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World Of Warcraft -->advice and excitement thread...

Ok, so I'm pretty pumped that this game is finally launching. I've stayed away from MMORPG's for awhile just so I wouldn't be burned out when this bad boy launches. Anyway, my question is this...

To all you guys/girls that have been through or are in beta, what would you recommend I choose for a class? I'm usually a warrior type, just because I like being right in the frontlines of battle. However, I'm thinking I want to try something new. I want to have a lot of fun this time through and I don't think being a straight up warrior will do the trick this time. So far this is what I'm thinking of:

Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue, Hunter or Druid

*The stealth/backstab of a rogue sounds kick ass, but I'm afraid of being a puss character thats always hiding and can't hold his own.
* Druid sounds awesome with their shapeshifting abilities, but I don't want to turn into the token buff machine either
*Hunter can charm animals and and track things... cool Ranged attack.. NICE! But will they get their ass handed to them in close combat or can they handle themselves well enough?

What do you think I should do? How balanced are the classes? I don't want to get into a situation where my character will totally suck at higher levels because of balancing issues. Also, how's soloing so far? Part of what kills other games in the genre is how soloing sucks balls... How does WOW stack up in this aspect?
Omg. WoW is far and away the most solo-friendly MMO out there - there's tons of content that's solo-able, and yet other tons of content that's effectively group-only. Best balance of that I've seen in a while. So that shouldn't be a concern for you.

As for classes, I wouldn't worry about the straight-up warrior being "boring" or "just a tank" or whatever. Warriors are incredibly versatile (right now they're a little overpowered in the beta, but I'm sure that'll get fixed) and fun to play - my warrior friend pops off more abilities in combat by far than I do with my mage. As for Druids, they're awesome - and anything but buff machines. For one, they have *one* buff (the best in the game), and it lasts for a half-hour or hour, I don't remember. For another, they have tons of other things they can do. For a third, WoW isn't nearly as buff-centric as a lot of other MMOs *cough SWG cough*. I'd consider the Paladin if I were you, too - they're more defensive than Warriors, but they own undead hard and are incredibly difficult to kill. Rogues, OTOH, are one of the easiest classes to kill, but they arguably have the highest sustained damage in the game right now. And they look totally sweet =P

As for me, I'll be blowing the higgity-hell out of stuff with my mage for the next few years. Blizzard (the spell and the developer) for life!


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I am going crazy from WoW withdrawal. (This is like my 15,000th post saying that btw!)

For the GAF guild... I was thinking we should choose a GAF horde server and a GAF alliance server, since you can only have characters of one faction on each server you choose. (And Horde and Alliance cannot group together or even communicate at this point)


MrCheez said:
I am going crazy from WoW withdrawal. (This is like my 15,000th post saying that btw!)

For the GAF guild... I was thinking we should choose a GAF horde server and a GAF alliance server, since you can only have characters of one faction on each server you choose. (And Horde and Alliance cannot group together or even communicate at this point)

This is a good idea.
As a Rogue I can say that rogues can hold their own and can sub-for a warrior when needed in a pinch. If you have a group of 2 rouges or more then you can do some pretty serious damage.

I would say if you are looking for something different then try the rogue. Plus we don't draw as much aggro as the other classes.

MrCheez said:
(And Horde and Alliance cannot group together or even communicate at this point)

The undead can communicate with the Alliance.

As for Rogues being easy to kill I disagree. Tactical use of blind and vanish insures that we have a longer life span than others.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
w00t :)

Clip, what I'd do if you're still undecided is just make as many characters as you can in Open Beta. Mess with both factions, mess with tons of classes, and mess with tons of tradeskills. Then you can have a great start at release. :)

Also, as I said in the other thread.... I'm predicting open beta in 1-3 weeks. You heard it here first! ;)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Tommie Hu$tle said:
As a Rogue I can say that rogues can hold their own and can sub-for a warrior when needed in a pinch. If you have a group of 2 rouges or more then you can do some pretty serious damage.

I would say if you are looking for something different then try the rogue. Plus we don't draw as much aggro as the other classes.

The undead can communicate with the Alliance.

Actually, in the last patch they took common away from Undead :( They have "gutterspeak" now.

As for rogues... I adored my rogue in the PvP server and I literally felt more powerful than any class I've ever played in MMOs. I was mopping the floor with players 3-4 levels higher than me, easily.

However.... Rogues have been kind of nerfed since the stress test. :( Hoping they get beefed right back up.


