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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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The Light of El Cantare
Another 11:



I feel strangely dissatisfied with the way things are going. Ever since the concept of
killing the extra student to stop the deaths
was introduced, I've had a feeling that
the secret would get out, resulting in all of the students going berserk/going on a witch hunt/general orgy of student-on-student bloodletting

Apparently I was right, though I don't know if I like the idea of
upping the amount of carnage so much just to make these final episodes feel more climactic
. Everything was so subdued, atmospheric, and quietly ominous in the beginning, and now...........it just isn't. I'm not saying that I can pull a better ending out of my ass on a whim, but this wasn't exactly what I wanted out of the show. Everyone suddenly became stupid just for the sake of prolonging things.
I really hope that Mei doesn't end up killing herself, as that would just be the cherry on the sundae of stupid. I also hope that she's not lying to Kouichi about him not being the extra student, as nonsensical as her glass eye being able to see death is

At least I got to see the first instance of someone ever German Suplex-ing themselves in an anime.


The Light of El Cantare
So-ooo... let's say I've been out of the anime-loop for... maybe 6-ish years. Any recommendations on what to watch? I like all kinds of stuff from Berserk & Cowboy Bebop to Beck, Welcome to NHK, FLCL and... everything. If fan-service can be kept to an absolute minimum, that'd be nice, although a little bit of it ain't any kind of dealbreaker if the anime is good otherwise.

Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Seirei no Moribito
Casshern Sins
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Just for starters, these are probably some that you'll enjoy.
Another 11:
I really hope that Mei doesn't end up killing herself, as that would just be the cherry on the sundae of stupid. I also hope that she's not lying to Kouichi about him not being the extra student, as nonsensical as her glass eye being able to see death is

I think the head of countermeasures is the extra. Highly doubt Sakakibara or even Mei will die/kill themselves. Also dont think Teshigawara or Mochizuki are it either and hope they survive.


I think the head of countermeasures is the extra. Highly doubt Sakakibara or even Mei will die/kill themselves. Also dont think Teshigawara or Mochizuki are it either and hope they survive.

That theory went down the toilet
the moment Mei ran away from Akazawa to go after the other

It'll be stupid if that's the case at this point.


Another 11:

The one thing I liked about the craziness of this episode is
that it showed how pent up everyone has been all along, and how desperate they are to end it. I mean, twintails said that her friend had slowly been going crazy since the beach trip anyways.
So-ooo... let's say I've been out of the anime-loop for... maybe 6-ish years. Any recommendations on what to watch? I like all kinds of stuff from Berserk & Cowboy Bebop to Beck, Welcome to NHK, FLCL and... everything. If fan-service can be kept to an absolute minimum, that'd be nice, although a little bit of it ain't any kind of dealbreaker if the anime is good otherwise.

EDIT: If I'd have to close some stuff out, then I don't really like overly cutesy stuff with young girl characters with high-pitched, cutesy voices... Can't stand them, really...

I'm going to second Kaiji. Manly ass stuff going on.

Edit: Ah, 6 years. That means you haven't seen the best anime of all time. Watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!


Ozma 2

still ugly. but i wanna see where they go with this future desert warfare stuffs.

Haha, I did not just read part of your post, while skimming, as "future desert waifu stuff" and think to myself, "Sure, it's about the only reason I'm interested in it." I wouldn't just be watching it for Capt, I swear!


So-ooo... let's say I've been out of the anime-loop for... maybe 6-ish years. Any recommendations on what to watch? I like all kinds of stuff from Berserk & Cowboy Bebop to Beck, Welcome to NHK, FLCL and... everything. If fan-service can be kept to an absolute minimum, that'd be nice, although a little bit of it ain't any kind of dealbreaker if the anime is good otherwise.

EDIT: If I'd have to close some stuff out, then I don't really like overly cutesy stuff with young girl characters with high-pitched, cutesy voices... Can't stand them, really...

6 years, you really haven't missed much, anime been dead those 6 years.

Hajime no ippo(true masterpiece that should be watched by all, plus it's very manly)
second kaiji
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood

Edit: Ah, 6 years. That means you haven't seen the best anime of all time. Watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

he said he doesn't want an anime with overly cutesy young girl characters with high pitched cutesy voices (and fanservice) , nia is that character


The Light of El Cantare
The one thing I liked about the craziness of this episode is
that it showed how pent up everyone has been all along, and how desperate they are to end it. I mean, twintails said that her friend had slowly been going crazy since the beach trip anyways.

I have been asking myself all series
"just HOW is everyone so calm all the time?
This episode answered that, apparently.


So-ooo... let's say I've been out of the anime-loop for... maybe 6-ish years. Any recommendations on what to watch? I like all kinds of stuff from Berserk & Cowboy Bebop to Beck, Welcome to NHK, FLCL and... everything. If fan-service can be kept to an absolute minimum, that'd be nice, although a little bit of it ain't any kind of dealbreaker if the anime is good otherwise.

EDIT: If I'd have to close some stuff out, then I don't really like overly cutesy stuff with young girl characters with high-pitched, cutesy voices... Can't stand them, really...

Mad Bull 34, get on it.


