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Woman spent a rumoured £2million on cosmetic surgery...worth it?

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Thanks for the link, now I'm going to get nightmares.


Daily Mail said:
The American socialite has been nicknamed the Bride of Wildenstein and dubbed the world's scariest celebrity by a plastic surgery website.

She looks like Carrot Top's mom.


*drowns in jizz*
Im not going to look at the fucking pic. I have no urge to. Theres little on this earth that disgusts/horrifies me more than extreme plastic surgery. Something about it just makes me uneasy.


Bizarrely she based her remodelled look on exotic wild cats
Has anyone here ever in their entire life seen a cat that LOOKS LIKE THIS:


To think that there may be jungles full of these things is the scariest part of the whole story.
I had to turn on my TV just now so I wont sit in silence, that is how scared I was of that picture. I am really thankful to Food Network and them playing Good Eats this late at night.
Truly the stuff nightmares of made off, horror movies use thousands of dollars to get something scary looking and make me not even half as scared as I am of her. :(

I don't know if I'm supposed to feel sorry for her.

But I love cats, so I'm disgusted she even attempted to compare the two.
Holy crap @ that pic.

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.


Seriously though, I'm waiting for Fred or Daphne to come up from behind her and pull that mask off so she can say "....and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you MEDDLING KIDS!"





The Amiga Brotherhood
I remember a programme on the UK about her with a plastic surgeon getting very angry about how people were still carrying out operations on her when she was clearly not suitable for it.

Feel quite sorry for her, it's obvious she's being taken advantage of and it's all spiralled out of control.


G***n S**n*bi
I seldom propose this but... suicide. Seriously if you spend that much money to achieve a look for your self and are still unsatisfied after all these years... maybe you should just give the fuck up. Hire someone to kill you without you knowing when they will do it. Something like that.

fistfulofmetal said:
That is shit awesome.


See, the thing is her original face is actually far better than anything that cosmetic surgery gave her. So all of those money were wasted for nothing.


Aliens ate my babysitter
So she spent his money, I assume, to look like a fucking monster in order to keep him from divorcing her? Good call.

oh, and kill it with fire!


I was reading a magazine once and turned the page to only to see her face staring back at me. I almost dropped the magazine in shock.


1998 was about bearable...should have stopped there at the very least.

I really don't think theres anyway to save her face at this point.
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