We are more likely to see studios make a more specific conclusion. Such as female leads in male-skewing genres not being a good bet if GitS, Wonder Woman, Tomb Raider, Captain Marvel, etc all fail in the next two years. It's pretty obvious that female leads can sell films in more female-centric genres like the Disney fairy tale films.
The counterpoint of course is Star Wars.
I just don't see WW and Captain Marvel failing, but we shall see in due time.Do I believe that Taraji P. Henson is a bigger draw than Scarlett Johansson? Not even close, but she starred in a movie that appealed and resonated with a portion of the mainstream audience and that made a great return on it's investment. Nobody in Hollywood will conclude that Hanson is a bigger draw, just as nobody should conclude that women can't lead action movies.
A couple of my male friends wanted to see Lucy in theaters because the subject appealed to them, but they don't care about Gits. These friends own an Xbox one, don't play Japanese games outside of Nintendo and give zero fuck about anime.
The Star Wars brand survived three trash movies in a row. You could have a Star Wars movie starring a pet turtle and it'd make a killing at the box office. I really don't understand what is this power that the franchise has.
I honestly think it was AotC that truly got a cold reception when it was released. Phantom Menace and RotS hate kind of grew years after they were released.
The original trilogy is what fans still cherish so much and that won't change.
Bad hold for Power Rangers. Seems all the free online advertising only amounted to a decent curiosity bump.
Ninjago is Lego's most successful franchise. They should have good expectations.
Why the hell is the IT trailer so often seen. It makes no sense.
I am not saying that any of those female-led examples will fail (well, maybe Tomb Raider). They could lead to risk aversion if they all do fail though.
Lucy was a big success, but it was also pretty low budget, and therefore didn't have to try and be a four quadrant film.
Those numbers are cheated to hell. They include Facebook and Twitter autoplays. Facebook apparently counts a "play" as 3 seconds.Why the hell is the IT trailer so often seen. It makes no sense.
That was my thought, too. Also, you can buy YouTube clicks.Those numbers are cheated to hell. They include Facebook and Twitter autoplays. Facebook apparently counts a "play" as 3 seconds.
From what I remember it was the inverse: TPM was trashed the moment it came out, while for at least the first year or so after release AotC was seen as better than TPM because "No Jar Jar" and "At least its not boring."
Power rangers was actually good, damn good
So many people won't even give it a chance but man the cast was so good and enjoyable.
Pink's actress is definitely my pick for a low 20's Batgirl movie.
But Power Rangers had good WoM...Once again fans saw it in droves it on opening weekend while bad WoM keeps everyone else away.
It's why I don't understand this narrative about "bad" WOM. Surely my experiences were anecdotal, but every i've talked to in my daily life and around the internet enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to others if they had an interest in seeing it.
That said PR definitely isn't as big as it used to be, and you still have BatB doing it's run and now that Boss Baby movie launching. I do feel we're still getting a sequel. I also feel people put way to much stock in RT scores and they write off certain movies if it doesn't achieve their desired score.
Nah. You're right about AOTC getting a bit of a bump because it wasn't TPM and people were relieved (the narrative had become, by that point, "Kids Suck Jar Jar Sucks Suck Suck TRY SPINNING THAT SUCKS") but the Phantom Menace took awhile to become generally disrespected, though. There were almost no real outright negative reviews, although there were a few that were middling. Fan reaction was high for the rest of the summer. It was around fall when people started really going in on it, and by Christmas, the narrative had started to solidify.
What's funny is that this Alexandra DuPont review from a week before the film came out was, at the time, considered a massive outlier, and was basically discounted outright by many fans/readers.
It ended up being, of course, one of the more accurate breakdowns of the film and it's problems to be printed that year.
I think what may end up being a better example of how a female lead can effect an action movie will be the BO takes of Atomic Blonde vs. John Wick vs. John Wick 2, as long as AB turns out at least decent. There'll still be mitigating factors there (i.e. Summer vs. February open), but I feel like it'll be a decent comp.
Power rangers was actually good, damn good
March 2017 ended up being the biggest pre-summer month in box office history at >$1.16B
That includes May. Outside of July, there have only been two Junes (2013 and 2015) and two Decembers (2015 and 2016) with larger monthly grosses.
So many people won't even give it a chance but man the cast was so good and enjoyable.
Pink's actress is definitely my pick for a low 20's Batgirl movie.
She looks and sounds like buffy era Sarah Michelle Gellar
What, SMG was hot as in the early Buffy days. >_>that's...not a compliment.
Damn, that review was spot on.Nah. You're right about AOTC getting a bit of a bump because it wasn't TPM and people were relieved (the narrative had become, by that point, "Kids Suck Jar Jar Sucks Suck Suck TRY SPINNING THAT SUCKS") but the Phantom Menace took awhile to become generally disrespected, though. There were almost no real outright negative reviews, although there were a few that were middling. Fan reaction was high for the rest of the summer. It was around fall when people started really going in on it, and by Christmas, the narrative had started to solidify.
What's funny is that this Alexandra DuPont review from a week before the film came out was, at the time, considered a massive outlier, and was basically discounted outright by many fans/readers.
It ended up being, of course, one of the more accurate breakdowns of the film and it's problems to be printed that year.
Oh wow, Power Rangers almost matching GitS in its second Saturday.6.5M Saturday for GitS according to RTH. That is horrid and pretty much locks up a sub 20M OW. The Boss Baby's Saturday gross may top GitS entire OW.
The Boss Baby - 20M
BatB - 19.8M
GitS - 6.5M
Power Rangers - 6.2M
Damn, that review was spot on.
So many people won't even give it a chance but man the cast was so good and enjoyable.
Pink's actress is definitely my pick for a low 20's Batgirl movie.
Yep, not too far off from boxofficemojo predictions.Power Rangers had a decent Saturday given the Friday number. I would guess $14.5-15M for the weekend. Down 62-64% from last weekend.
When the DreamWorks logo came up, I was reminded that Disney was releasing the movie at one point. They must be glad they've got nothing to do with it now. Still, it might be saved by the international haul.People running away from anime like the plague.
Disney had it right all along, releasing Ghibli's movies in limited form only!
yo that would be awesome
seriously, I really liked Power Rangers. I've probably thought about it every day since I saw it. I hope they make a sequel with the same cast.
People are already declaring victory over it, unaware that the overseas box office might save it.Jesus. Mega bomb incoming for GitS. I knew it was going to be bad, but I thought it would gross at least around $30 million. To be sub-20 is horrendous.
Pretty much killed any chance for a sequel.
Not going to lie. I feel bad for the filmmakers behind GitS. With the whitewashing controversy and now the poor box office results, it just sucks to see something people worked so hard to build just completely crater. I'm sure they didn't mean to offend anybody. Actually, I'm not sure what they expected when they set out to make an adaptation of a Cyberpunk anime movie.
Man, what a disaster.
But Power Rangers had good WoM...
People are already declaring victory over it, unaware that the overseas box office might save it.
People are already declaring victory over it, unaware that the overseas box office might save it.
Is there even material for a Gits Sequel? I thought it was only one movie?
...Are you sure on this?That Black Widow movie was never gonna get made, but it is now definitely never gonna get made. People are done with ScarJo.
No, but even I'm starting to grow tired of her performance of Black Widow....Are you sure on this?
People are already declaring victory over it, unaware that the overseas box office might save it.