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Wireless conection to PC then ICS to PS2 help!


Is it Possible? I've been trying with no sucess.

I have a wireless gateway DSL modem that connects wirelessly to my laptop and I want to connect my PS2 to the Internet through my laptop using internet connection sharing.

I don't want anything else. I have everything ready I just need to know how to configure it.

I have XP, my laptop is
I want to post, but I'm not sure if you can do that. I remember having to tell the client PC that the connection it needed was shared when I set some PCs up once. I could be wrong about this, but how do you tell the PS2 where to get the connection from.

Now, if you got a wireless bridge, say the WGA11B from Linksys, then problem solved right there.


I figured out the problem. My wireless gateway and ICS both dish out the same IP address range= I 've been searching all over and I can't change it in ICS XP. And I cant change it in my wireless gateway either(I can but only for the physical ethernet conection).
So basicaly I'm schrewed!

Edit: OK, I may have lied. I think I can change the IP range in the gateway.
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