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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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Ace of Diamond - 20

I don't know shit about baseball, but is facial injuries that big of deal?
I see many player just wearing mask in footbal/basketball if that occur, its sound absurd a pitcher must take absence because he got fractured chin.

Btw talking about obvious plot device..


Kino no Tabi 3

A lot of shows can be difficult to write impressions about because while the episodes are enjoyable, there's nothing in them that particularly stands out as worth mentioning. Kino is the opposite. There's clearly so much significance and discussion to be derived from each of these episodes that I feel a little intimidated by the idea of writing impressions, lest I reveal my own shallow ignorance.

That's why for this episode I'm just going to say "lol religion" and leave it at that.

...Okay, I might go a little more in-depth. After the first two episodes were each an individual narrative focused on a single location that Kino was visiting, it threw me a little that this one was divided into three very distinct parts. Well, four parts, I suppose - the last was more of an epilogue, but was key to bringing the episode full-circle and really laying out its message. But yeah, this structure of including multiple short stories in a single episode turned out to be an excellent fit for this show's style, since the simple-yet-complex short stories that it tells don't necessarily always require a full twenty-odd minutes.

And I have to say, though the real "twist" of the episode was how the different stories turned out to tie into each other, each of the individual stories was very thought-provoking and worthwhile even without that. They were all quite different in tone, as well. The tale of the country with "traditions" in particular stood out to me because while it seemed quite worrying at first, as there was clearly some secret hidden behind the land's strange rituals, it actually turned out to be the most pleasant story we've seen so far - despite the fact that the people of this place were essentially
deceiving everyone who visited them
, there was no malice or bad feeling involved, no sense of tragedy like most of the stories have had, just a slightly unusual form of "entertainment" for locals and visitors alike.

That epilogue, though...damn. That "song of sadness" should really have been called the "song of tragedy", since it sure as hell started with one, and by some twisted coincidence it looks like it's wound up only bringing about more.


The sound direction is so good throughout the show and not just with the effects but also through his restrained use of music all the way through the series. Whereas most series would overload you on background music happening even during the most inconsequential of scenes, you never have that problem with Mushishi.

Ahhh, hype for S2 rising.
I have not seen Mushishi but use of music would depend on the context, tone etc of the show. Absolute restraint doesn't always need to be exercised. Of course I see your point though.


Full Metal Alchemist 03-25

If the whole
Homunculus plan was for Edward to arrive in that 5th laboratory and make him create Philosopher's Stone they really could have gone about it in a more direct way.

Predictions time:
-Hughes is not dead. They haven't shown him dying and his wound didn't look fatal. He just doesn't want to endanger his family.
-Ed's and Al's mother was a Homunculus created by their father. That was probably the cause of her sickness.


The Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene

This was one strange film. I've been pretty curious about the lukewarm reception from the Scotland Loves Animation screening last year, and now I totally understand why. This is a pretty unique and original film which has totally garnered the wrong sort of anticipation from audiences since it was announced.

Let's get a few things out of the way before I talk more about it - This is nothing like Little Witch Academia. This is not a whimsical light hearted adventure about two sisters solving curses in a fantasy world. This movie is not even really about what the title suggests. If you think that the movie is about any of those things, the marketing has failed entirely.

Yoyo and Nene is a fantasy movie with blockbuster ambitions and lots of big ideas. It's presented in a way which doesn't make that entirely obvious initially, which makes the narrative and pacing feel confused and disconcerting for much of the first half. Most of it is intentional, but I think it would have been a better idea to settle the audience into the thematic ideas of the movie sooner rather than later, just to make it easier to digest and appreciate as it progresses.

So what -is- the movie really about? It's about a very talented and powerful witch from a fantasy picture-book world who finds herself trapped in our world, and as she uncovers the mystery of why the two worlds are artificially converging, she learns important lessons about life, death, love, society, and how we can all live a life without magic and still find joy. It has far more in common with movies like Summer Wars and Paprika, where there are huge over the top visual and dramatic beats which serve as both blockbuster eye candy and also metaphors for social commentary.

There are things the movie does really well, and there are things it doesn't really succeed at, but it's really refreshing to see someone try to tell a story that people don't really expect, and to tell it in ways which aren't very traditional. The director Hirao is no stranger to being experimental and unorthodox, so maybe this shouldn't have come as that much of a surprise. The animation and art in the film is outstanding, and even with the feeling that the movie is a bit too strange for the average audience, I would readily recommend it to anyone looking for something interesting.


Full Metal Alchemist 03-25

If the whole
Homunculus plan was for Edward to arrive in that 5th laboratory and make him create Philosopher's Stone they really could have gone about it in a more direct way.