Rinne no Lagrange 12 (End of cour one)

Fuck yeah that was awesome. The beginning was hilarious and had me going "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-".
The whole power the the Voxes was fucking cool as hell. How the fuck did Yurikano get to that beach and what exactly is that place? Holy shit Asteria revelation and great setup for next season. Yoko is still hot and in action! Holy shit when Lan's onii-sama and huge motherfucking fleet arrived. Space Tiger didn't die but shit he was going crazy. Dat giant Lagrange. Holy shit the blooming. HAND HOLDING MY GOGGLES ARE ENGAAAAAGED. The goodbye scene had me laughing at how adorable it is. Madoka crying as Lan finally went out of view made me sad and I was all "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". I'm wondering why Midori really won't power up, especially because it seems that Madoka is going to stop something that affects the entire universe. Moid's moodshift whent he flower bloomed scared me. Mugi writing that letter was great. Madoka being a badass was awesome. Madoka Jersey Clubbing it up was awesome. THE BROS WORK AT THE RESTAURANT AND THE MAID OUTFIT STAYSSSSSSSS!!!

All things aside, that was a super solid end to the first half of the show. The visuals in here was super awesome as fuck, and so good to look at. They sowed the seeds a little for what's to come next season, but nothing super cliffhanger-y, and was just super well done.


Rinne no Lagrange 12

An excellent epsiode that left a smile on my face throughout most oif its entirety. I'm glad that
they not only didn't pull a horrifying EoE end as that goddamn misleading PV led me to believe but they also didn't leave us hanging until season two with a cliffhanger. lol at those three dudes working at the restaurant and the karuta scene. dat youko scar and most importantly DAT YURI!!!

As for plot speculation, maybe Asteria's the other person that Yurikano was talking about on the beach with Madoka. I wonder what the deal was with Yurikano being there to begin with but that'll obviously be explained in the next season. Moid's creepy as fuck and is clearly planning some nefarious shit.

Whilst this show had it's problems, it didn't really stop me from enjoying it and I can't wait for the OVA and the second season.



So-ooo... let's say I've been out of the anime-loop for... maybe 6-ish years. Any recommendations on what to watch? I like all kinds of stuff from Berserk & Cowboy Bebop to Beck, Welcome to NHK, FLCL and... everything. If fan-service can be kept to an absolute minimum, that'd be nice, although a little bit of it ain't any kind of dealbreaker if the anime is good otherwise.

EDIT: If I'd have to close some stuff out, then I don't really like overly cutesy stuff with young girl characters with high-pitched, cutesy voices... Can't stand them, really...

Jexhius's anime thread would help you out a lot: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=414748

It's missing stuff from the last year or 2, but otherwise has a ton of quality stuff to look at. Also, a large portion of the Noitamina block shows are worth watching outside of stuff from 2011 onwards (except for Wandering Son and Usagi Drop.)

So worse?

Of course Smile is worse than Milky Holmes.


sealed with a kiss
Revolutionary Girl Utena 6
Boxing kangaroos
the Triplets
Touga being a total pimp

This was a good episode.

Poor Nanami gets chased by everything. :( And considering Anthy's room, she really doesn't have much luck with animals.

Pizzaroll Section:
This episode was filled with quirky and imaginative cuts, particularly with
the boxing scene
and Nanami's imagination of
Touga and Anthy together.


Another 10:
Totally not getting that scene at the beginning of the episode, though.
Kouichi and Countermeasures-chan met at some previous point? Uhhh......
Just watched episodes 1 to 11...
I'm guessing she's the extra student. She met Kôichi back when she was alive, and since that phenomenon temporarily rewrites history and memories in order to hide all traces of the extra student's life, it made Kôichi forget about that meeting, and even about having been in town at that point (same thing for his father).

Damn, this reminds me that the K-ON movie isn't out yet.
There are rumors of a June release date, but...


Man, Precure fever overwhelmed the board when I wasn't looking, huh? I guess episode 8 wasn't that bad as I originally thought, but I wish they'd give us a good fight scene soon
that doesn't involve Cure Candy

In other news the people who licensed Hoshi O Ou Kodomo are apparently, surprise surprise, Sentai, so expect the forma announcement from them at a con soon or something.


The Light of El Cantare
Rinne no Lagrange 12 (END):


Shoot 'em dead, Shinsou!

No ulterior motives whatsoever.

Man, what cruelty. We got totally punk'd with the
at the beginning
though it's not like they aren't already yuri for each other for real. so it's okay

So we end the season still clueless about
the exact nature of the Rinne, what triggers it, and whether or not it actually portends some kind of catastrophe
. I suppose this means that S2 is going to be heavy on revelation and potentially darker, especially after complicating things at the last minute with
Astelia showing the emblem (another Memoria?) on her chest and some offhand remark about Madoka breaking the cycle of peace and war
. Add to that
the appearances of Dizelmine and Ghost Yurikano, Space Tiger surviving because of Muginami, Vox Aura going cold, and Moid being an extraordinarily shady motherfucker
, and it's going to be a packed second season.

Looks like
Le Garite has made its presence known on earth and everyone is really chill.
I just complained about this in AnoNatsu the other day, but I can't help but do it again. Does anyone actually believe that most people would be doing anything other than freaking the fuck out
if aliens suddenly came to earth
? I mean, really, consider it.
Mankind suddenly being technologically inferior to another race is terrifying to just about anyone for one reason or another. You never know if you're going to be enslaved, if the Earth is going to be blown up, or if the self-determination of mankind is just going to be out of its own hands.
Maybe I'm just projecting the way I'd react on everyone else, but
casually going to the beach for a picnic and a nice view of the Le Garite capital ship
just seems so.....improbable.

At the halfway point, I think that Lagrange has successfully maintained its identity. As a laidback half-mecha half-cute-girls-doing-cute-things that emphasizes production quality over depth, it's been fine. I had no expectations going in, so I'm pleased by the fact that it's at least been competent (and often good.) Thanks Nissan! I'll probably never buy one of your cars, but you have a good eye for funding projects.
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