for not "getting it" when they can't even be sure they got it right because the second half was such a fucking mess, I'm not sure David Lynch even knew what he was trying to get across. I hate that kind of ambiguity in mediums that exist to tell stories. But some people love that openness and make that movie and story their own. I can flip it to Requiem for a Dream, which I also hated but I at least respect it because it was coherent all the way through and told it's story, I didn't like the presentation, I didn't like the story, I didn't like the characters(not even Connelly's) but it told it and I thought about it and it succeeded on that level so I will at least respect it for that.

Now don't take any of this as an insult because frankly I like you, you're never an ass to people and I'm actually happy that we all find different things to like in the same thing, whatever bit of enjoyment we can eek out of this life we deserve it, so I more than respect your right to your opinion and am glad that you do get enjoyment out of it, even if it's not always from reaching the same conclusion I do on the same subject.


mAcOdIn said:

A few responses.

1) There are numerous possible reasons why you might wish to alter a stories chronology or perspective. Yet I think when there is no good reason for doing this it is unnecessary, if you're shuffling around things just for the hell of it then you really aren't adding any 'artistic depth' to the sure - you're just screwing around. When it does make sense is when it is actual a theme of the story. That's why in Memento the whole movie is told in a fractured way and that really makes perfect sense. Or why in Perfect Blue lots of editing techniques confused the viewers sense of reality because that is a theme of the movie. Haruhi really didn't need to do it in season 1. They certainly didn't need to waste everyone's time in Season 2 either - even if it was hilarious.

But wait, didn't I just say you can do something as long as it works with the theme of the story? I did, but that has the invisible caveat that I assume we'd all to that statement - you can do it as long as it's done well. I have watched numerous sci-fi TV shows so I'm no stranger to looping-timeliness yet even those never last for more then one episode and in those episodes a significant number of things will change in the loop and the actual time of the loops are greatly reduced via montage. Why? Because that's the only tolerable way to do it unless you're a masochist.

2) On art - Sometimes a movie/show/anime/book will be hard to follow and involve complex and flat-out weird symbolism because there is some underlying message to what's going on. e.g. if you decipher the imagery you'll learn something about the story characters. But other times, as is often in surrealist work, crazy shit will just happen for no reason. Revolutionary Girl Utena actual contains both these ideas. There are 'shadow plays' that are often subtle commentary on the episode, but then there's just random stuff thrown in for 100% no reason (and the director admits this) just to screw with people, like Miki's watch.

Now there's a clear difference between weird shows that actually have meaning and some
that deliberately don't. It's fair criticism to say that there is stuff you just don't like (hey, there's nothing more honest then an opinion) but sometimes you can't complain that they aren't telling a story because that was never the creators intention, so in that sense the director did not fail.

3) All of that is actually completely different from 'open ended' stories. Which can be anything from really weird, make it all up ending (2001 anybody) too pretty normal all the way through and then a tiny crazy open ending (The Shining)...hmm both Kubrick. I need better examples. I guess what I'm trying to say is not all 'Open' stories are equally open, for even open for the same reason. I generally think it's a good thing if a story doesn't wrap up literally everything because that is unnecessary and takes forever.


Subete no aware
Hah, my post was eaten by 500 errors, so I'll just be a bit brief and unorganized this time. I figure I reply to both posts at once without quoting as well. :lol

I consider anime a subset of television, so I treat it as such. And it's more being a fan of the form - in the same way that presumably, we're here on GAF because at one point or another, we were or still are a fan of games as a medium. TV has it's own conventions and when someone can play with those conventions in a meaningful way, I find it interesting.

I will say that I enjoy "reading" meaning into texts. I've just been trained to do it and that's how I enjoy media nowadays. That probably means I'm more ready to read authorial intent than most people, which is probably why I come up with wacky ideas like Chu Bra being a meaningful story about teenage girls dealing with body image and sexuality issues rather than just being a show with lolis in their underwear. :lol

That's my particular hang up though and I completely understand why people don't want to watch shows like that. There are times when I wish I can turn it off, but I just can't. But if we're enjoying the same things in different ways, there's certainly no harm.

And since we're talking about SHAFT shows in the last few posts of the thread - there's a studio which produces shows that overtly play with the medium while also (I assume) pleasing people who don't necessarily notice that their shows are playing with the medium. I mean, even something as strange/bad as Maria Holic can become interesting because of the way SHAFT operates.