Predictions time:
-Hughes is not dead. They haven't shown him dying and his wound didn't look fatal. He just doesn't want to endanger his family.
-Ed's and Al's mother was a Homunculus created by their father. That was probably the cause of her sickness.



Probably because of its notoriety in the community.
It has been discussed to death about removing it and whatnot still it stays. It's educational if anything.

Space Dandy 8

So basically, the writer finished the story of this episode in only 12 minutes, realized they still had half an episode left to write, and just sort of winged it, LOL. Very narratively unfocused, even by the standards of this show.
I am confused in how that differs from most of Dandy so far. They should have gone for 2 episodes in each airing as their format.

I need audio clips!

Looks like I know what I'm watching tomorrow.
Ara Ara.

The problem with Branduil's current avatar is half of the times I'm wondering why is he talking about waifus and butts till I realize it's Theonik who made the post.
Sakura Trick - 07

First part was pretty heavy, and Yuzu is at the point where she's literally making an effort not to notice the obvious signals of Kotone and Shizuku's relationship. Open your eyes Yuzu, for crying out loud!!!

I like how they never touched back on Kotone's arranged marriage after her little sister mentioned it. That's pretty goddamn important as it throws a wrench in my ships, yet its as if it went over there heads immediately after hearing it.

SDBurton .
I feel mostly the same way BUT i consider the
arranged mariage
an ordeal that this couple must conquer or defeat in order to power-up their relationship.
So don't worry , your ship is just fine.
Join me in hopes that this will happen !
Ace of Diamond - 20

I don't know shit about baseball, but is facial injuries that big of deal?
I see many player just wearing mask in footbal/basketball if that occur, its sound absurd a pitcher must take absence because he got fractured chin.

Btw talking about obvious plot device..

It depends one what the injury is. A baseball to the face can do serious damage like cause retinal injuries or concussions. And even pro baseball players will miss weeks of time with chin/jaw injuries. A higher schooler missing time because of a fractured chin is nothing strange,


I watched Chu2byo season one the other night because I couldn't fall asleep and wanted to watch something on my tablet. I actually enjoyed it. It's nothing special, but the animations and stuff are really great especially when it goes into their imagination world thingy. Didn't expect serious stuff with Rikka's dad and whatnot.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
nisekoi 07
i fell asleep. it was very restful, but almost too deep in a way that was disorienting. i also had a strange dream involving jonah hill becoming an architect who was tricked into making a banquet hall and investing into a pyramid scheme. 10/10, would recommend for those with insomnia.


Nisekoi ep 7
Hey there Captain Marika, why are you dressing like a boy?

Luckily for me I ain't the only who thought that psychedelic skies rooftop scene was fucking atrocious and unnecessary. Who the hell thought it was a good idea?


Rozen Maiden Z 10

There were moments in this episode that had me concerned, particularly
where all the dolls are asking Jun to make a contract with them
, but I liked where things went. Jun's making good progress. All that talking in areas with pitch-black backgrounds reminded me of... something. What was it called again?


Congratulations, Jun!

What would you say if you could talk to your past self, anyways? There's so much advice I'd want to give. It's kind of hard to conceive of just how much I've changed as a person in the last ten years of my life. It'd be weird to meet the me who hadn't learned the lessons I know now. Almost frustrating, in a way.

Not really related to this show, but it's weird to think about.


Kanaria is the indisputed best.

So Suiseiseki knew she was the worst and sacrificed herself for her twin. Good going! I'm counting on you to keep her unconscious, Suigintou!

I'm not really sure where this is going in the next few episodes, but I'm getting kinda sick of black-background multiverseland.


Zero no Tsukaima 04

I need to ly down
Some godly Kirche this episode and ships leaving docks and stuff.
Dat accidentally summoned ero mag.

Akazukin Cha Cha OVA 01-03 END
That was quite cute, crazy and all out fun. Exactly what I want out of silly 80s OVAs.
It was also quite well animated with lively faces. Why is that sort of thing extinct?
Now to wait for Goldfish Panic to finish subbing.

Gone Shopping in Yokohama 02 END

This episode was firehawk as hell. But so good.
Really liked this OVA although quite slow in pace.
It really helps you to appreciate the transience of everyday life as experienced by an immortal being. Pretty much :firehawk the OVA.


So, because I wanted to hear people discuss The Wings of Honneamise I decided to listen to the latest ANNCast available here.

As an added bonus I got to hear Carl Horn give his thoughts on The Wind Rises. On the downside I had to hear Zach, who hasn't even seen the movie yet, give his views on the very concept of the film.

