His name is Luffy, thats monkey d luffy, hes the king of the pirates!
"He's made of rubber?"
"How did that happen?!"
Yohoho he took a bite of Gum Gum!
I've got a rather odd question for animeGAF.
My mom manages a Starbucks. She told me that a regular customer came in today and got a really strange drink instead of his usual. When she asked him about it, he told her that it was from an anime.
So now I'm curious. Can anyone think of a show that features a frappuccino with caramel sauce, hazelnut sauce, and chocolate chips?
I hate you so much right now
so did they call him Zolo because Zoro is copyright?
or are they just wrong in the head
*Throws up avatar* Hold dat shit! Reppin' all day.Nichijou
I've got a rather odd question for animeGAF.
My mom manages a Starbucks. She told me that a regular customer came in today and got a really strange drink instead of his usual. When she asked him about it, he told her that it was from an anime.
So now I'm curious. Can anyone think of a show that features a frappuccino with caramel sauce, hazelnut sauce, and chocolate chips?
Comeaaawn, you know a part of you loves it!
As for Zolo, I've heard it was just used to prevent mixups, but not 100%.
*Throws up avatar* Hold dat shit! Reppin' all day.
I tried that drink once, true story.
My blood turned into chocolate fondue.
"Sweet" is deathly understating it.
I see Bleach but no One Piece
I still cant believe that people were hating on the current One Piece Opening
it practically fits the shows character perfectly
I hate you so much right now
so did they call him Zolo because Zoro is copyright?
or are they just wrong in the head
I've got a rather odd question for animeGAF.
My mom manages a Starbucks. She told me that a regular customer came in today and got a really strange drink instead of his usual. When she asked him about it, he told her that it was from an anime.
So now I'm curious. Can anyone think of a show that features a frappuccino with caramel sauce, hazelnut sauce, and chocolate chips?
Did they also ask for doppio?
Now, I find One Piece a lot easier to rank. I really love Brand New World, Share the World, and Kokoro no Chizu the best and could numerically rank the openings if forced to.
Did they also ask for doppio?
LOL, maybe I should have let you do the honours.
I love Nichijou so much from just seeing that clip again.
Something I was wondering: are the novels complete or is it an anime-original ending?Zero no Tsukaima F 12 END
I haven't been this completely satisfied by an anime ending in a long time. Truly, this is the end of an era, and this show finished awesomely. I'll miss it a lot ;_;
And J.C. Staff didn't even fuck it up.
I'm pleased beyond words.
Something I was wondering: are the novels complete or is it an anime-original ending?
Thank you, sir. I'd say he has good taste, but he's a regular at Starbucks.
There's more to it than that, and as someone who doesn't drink coffee it sounds really bizarre to me.That's from an anime? Sounds relatively normal to me.
Another 07:
I was wondering if there was any possibility thatconsidering that there's an established link betweenKouichi was the "extra student", so I'm glad that this episode explored that.the death phenomenon and his mother dying during childbirth.Despite Mei's assurances, I don't think it's out of the question that this could be the final twist. We have the inconsistencies between Kouichi's memory of his time in Yomiyama and his father's memories, after all
lolbeach episode next
*PANT* *PANT* *PANT*D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-DOPPIO?!!
Personally I definitely would not mix both hazelnut and caramel. Sounds gross unless it's just the milk that's treated with one and the coffee the other.Thank you, sir. I'd say he has good taste, but he's a regular at Starbucks.There's more to it than that, and as someone who doesn't drink coffee it sounds really bizarre to me.
Watching episode 4 of this parody is blowing my mind
This is definitely true, especially in hair style/colors. There's been a huge push over the last ten or so years to do away with the crazy wild outta this world hairstyles for simpler, down to earth hair designs and colors, usually fancied up with a ribbon or accessory of sorts. This is probably to make the female characters in particular feel more like "the girl next door" or something. Also the way character hair is shaded/lit has been made simpler to make coloring a faster and probably less expensive venture.
wait its the first time seeing this.