As for Haruhi itself - with S1, I believe that airing the episodes out of order was thematically consistent with the confusion Kyon felt as he was trying to come to grips with Haruhi and her powers. Certainly the "home movie" being the first episode to the show is a striking way to introduce the characters and the plot that left me in confusion when I first watched it.
I also think the reason KyoAni can get away with this stuff is because of the popularity of the source material. The same way that the producers of Lost like jerking their audience around - they know their show is a hit, so they can come up with whatever they want and people will just accept it.

And there have been lots of SF shows that have tried the time loop - and yeah, most are contained within one episode... probably the most famous example being the Star Trek: TNG episode "Cause and Effect". But there was also "Day Break", which was about a detective trapped in the same day over and over again. Of course, it got canceled, but it's been tried. I'm just amazed that they did it with Haruhi and got away with it.

On openness, yeah, having an open ended plot is not necessarily a precondition for having multiple interpretations of a particular text. It can be, certainly, but anything can be interpreted in any number of ways.


Subete no aware
Xater said:
So wait guys, I am cinfused! Is Sora no Woto actually good? I thought that would be some lame moe music shit.

This is a can of worms. :lol

If you like Aria, then it's alright (up until episode 8 anyhow). Otherwise, all you'll end up seeing is the lame moe shit.


firehawk12 said:
I consider anime a subset of television, so I treat it as such. And it's more being a fan of the form - in the same way that presumably, we're here on GAF because at one point or another, we were or still are a fan of games as a medium. TV has it's own conventions and when someone can play with those conventions in a meaningful way, I find it interesting.

I consider anime TV to be in the same vein as regual TV and anime movies to be in the vein as regular movies with OVA's being mini-series. But the conventions between East and West are quite different, with anime tv episodes being much shorter.

firehawk12 said:
I will say that I enjoy "reading" meaning into texts. I've just been trained to do it and that's how I enjoy media nowadays. That probably means I'm more ready to read authorial intent than most people, which is probably why I come up with wacky ideas like Chu Bra being a meaningful story about teenage girls dealing with body image and sexuality issues rather than just being a show with lolis in their underwear. :lol

That's my particular hang up though and I completely understand why people don't want to watch shows like that. There are times when I wish I can turn it off, but I just can't. But if we're enjoying the same things in different ways, there's certainly no harm.

Such is the danger of Eng Lit. of Film Studies where one learns to analyse the crap out of everything. I do it too, sometimes the show clearly had it in mind (Utena) other times less so.

firehawk12 said:
And since we're talking about SHAFT shows in the last few posts of the thread - there's a studio which produces shows that overtly play with the medium while also (I assume) pleasing people who don't necessarily notice that their shows are playing with the medium. I mean, even something as strange/bad as Maria Holic can become interesting because of the way SHAFT operates.

Yeah thats why I love SHAFT, they are always doing crazy stuff and you just know it has to be a lot of fun to mess around with stuff like they do. SZS has to be the most meta-textual show since like, Otaku no Video.

firehawk12 said:
As for Haruhi itself...

Yeah that makes a kind of sense and I can see that being one possible argument. However I imagine the opening just left lots of people in confusion and never watched again.

Xater said:
So wait guys, I am cinfused! Is Sora no Woto actually good? I thought that would be some lame moe music shit.

People like it, some people don't. The easiest well to tell is to see it for yourself. (That said my position is generally negative.)


Subete no aware
Just about to head out, but I saw a random Dragon Age reference:

Seems too close to be just a coincidence anyway. :lol

Jexhius said:
Such is the danger of Eng Lit. of Film Studies where one learns to analyse the crap out of everything. I do it too, sometimes the show clearly had it in mind (Utena) other times less so.
Yeah, pretty much. You're pretty much stuck in this mode forever... it can get tiring sometimes. :lol

Yeah thats why I love SHAFT, they are always doing crazy stuff and you just know it has to be a lot of fun to mess around with stuff like they do. SZS has to be the most meta-textual show since like, Otaku no Video.

Yeah, SZS appeals on both a satirical level and on a textual level. It really is a nerd show of the best kind.

Yeah that makes a kind of sense and I can see that being one possible argument. However I imagine the opening just left lots of people in confusion and never watched again.

I just wonder if the books were super popular to the point where people checked out the show even if they've never read the books. I figure that it'd make an interesting first impression anyway.

I suppose the closest Western analog would be Harry Potter... and as far as I know, they haven't taken any risks with those movies at all.