Now, I know that there has been some discourse about the topic of the movie and I understand some Yanks might not like that you'd even make a movie about this topic but, frankly, I don't entirely understand what the fuss is about. Zach seems to object to the concept of the movie because it's a movie with a fetishistic love of engineering about a guy who designed a plane "expressly to kill Americans" (not true, as pointed out by Carl Horn).

The (implicit?) argument he seems to be making about why that would be a problem is that there was something wrong, morally, with making a weapon of war and that you really shouldn't make a movie celebrating the life of the weapons designer especially one whose creation lead to the death of Americans. I just fail to see how this really that big of a deal considering that it's not like the designer was some kind of 'evil figure' or bad guy who did anything outside the bounds of acceptability for the time. It's not like he even designed an indiscriminate weapon for butchering civilians such as a fire bomb or a nuclear weapon. He designed a plane that would be used by military personnel against other military personnel.

Moreover, such a line of thinking seems rather rich coming from an American whose culture features a number of films which feature 'war machine porn'.


Isn't Zach super against war stuff in general? Thought it was him that lost his shit over guns being fetishized with that one show with airsoft guns.


Is there a time when Zach hasn't lost his shit?

Anyway, I just don't get why you'd get hung up about the creation of a plane, it doesn't even feature anywhere on the list of atrocities that were committed by all sides during the war.

The real controversy should be, as Carl Horn points out, why Miyazaki re-wrote the designer to make him ambivalent about his work when in reality he was quite proud of it.
Is there a time when Zach hasn't lost his shit?

Anyway, I just don't get why you'd get hung up about the creation of a plane, it doesn't even feature anywhere on the list of atrocities that were committed by all sides during the war.

The real controversy should be, as Carl Horn points out, why Miyazaki re-wrote the designer to make him ambivalent about his work when in reality he was quite proud of it.

I don't think Miyazaki was pretending that The Wind Rises was an accurate biopic.


Subete no aware
So, because I wanted to hear people discuss The Wings of Honneamise I decided to listen to the latest ANNCast available here.

As an added bonus I got to hear Carl Horn give his thoughts on The Wind Rises. On the downside I had to hear Zach, who hasn't even seen the movie yet, give his views on the very concept of the film.

Now, I know that there has been some discourse about the topic of the movie and I understand some Yanks might not like that you'd even make a movie about this topic but, frankly, I don't entirely understand what the fuss is about. Zach seems to object to the concept of the movie because it's a movie with a fetishistic love of engineering about a guy who designed a plane "expressly to kill Americans" (not true, as pointed out by Carl Horn).

The (implicit?) argument he seems to be making about why that would be a problem is that there was something wrong, morally, with making a weapon of war and that you really shouldn't make a movie celebrating the life of the weapons designer especially one whose creation lead to the death of Americans. I just fail to see how this really that big of a deal considering that it's not like the designer was some kind of 'evil figure' or bad guy who did anything outside the bounds of acceptability for the time. It's not like he even designed an indiscriminate weapon for butchering civilians such as a fire bomb or a nuclear weapon. He designed a plane that would be used by military personnel against other military personnel.

Moreover, such a line of thinking seems rather rich coming from an American whose culture features a number of films which feature 'war machine porn'.

Given that everyone reviewed The Wind Rises properly this week, I guess Zac felt the need to chime in even though he was extra-talking out of his ass. lol

Was the rest of the podcast worth listening to?


Nobunagun 08

That beach dream just revealed the whole mess of issues Sio's gotten over the course of this adventure. The battle with the Evos inside the tunnel was pretty neat, though. The loss of Galileo and her being brushed aside like that is something I won't stand for - she's too cute for that to happen.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
SDBurton .
I feel mostly the same way BUT i consider the
arranged mariage
an ordeal that this couple must conquer or defeat in order to power-up their relationship.
So don't worry , your ship is just fine.
Join me in hopes that this will happen !

I will! T_T


One Piece 621-625

Child or not, this kid is a menace to the garden and must be exterminated at all costs.Screwing with my Nami x Robin OTP is a grave offense which can only be atoned with death.
I was searching for a pre-screening for VIdas ao Vento(The Winds Rises), and there was one yesterday in São Paulo, this is what I get for not paying attention to Brazilian anime/manga news sites, but at least now I know Sailor Moon is coming in march.
I still need to see if we'll have the sub for The Winds Rises, because it's an animation it's for kids(yeah, I know it isn't a kid movie), and for kids movies there's always only dubs.
After War Gundam X - 3

Ouch, so Tiffa has a mind-reading ability who feels the pain and fear that enemies feel when they die. This is probably going to do more harm than good when the main character has a massive double laser attack.

