Just some quick impressions as I'm knackered and need to go to bed
Did the first three chapters and so far I really like it. Overall the weapons have sounded great so far, especially the assault rifle, but I must admit I'm disappointed with the double barrels sound. It just isn't good enough. Playing Rage only yesterday even showed it up.
The other thing that really sticks out is how laid back it is. It's not like COD where you feel 'PUSH ON! MOVE UP!', you can walk about the levels and do a bit of exploration and get into skirmishes along the way. The AI definitely isn't too bright but I've found it to be on the fun side of dim, especially if you're stealthing a level or at least trying to stealth until you take out a commander. I did get surprised at least once when I walked through a doorway and a fuckin Nazi was lying front down on the floor shooting at me

Combat's been fun, nothing mindblowing but some nice blood and seeing Nazis go down like a sack of spuds is a blast. Overall I would say I prefer Wolf 09's combat so far but remember I'm a big Raven fan and like their style. Might be different for you.
Storywise I absolutely love how serious it, BJs voiceover has been great so far. The Nazis are real pieces of shit in this and really make you want to kill them. It's ludicrous in a serious way instead of campy and I really dig that.
Obviously it's far too early too judge it as a game overall but it's a damn solid shooter which I'm enjoying quite a bit. Still a long way to go but if there's some nice twists and turns and MachineGames vary things up along the way I reckon it'll be a solid purchase. We shall see!