At the rate Bake is going, the series could go for 4 seasons (without meaning it). It's probably fortunate the discs are selling like Nadeko hotcakes

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Pachael said:
At the rate Bake is going, the series could go for 4 seasons (without meaning it). It's probably fortunate the discs are selling like Nadeko hotcakes
If Tsubasa Cat as an arc had actually been completed and the web episodes were some other arc, I'd forgive the ridiculous delay, because then it would just be bonus stuff; but they started Tsubasa Cat within the actual broadcast time.


Angry Grimace said:
If Tsubasa Cat as an arc had actually been completed and the web episodes were some other arc, I'd forgive the ridiculous delay, because then it would just be bonus stuff; but they started Tsubasa Cat within the actual broadcast time.

I can't say I'm too bothered. SHAFT has recently seemed way over there head in how many shows they are working on and yet I enjoy most of them. I doubt they are taking forever because they're just lazy. Hell they also pretty much re-drew the Snake Arc, it all looks like differnt work. Still while I enjoyed most of their stuff I didn't really start respecting any of the actual Directing talent until Bakemonogatori.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Jexhius said:
I can't say I'm too bothered. SHAFT has recently seemed way over there head in how many shows they are working on and yet I enjoy most of them. I doubt they are taking forever because they're just lazy. Hell they also pretty much re-drew the Snake Arc, it all looks like differnt work. Still while I enjoyed most of their stuff I didn't really start respecting any of the actual Directing talent until Bakemonogatori.
Isn't everything Shaft does Shinbo ? :lol


Angry Grimace said:
Isn't everything Shaft does Shinbo ? :lol

No, but he's usually the director on their "big" shows. Stuff gets billed as "SHAFT x Shinbo" in pr. However, he works with other studios and SHAFT does other shows, including a ton of outsourcing--they're credited for both Gundam 00 and Nymphet. :lol

If I have the spare time to post this, that should tell you something. Enjoy.


Angry Grimace said:
Isn't everything Shaft does Shinbo ? :lol

Nope! And even then, if you compare something like SZS and Bakemonogatori (especially say, the pilot) and it like a compeltely different level (apparently) of budget and animation which allows for more interesting directing.


Been a while since I've kept up with a newer anime but I've just watched the first few episodes of Durarara!! and I have to say I'm enjoying it a lot right now. It's pretty interesting, a bit weird and I like the style. :D


Durarara!! 08 - Hey it's like an episode with multiple characters getting a look in, yet because it was paced correctly this wasn't a problem.
Someone else suggested where the head was on another thread and dang it they were correct. It's all kind of weird

Bakemonogatari 14 - Yep, it was Bakemonogatari allright. Things seem to heading a to a somewhat interesting conclusion
although the ending for this episode was fairly predictable
. Really liked the very final shot as well with nice editing combined with exaggerated sound. No idea when the final episode is coming out, this being SHAFT even if I knew they'd probably delay it anyway. Still, enjoyable and always and it still manages to make 20 minutes of people talking entertaining.

Fuuuuuu- Mamoru Kanbe, the director of So Ra No Woto also directed Elfin Lied. I totally did not realise that but now literally everything makes sense, especially a 20 minute episode about a piss joke.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Jexhius said:
Fuuuuuu- Mamoru Kanbe, the director of So Ra No Woto also directed Elfin Lied. I totally did not realise that but now literally everything makes sense, especially a 20 minute episode about a piss joke.

I thought the openings were pretty similar in style, guess that explains it.
Proelite said:
:lol at Akhihasa using power glove in lastest Baka.

A gaming-themed episode... yeah, and definitely pretty funny. :lol

One of the better episodes probably, too, a nice change from ep.7 which I didn't like that much...

Jexhius said:
Fuuuuuu- Mamoru Kanbe, the director of So Ra No Woto also directed Elfin Lied. I totally did not realise that but now literally everything makes sense, especially a 20 minute episode about a piss joke.

Yeah, I'd heard that before. Elfen Lied was pretty good, so I thought that was a good sign for the show...

Of course Elfen Lied was even more split between the comedy/romance and serious/violent parts of the show, and that was a little odd sometimes, but it was pretty good overall even so.


Passing metallic gas
Jexhius said:
SHAFT working on some 'service? It's already been pretty heavy so far though. Guess they like selling DVD's.

