I'm sort of the same way. Though Dark Cat is a hard and fast exception.I don't even remember if Baoh was dubbed or not. I think it was and that I didn't find it that great. Bad dubs aren't my thing,
I'm sort of the same way. Though Dark Cat is a hard and fast exception.I don't even remember if Baoh was dubbed or not. I think it was and that I didn't find it that great. Bad dubs aren't my thing,
I'm sort of the same way. Though Dark Cat is a hard and fast exception.
Oh jeez, Maria Holic too. lol
If it didn't require shipping back the entire damn set (what are they going to do with the DVDs anyway?), I'd almost consider it just to do a format upgrade. Shipping the whole thing back to them at that point would probably cost as much as just buying the set again when it's on sale.
Tenchi GXP Dub 3
Man Seina is a totalchickpirate magnet. Seriously how many chicks can want his D for almost no reason? Still pretty entertaining though can't complain.
Rozen Maiden 2013 4
This show has a fairly serious tone, which causes the humor to kind of stand out weirdly, even in a lighter episode like this. It's not even really the humor itself, but the cuts to a more cartoony art style are jarring.
I hope this show ends with Jun becoming a fashion designer.
Also, where did the books come from anyway?
Dark Cat's dub stands out to me because that one kid sounded stoned even afterhis girlfriend turned into a penis monster.
You'll find out later.
Whats yall opinion of Read or Die?
I don't remember much from that movie/show. I watched it back in like 10th grade or something (like 8 years ago) . One thing I remember is the random boobs at the start of some episode. also paper weapons.
That comparison is so absurd.. oh right, both are airing in Toonami.
Hunter x Hunter 2011 47
So uh. Did Kurapikajust become overpowered?
Infinite Stratos S2 12 FIN
I spent the entire episode clapping in front of my computer like an idiot. This episode is amazing. Can they top this? How? I guess I get to find out!
VVV 12
That was one fucking good season finale. Double so since I can pass to next episode right away! Muhahahaha!
No opinions on 10 and 11?!
the plane: miyazaki.The Pilot's Love Song
Fuck, I went on ANN to look at the staff listing and got spoiled big time by looking at the.voice cast
What about 9?
The Pilot's Love Song
Yeahh, I think it every time I read it.KYUUN KYUUN KYUUN KYUUN
Yandere mode activate
The most heinous of anime crimes.
The Pilot's Love Song
Fuck, I went on ANN to look at the staff listing and got spoiled big time by looking at the.voice cast
No opinions on 10 and 11?!
I don't plan on sending my MM! DVDs for this reason. I will upgrade sometime this year to the BDs, but I will be keeping my sub-only DVDs.
Also, I thought most of MM! was quite enjoyable. As I recall, not including the specials there was only one pantyshot scene the entire time.
Christ you need to watch things faster. I finished up the series like two days after our initial conversation but have held my tongue until you finished so that I would avoid being a Debbie Downer.
Would you guys consider ramen noodles soft to eat for someone who has their wisdom teeth taken out?
It should be fine as long as its not too hot. Just don't suck on them too hard because you don't want to suck out the blot clots. Actually, I'm unsure if eating Ramen could even do that.
What is MM actually called anyway.Strike Witches is meant for the strongest of people who know the true power of hometown, MM is the same loli/masochism powered super saiyan jokes used every episode.
Though I will post best girl sensei for posterity.
We Rahxephon now.Episode 14 in particular was just whoa.
Never had a wisdom tooth taken out but they should be soft. Some of the extras less so. (IE soft noodles and vegetables/meat etc)Would you guys consider ramen noodles soft to eat for someone who has their wisdom teeth taken out?
Yamato 2199 11-14
Episode 14 in particular was just whoa.