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Woe is the Dolphins

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LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Houston owns Miami.


I'm a Dolphins, but what ever gets Wanstedt out of there. If everyone has to get hurt, so be it. Just fire his sorry ass already. And please, someone buy the team from Huizenga! He's already ruined 2 Florida teams, he's working on a 3rd now. The Dolphins never had a shot. :(


No one wants to play against the Texans.

Ricky Williams RETIRED to not have to face Houston in a SCRIMMAGE
Quincy Carter PURPOSELY failed a drug test so he didn't have to face Houston in the first preseason game.
Now David "WHACHUGONNADOOWHENTHESE49INCHPYTHONSRUNWILDONYOU" Boston is out with a torn something or other. Coincidence?

It's only a matter of time til Ward/Maddox/etc goes down with an injury for week 2 of preseason
Ahahaha, oh man. Can it get any worse? I think most Dolphin fans, myself included, hope they do go in the (fish?) tank at this point. Get rid of Wanny, get good draft position for once.

Hopefully the Dolphins will turn the fucking screws on Ricky. Bury him in legal paperwork, attempt to get as much money back from him as they can, and when he decides he wants to come back for more ganja funds and play for ol' buddy Norv in Oakland, make the Raiders pay a steep price. Otherwise Ricky can rot. This bullshit with him talking about Oakland a week after 'retiring' has me seeing red.


Well, we partied like drunken heathens when the Marlins won the series, and most of us were just jumping on the celebration bandwagon. I guess this is our come-uppance. :( It's ok, I'll cry my way through this season and look towards some big upsets. So long as we sweep the Jets, I'll be satisfied. But we're not off to a very good start right now. And Wanny isn't a very good coach. He sucked with the Bears, and he sucks right now. When things go south, he always looks to be on the verge of tears. The players seem to like him, but the fans don't. Especially when he's giving that bum Fiedler a bunch of snaps again. Oh well, this is what we deserve for neglecting the QB position. Our goto RB flakes off and now our third receiving option is possibly down for most of the season. I think Boston was supposed to be playing the slot at least. Normally the wheels are supposed to come off the Fins bandwagon at the end of the season. It's not playoff time yet. This collapse is totally premature. :( PEACE.


Hopefully the Dolphins will turn the fucking screws on Ricky. Bury him in legal paperwork, attempt to get as much money back from him as they can, and when he decides he wants to come back for more ganja funds and play for ol' buddy Norv in Oakland, make the Raiders pay a steep price. Otherwise Ricky can rot. This bullshit with him talking about Oakland a week after 'retiring' has me seeing red.

Oh, I see someone else read the Miami Herald sports page today too. Yup, I saw that. I'll pretend I didn't though. My feelings for Ricky can't get much worse right now. :( PEACE.


I read the thread title, and I was like "Hey! We still got two of the best WR's in the league:Chris Chambers and David Boston!" Entered the thread and "David Boston injured."


If Boston wasn't pumped up on roids this wouldn't happen.

As a Bears fan, I can't say I'm disappointed in any problems that arise for Wanny.


Out for the year? Jesus Christ. Well maybe Miami will stop relying on their superstars and actually make it to the playoffs?


Well, we partied like drunken heathens when the Marlins won the series, and most of us were just jumping on the celebration bandwagon. I guess this is our come-uppance.

Speak for yourself. I sure don't deserve it. I've followed the Marlins since day 1 in 1993, and have followed them since. I'm no bandwagon fan. :p

It doesn't matter who the Dolphins have as players or as a coach. Huizenga is the true plague. Everything he touches is ruined. He's slowing ruining the Dolphins right now. He needs to be kicked out of town, now!


Drunky McMurder
The 0-16 dream can become a reality, Miami!

Your team can set records for futility! Your running back retires, your star wideout blows his knee right off his leg, and your quarterback was a third string player last year!

You gotta believe!
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