As a fan of DBZ abridged i will have to check out more of this
mind = blown :ONeon Genesis Evangelion, Color Theory, and You
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Color Theory, and You
Enjoy the water. It's some of the best ever seen in anime.
Dear god.Apparently you meant that Another has some of the best water in the sense that Golgo 13: The Professional has some of the best helicopters in anime.
Another 08:
Worthless filler until the final few minutes.?All theories are out the window, everyone's (potentially) fucked. Did he insta-drown and THEN get chopped up by the propeller? Why do I even care
Apparently you meant that Another has some of the best water in the sense that Golgo 13: The Professional has some of the best helicopters in anime.
Symphogear 12
I don't even know what that was at the end, but it was cool as hell.
Tsubasa went out like a boss! Rising Phoenix was cool! ANIMEGIRL IS AWESOME and breaking dat 4th wall. Thae whole song thing was cheesy but w/e, it's the focus of the show. Also, Fine's love speech was kinda depressing. It was cool to learn more about the fusion. Little imouto-san shows up to save the day!
Next week is going to be cool as fuck. Looking forward to the finale.
Holy cow...
Also, thatdeath gets slightly more funny next episode with a revelation twist too.
Additionally, yes:
Damn, excellent post.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Color Theory, and You
oh wow, that makes the cg in Arjuna look like BRS.Apparently you meant that Another has some of the best water in the sense that Golgo 13: The Professional has some of the best helicopters in anime.
mind = blown :O
Great post. There's still an abundance of blue-haired characters in anime though (eg. Ano Natsu). But yeah, green and purple haired characters have really become less common.
Now I'm going to be overanalyzing hair colour choices from now on <_<
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Color Theory, and You
But how could the main plot hamper itself when that was the premise of the show? You're initial comment is still confusing me.Well, I can take a certain amount of fantasy that's still semi-grounded in the real world. The characters were relatable to a certain degree. It just failed to connect to me by the second half.
Eh, I think you misunderstand me. I don't mean you as an individual. I meant the idea of valuing both visuals and music over story is superficial. I can understand valuing each of those elements separately from the show, but I don't see how they could make a show if there's no meaningful context behind them. And about being forgiving, that remark was toward your approach to judging whether or not a story was weak/bad. I don't see why a strong conclusion in a bad story somehow means it wasn't a weakness initially.Yeah, I might be a bit superficial and forgiving.
So you think it's a bad show too? Not sure what we're still arguing about then :lolI can say that I honestly tried to like this show when I heard about it first and that makes a big difference compared to going in without any expectations.
Then that's a double standard.However, I can't have visuals define the show entirely either. For example, I couldn't deal with say, Guilty Crown, even with its high production values because of the horrendous plot. I tended to appreciate 5cm/s more for its animation even though I didn't like how the overall story was structured. Eh, it's kind of a mixed bag for me.
You can also meander for having too many insignificant plot points. The lack of character development is especially grievous and was why the show is ultimately shallow. The best thing about Ano Hana was the 1st episode and the 2nd half of the finale. It's why you could simply watch the first and last episode and not miss a beat with the story.I personally think it didn't feel like meandering that much. I would consider something like Cowboy Bebop as meandering (although that was deliberate in making some episodes a part of the 'filler' arc and the 'main' arc) or Nisemonogatari, which I felt was rather unfocused for the bulk of the show.
It's been some time so maybe I'm forgetting some things about Ano Hana.
If you didn't think the story didn't meander, I could see that. But it was the worst thing to happen to the show because it was pointless drama with still no meaningful character development by that point in the show.I can agree that it had a lot of potential had it been executed properly but I didn't feel like it was rather debilitating to the general experience.