I don't know if thats the solution. Because the season was made of suck I went and watched Princess Tutu and Space Pirate Captain Harlock. Mmmm contrast.

i figure i can just watch raws and make up the story as i go along....i did miss a few shows but i just cant seem to get past the first episodes of any of em..hell i didnt even finish DTB2 just cause i couldn't control my gag reflex when i got as far as ep 7..durararara rara ra seems interesting enough so far..if anyone wants to yell out a random good series from the last few years please feel free to do so..i desperately need something to distract me from my hobby of constructing surface to loli missiles


firehawk12 said:
Hrm yeah, nice bit of trivia. It explains why the OP looked familiar to me at points anyway.

Yeah I noticed that the first time through but it didn't click with me for some reason. Probably because the Elfen Lied OP has the character designs more closely blended with the artwork, or because the tone is so goddamn somber.

Cobra The Animation : 9 - Hmm, well thought this episode was fairly average this week, with a distinct lack of


Although we did get


Also, what the hell Cobra, is that really what she asked you to do?
She said 'save me' not 'shoot me in the brain. Fairly dark.
Sora no Woto 09 - Not too much learned this time, but a dramatic episode... with fanservicey shots to "counter" the mostly-serious plot or something, I guess? Whatever, solid episode. Not the greatest episode of the series, but good.

So we learn that Rio hung up on her father... hmm, but what's in that message case? Something important I'm sure, probably from him...

And also, did Iliya die in an accident or something? They kind of hint at it this time, I think. Previously it'd sounded like something Rio's father was responsible for... I wonder what the truth is.

Fairy Tail 20 -
Lisanna, probably the Fairy Tail character with the saddest story...

Honestly her character type isn't exactly one of my favorite kinds of anime characters, but still, she didn't deserve that... (anime hasn't quite said what happened to her yet, but it's in the middle of telling that story now)


A Black Falcon said:
Sora no Woto 09 - Not too much learned this time, but a dramatic episode... with fanservicey shots to "counter" the mostly-serious plot or something, I guess? Whatever, solid episode. Not the greatest episode of the series, but good.

So we learn that Rio hung up on her father... hmm, but what's in that message case? Something important I'm sure, probably from him...

And also, did Iliya die in an accident or something? They kind of hint at it this time, I think. Previously it'd sounded like something Rio's father was responsible for... I wonder what the truth is.
I think it's pretty clear from this and an episode way back that Rio went out and did something on her own as a child and her mother died trying to find or save her.
mAcOdIn said:
I think it's pretty clear from this and an episode way back that Rio went out and did something on her own as a child and her mother died trying to find or save her.

Hmm, yes, perhaps... that would make some sense, and would at least partially fit, for sure. The only question then is why she's so angry at her father... do you think that that's an unrelated issue? Doesn't seem so to me. But your theory would definitely explain some things.

Also, I was worried about Kureha for a moment... I thought she'd be saved, but wasn't entirely certain... and then they dragged it out with that long pulling-in-the-rope scene. Bah. (It worked to add to the tension, though, even if the ending was pretty much obvious) :)


Jexhius said:
Also, what the hell Cobra, is that really what she asked you to do?
She said 'save me' not 'shoot me in the brain. Fairly dark.

because he has to mete out manly justice. and even that might not have been enough. considering that she
killed over 250 people already. and that is more important than getting into her pants
Bakatest 09 - I don't know whether to laugh or be disturbed by how much the Japanese seem to like incest themes in anime...

Sure, in this case it was all being played for laughs, and it was definitely a funny episode (just so much absurd and stupid stuff... I was laughing), but still... no, in reality things aren't like that, and that's a good thing.


Subete no aware
dragonballjoseph said:
Oh dear. Can Chu-Bra get any stranger. It's just getting to be ridiculous now.

And here I am anxiously awaiting the next episode... =/

Of course it has to end in Yuri. Why not. :lol

A Black Falcon said:
Bakatest 09 - I don't know whether to laugh or be disturbed by how much the Japanese seem to like incest themes in anime...

Sure, in this case it was all being played for laughs, and it was definitely a funny episode (just so much absurd and stupid stuff... I was laughing), but still... no, in reality things aren't like that, and that's a good thing.

Watch out for Kiss x Sis next season...


