Hmm, off the top of my head.......... lets see.
bench press
incline bench press
decline bench press
incline flys
decline flys
dumbell bench press
dumbell incline bench press
dumbell decline bench press
dumbell curls
incline dumbell curls (my fav)
hammer curls
seated rotating curls
barbell curls (close grip)
barbell curls (wide grip)
barbell curls (21's) * I love these
concentration curls
seated dips
over the head dumbell press (2 arms)
over the head dumbell press (1 arm)
nose breakers
over the head barbell press
close grip bench press
dumbell kickbacks (I love these)
side latteral raises
rotator cuff exercises (work rear delts)
dumbell overhead press
*I don't recomend overhead barbell press*
barbell rows
dumbell rows
chin ups
There are many ways you can still vary these exercises, ( and trust me, there are many more, those are just a few I thought of off the top of my head)
You can always lift a particular exercise heavy, then the next time you can lift high reps instead, or you can do drop sets, which is basicly lift heavy till you can't lift anymore (lets say 4-6 reps), then as soon as you're done drop the weight and lift 2/3 or 1/2 the weight you just liftedand lift this as many times as possible. That's considered a sngle drop set, dropping the weight 2x would be a double drop set. Just don't do this too often or you can overtrain, I tend to drop set for each muscle 1 or 2 times a month.
Then there's the principle of supersetting, and many others, just look up workout principles on google for a huge gathering of ideas on how to vary your ruitine.
That's not all, say you do flat, then decline, then incline in that order on chest day, next time reverse the order, and always keep it changing.
Another idea is to not do the muscle groups in the same order evry month, chest maybe mw&f, and the rest on the other days, try alternating the days so its opposite every week.
Be imaginative and always change everything about your ruitine and you will grow like mad, just make sure to always be carefull, never cheat unless it's pasrt of the cheat principle, and eat right.
Don't forget timeing of the correct combinations of fat/carbs/protien are equally as important considring without it, you won't grow.
Always remember this, you break down muscle when working out, and you rebuild it when your'e resting and eating correctly, so don't overtrain, listen to your body, and make sure your diet fits your goals and daily lifestyle.