This isn't exclusive to Menma: they were all one-dimensional. The flashback scene was who they were in a nutshell. There was no character development except for Yukiatsu, and even then, it was very little, which is debatable. To say Tsuruko was underdeveloped slightly is a understatement. Her development was about as convincing as Poppo's.Ok, I'll just say this. The characters worked well, not individually, but as an entire cast where conflicts appear over their own selfish desires, which reveals their inner guilt and motivations. There are some development problems with this (Tsuruko being slightly underdeveloped and Menma being one-dimensional but as a group, I feel it still holds up) The plot and drama when revolving around the characters and their respective conflicts felt tangible and substantial until the reveal, where it subsequently collapses.
I have to disagree with your usage of strong drama here. It was melodrama with some poignant and ridiculous moments. Their conflicts were borne from one childhood flashback they kept repeating to us. There wasn't much conflict really. Any significant answer why these conflicts existed beyond Anaru wanting to be like Menma was nowhere to be found.The show worked for me by weaving a strong drama based on the character interactions, their conflicts in relation to Yadomi in particular and how they each reflected on their guilt through this cathartic experience. This was the draw for me and despite getting the shaft at the end, I still like what it did in the first half and tried to do in the second. I feel there was a lot of potential but Okada couldn't pull through.
here, lets start the bitter tears early
Eureka Seven character designer, Kenichi Yoshida:
E7:AO character designer, who the fuck cares what his name is
Like I said. Its just so...anime. Fuck this.
Yeah, Oreimo is a terrible show, but the character designs were good.
Especially Abe's rendition.
I'm going to ask the anime thread to go without the use of "hnngh" from now on.
I wouldn't necessarily say instead, but it should certainly be on the list.
Don't forget Sukeban Deka dubbed as well!
Wow, has there been anyone in AnimeGAF who's been watching Now and Then, Here and There lately enjoying the series? It seems like cajunator and I were the only ones who liked it. All these plot points people pick at never even crossed my mind when I watched it.
Dude, the anime had plot issues like last episode spoilers -When Lalaru uses her pendant it uses a bit of her life, she reveals at some point that she's lived tens of thousands more years than Sis, when you take into the fact that she's been giving water to people who end up waging war on each other that implicates that she's been sprouting water fountains for tens of thousands of years, so then why does she "use up" all her life force in one go if she's got one ginormous life expectancy after generating millions maybe billions of gallons of water beforehand? If she outright said she was near the end of her cycle instead of "humans are turds" I would have bought the last scene alot more than I did.
Waifus & Colour Theory:
blue/white - kuu
red/orange - tsun
yellow - yan
black/brown - childhood friend
But how could the main plot hamper itself when that was the premise of the show? You're initial comment is still confusing me.
Eh, I think you misunderstand me. I don't mean you as an individual. I meant the idea of valuing both visuals and music over story is superficial. I can understand valuing each of those elements separately from the show, but I don't see how they could make a show if there's no meaningful context behind them. And about being forgiving, that remark was toward your approach to judging whether or not a story was weak/bad. I don't see why a strong conclusion in a bad story somehow means it wasn't a weakness initially. So you think it's a bad show too? Not sure what we're still arguing about then :lol
Then that's a double standard.
You can also meander for having too many insignificant plot points. The lack of character development is especially grievous and was why the show is ultimately shallow. The best thing about Ano Hana was the 1st episode and the 2nd half of the finale. It's why you could simply watch the first and last episode and not miss a beat with the story.
If you didn't think the story didn't meander, I could see that. But it was the worst thing to happen to the show because it was pointless drama with still no meaningful character development by that point in the show.
This isn't exclusive to Menma: they were all one-dimensional. The flashback scene was who they were in a nutshell. There was no character development except for Yukiatsu, and even then, it was very little, which is debatable. To say Tsuruko was underdeveloped slightly is a understatement. Her development was about as convincing as Poppo's.
And what reveal are you referring to?
I have to disagree with your usage of strong drama here. It was melodrama with some poignant and ridiculous moments. Their conflicts were borne from one childhood flashback they kept repeating to us. There wasn't much conflict really. Any significant answer why these conflicts existed beyond Anaru wanting to be like Menma was nowhere to be found.
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Color Theory, and You