Kills Photobucket

The North American anime distributor Funimation has issued the following statement to ANN regarding the edits it is making to its release of the Dance in the Vampire Bund anime series:

FUNimation Entertainment is known for releasing the titles we license in their original, uncut form, as their creators intended. However, after viewing the unedited as well as the Japanese broadcast edit of the series Dance in the Vampire Bund, we have determined the series contains controversial elements which, when taken out of context, could be objectionable to some audiences.

With this in mind and with approval of the licensor, we will edit select scenes from the series in streaming and home entertainment release. These are scenes which are inappropriate for U.S. viewing and are not essential to the storyline.

Dance in the Vampire Bund is a complex and dark drama cited by press and fans as one of the best anime series out of Japan this season. Its strong story is what brought the series to our attention and why we are bringing it to the U.S.

:lol :D :lol


DrForester said:
One of the best among a pretty stale lineup, how context changes everything. And fuck actually editing shit out, I've had the argument before where I dislike even localizing stuff but editing I just can not stand. At least localization makes sense when shit's in an alternate world or set somewhere else but I've always felt that if something was set in Japan keep the Japanese shit, if it was set in France keep the French shit, but it makes sense to drop that shit if it's set in some fictional world, but never edit shit out, if you're going to edit shit out just let someone else bring it over.

Not that I care about DitVB in the first place.


Dear GAF, I haven't watched much anime ever. I like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, and the Kenshin OVAs. I haven't watched much else. I'm down for a heavy psychological thriller or a cute slice of life series. Just nothing that's straight action. Preferably something reasonably new, like from 09 or something thats airing now. SUGGESTIONS?!?!?


EDIT: And obviously I like Mobile Suit Gundam. :p


Blinky said:
Dear GAF, I haven't watched much anime ever. I like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, and the Kenshin OVAs. I haven't watched much else. I'm down for a heavy psychological thriller or a cute slice of life series. Just nothing that's straight action. Preferably something reasonably new, like from 09 or something thats airing now. SUGGESTIONS?!?!?


EDIT: And obviously I like Mobile Suit Gundam. :p
Well both the Higurashi's are pretty good if you can get past the character designs as far as psychological thrillers go, maybe also Boogiepop Phantom(it looked cool but I never saw that one).

As for slice of life shit, I like Spice and Wolf(seasons I and II) and Natsume Yuujinchou(and the second season Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou(wonder if I spelled it right?)). Neither of these shows would be considered slice of life by most because they feature mystical shit like a wolf God in the first show and a kid who can see spirits in the second but the only real plot to any of them is what happens the nest day, not really some huge arc going on or anything with a logical conclusion to either.


Blinky said:
I already heard Spice and Wolf was awesome so I'll probably check into that for the time being. Thanks holmes.
If you check that show out, funimation has season one up both subbed and dubbed to watch free on their website http://www4.funimation.com/video/?page=show&b=288. It might be on Hulu as well.

Higurashi is really fucking twisted, I think it's worth a shot, there's just this one, well two character designs that I hate, I don't know why they'd put a loli or two in a cast of realistic looking people but I hate that shit. It's a lot more bearable if everyone looks like that.


Blinky said:
Dear GAF, I haven't watched much anime ever. I like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, and the Kenshin OVAs. I haven't watched much else. I'm down for a heavy psychological thriller or a cute slice of life series. Just nothing that's straight action. Preferably something reasonably new, like from 09 or something thats airing now. SUGGESTIONS?!?!?


EDIT: And obviously I like Mobile Suit Gundam. :p

Monster is THE psychological thriller anime and is widely considered one of the best anime ever. Watch it.
Novid said:
Funi is starting to show the massive fail here. Its like there waiting for the powderkeg to explode...

Speaking of which, is it me - or is the Japanese youth are acting in certain ways to the Greek youth... waiting for the world to burn (or die trying?)

If Funimation doesn't want my money that badly, I suppose I'll have to not give it to them. :lol


Speaking of wanting my money and yours - give Oshii all of it.

Sky Crawlers made this dude who dont even cry in the most sappy parts of Disney animated movies ... break down. HOLY SHIT at everything in this movie. EVERYTHING.


hamchan said:
I forgot if I already asked but if so I'll ask again. Is there anything this season any of you would recommend?
Baka to Test to Shokanju is stupid funny, Sora No Woto's a nice diversion, and Railgun(continuing from last season) is a competent action/slice of life show but I don't believe there's really been anything "must see" this season or anything of the quality that I'd show someone who never watches as an example of an awesome anime.

Disclaimer: I still have not watched Durararararawhatever because I'm so behind.
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