K so just go to the very beginning of the
level, impressions from running maxed on PC version.
1) Textures on guns and enviroment are by no means great as others said, but I think the game is saved by it's character models, blood effects, animations, and overall art direction. Appreciative of the FOV slider, but confused on the lack of AA option considering others in the performance thread have found a console launch command to implement it. Game runs buttery smooth, which is great.
2) I think an auto-pick up like in the previous wolfensteins or flatout less "stuff" to pick up may help, feel like I'm spending too much time just ravaging about for supplies "just cuz" even though my overcharge is being used for walking around doing nothing. Every area cleared of enemies is then given a "sweep" for supplies, which I feel takes too long and slows down the game too much. Maybe giving breakable crates a more disinguishing look would have helped with this. They are fairly spotable already, but I've still mistaken some static boxes for ones I thought I could break.
3) Perhaps this is because I'm simply still early in the game, but the silenced pistols are ridiculous for stealth, headshotting guys across the level like it was nothing, makes the stealth piss easy. Again, very early on, so harder enemies might negate this.
4) Others have said already, but some better sound options are needed, voices are too low, especially in cutscenes. Not horribly low, but low enough that I feel they should be louder. Also feel their is a strong lack of music often, I'm not sure what sets the music off, but for stealthing it just feels depressingly quiet, and even when I got in shootouts sometimes it remained quiet.
5) Not a critique, but a tip to those who have mouse 4/5 buttons on their mouse, set your lean to that, I found it much easier a far more natural to have it their rather than left alt.
Edit: Oh, and I felt wicked cool when I figured out in the lever secret in the bunker all by myself. 10/10, would sleuth again.