I like how Garrod broke out of the cell just so he could go pick flowers for Tiffa then go back to the cell. That was sweet.

Man, the leader of this vulture crew looks like the coach from Gunbuster without the lens flare and the
scar is on his left eye instead of the right.


Nisekoi 7

Nicely-executed all round, I think. If not for the fact that anyone with even a passing interest in this show was doubtlessly spoiled months ago about
Tsugumi's real gender
, I daresay it might even have come as a legitimate surprise to first-time viewers.

After all the complaining in here about the psychedelic sky in the rooftop scene, I was surprised to find I didn't mind it at all. It seemed like a reasonable (by Shaft standards) way of representing the brewing tension between Raku and Tsugumi, and the isolated space in which they found themselves able to converse alone for the first time. Plus it just looked pretty =p


As entertained as I am by Star Driver, I've noticed the three biggest issues I have with it:

1. Forced love triangle. So many girls are interested in Takuto, so he really has no reason to be into Wako. Sugata has a reason, childhood friend. But having two husbandos too hard for her, and these guys dont just leave for god knows why. These characters and their interactions stay static after the first couple of episodes, only the other shrine maidens really seem to have any development.

2. No stakes fighting. Takuto has been established as not being the strongest fighter, but whenever shit is gonna go wrong he pulls another power out of his ass. This is the "fool this isn't even my final form" joke to an extreme.

3. The battles, the best part of the whole show, take like 4-5 minutes of each episode at most. And they all are pretty similar. In fact there's easily a minute out of those 4-5 minutes of battle of him entering the zone, calling his mecha, changing into his pretty boy clothing, and posing after winning. I've been basically watching the same battle over and over again.

As repetitive as the battles were I always looked forward to the battle intro scene. Especially when they played Monochrome. That's such a great sequence.
Ojamajo Doremi Na-i-sho - Episode 7: A Father and Son's Secret

Multi-flavour Taiyaki that you eat like eating Skittles or Jelly Belly. I would go out and try that too. Although
it doesn't have the heart and passion of the Father's Taiyaki though.

Now at the halfway point and I would say that this series has been very consitant in quality so far, all of it has been great!


Strike Witches 2 - 7~12

So in the end, this second season was useless. The ending is very close to what happened in the first season (
with the ship becoming a Neuroi and something being used for power
), and nothing new came from it. Anyway, it was still enjoyable. The panties stealing episode became the bug in the panties, lots of bath scenes in this second half, many crotch shots, and a much better and dynamic fights.
Anyway, going for the last scene, please don't tell me there's going to be a third season.


B]Akazukin Cha Cha OVA 01-03 END[/B]

That was quite cute, crazy and all out fun. Exactly what I want out of silly 80s OVAs.
It was also quite well animated with lively faces. Why is that sort of thing extinct?
Now to wait for Goldfish Panic to finish subbing.

definitely added to my list
Strike Witches 2 - 7~12

So in the end, this second season was useless. The ending is very close to what happened in the first season (
with the ship becoming a Neuroi and something being used for power
), and nothing new came from it. Anyway, it was still enjoyable. The panties stealing episode became the bug in the panties, lots of bath scenes in this second half, many crotch shots, and a much better and dynamic fights.
Anyway, going for the last scene, please don't tell me there's going to be a third season.

Ignoring the fact there is still a movie. But an OVA, which will finish the 501st storyline, and another tv series based on the franchise are announced.


Zero no Tsukaima 05
Louise is OP. Nerf plz. I bet there's an arc like that coming.
Also how the hell did no-one realise what was going on with that golem breaking shit.

2x2 = Shinobuden 03

Good episode full of :SDBurton. Shinubu is still adorable and Wakamoto still kills it.
Strike Witches 2 - 7~12

So in the end, this second season was useless. The ending is very close to what happened in the first season (
with the ship becoming a Neuroi and something being used for power
), and nothing new came from it. Anyway, it was still enjoyable. The panties stealing episode became the bug in the panties, lots of bath scenes in this second half, many crotch shots, and a much better and dynamic fights.
Anyway, going for the last scene, please don't tell me there's going to be a third season.

New season and OVA already announced. Get excited!

Also, there is a movie that follows after S2 that came out a couple years ago. It's more of an extended episode than anything, but it builds off of big events that happen in S2's ending.


New season and OVA already announced. Get excited!

Also, there is a movie that follows after S2 that came out a couple years ago. It's more of an extended episode than anything, but it builds off of big events that happen in S2's ending.
Not to mention introduces a lot of cute witches.


ImoCho 8

Oh boy,
non-consensual fish-induced orgasms in front of random strangers
. That's just kinky.

Quite a sweet episode apart from that, though.
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