I'm gonna be an Undead Warlock :D

I cant freakin wait for this game!! Bye bye FFXI / CoH accounts. Maybe I'll cancel them now.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Np. I am obsessed and and have been spending way too much time on the WoW forums since the stress test. =P

El Papa

I can't wait for this game, I had an epic time playing in the stress test. My main was a NE druid, really fun. I tried an undead mage, which was cool, and a human rogue (didn't get very far though). I'll probably have a grip of characters/classes, all the ones I tried where fun.
MrCheez said:
w00t :)

Clip, what I'd do if you're still undecided is just make as many characters as you can in Open Beta. Mess with both factions, mess with tons of classes, and mess with tons of tradeskills. Then you can have a great start at release. :)

Also, as I said in the other thread.... I'm predicting open beta in 1-3 weeks. You heard it here first! ;)

Your thread is what got me all pumped up in the first place. Can't wait!

I want to go kick my mom in the face and whail on a guitar!!


I'm definately not playing Undead at launch. Gear looks like ass on my toon, and they replace your immunities with undead versions anyway.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
clipunderground said:
I want to go kick my mom in the face and whail on a guitar!!


You have summed up how I feel about WoW perfectly!
Too pumped for this game. Withdrawal has been a bitch.

Gonna be a gnome mage for retail. I'll be starting up my own guild and I'd love to form an alliance with what will come to be an uber-powerful, all-knowing guild such as GAF. :p
Night Elf Rogue and Dwarf Fighter were what I enjoyed the most in the stress test. I'll probably focus on the Rogue in the final release first.


I love the game so far, I've been in the beta for about 3 months and have a few characters. 51 Orc Warrior, 17 Human Mage, and 11 Undead Mage.

This has been the greatest MMORPG I've ever played (out of EQ1, Asheron's Call 1 & 2, Anarchy Online, DOAC, and Galaxies) It's been the most fun, and the most beautiful out of all the others. There's so many cool little things you'll find out once you're playing that you'd never think about, but really add to the polish. There's tons of easter eggs too. I'll just give you one fun one. About 3 levels ago I took on Linken's quest. I recieved the master sword and Linken's boomerang as a reward. I also met Dodonga, who aparently dislikes smoke. :D But there's tons of this stuff that you'll come across that's hilarious. There's a bunch of references to other video games, personalities and pop culture. It doesn't detract from the game world in any way, but gives you just enough to chuckle.

Anyhow, can't wait for the release to start all over again with my guild from the start.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
OMG Those Zelda references are so freaking awesome.


Edit: (Is it just the name or does it look like it too? :) )


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Mr Pockets said:
MrCheez did you ever get on the other way?

Maaaybe... <.< >.> Ehehe, it actually got boring pretty fast. =/ Was still interesting though, thx for the info!


Grandma's Chippy
Depends what server you got on ;)

One I was on they had monsters doing less damage (all seemed the same) and all kinds of high level critters running around. I killed horses for 500 xp per and got to level 5 in a few minutes..hehe...then I killed some dinosaur things and they were like 1800xp each...

Then I was high enough to explore without worries...I swam to the bottom of the ocean and the server crashed.

Good times :D


For what it's worth my 3 favorite classes in the beta are currently Rogue, Shaman, and Warrior. For retail I will probably go Shaman or Warrior depending on what the rest of my friends are.


Too bad Europe and America cant play on the same sever. GAFers will be split up ohh nos.

Anyways, Im all for a horde and alliance server. The next question being. PvP server or no?
I'm probably going to just make a troll mage again. They are so fun.

Hunters have seemed really good so far. I've only played to lvl 30, but they are barely below mages in dps and can hold aggro with pets. If pets get some interesting pet abilities (Mounts pls), then they shall be awesome.

I refuse to give alliance a chance though.


Grandma's Chippy
WoW & COH are pretty different games...but ok.

I have seen people get bored by COH fairly quick...haven't seen that with WoW yet.

To each his own :)
My friend was on the beta and he was druid and paladin and he said (at that time) the druids were under classed. Pretty much there animal forms were week and there spells were also week.

I was going to go Dwarf cleric but now that it seams so solo friendly, and we know clerics are da suck when it comes down to throw down time I might go Pally

Grey Fox

I loved my hunter in ST.He'll be the first one I make in open beta/launch.Hunters might not be up to par yet with the other classes,and some of their spells need work(aspect of cheetah anyone?).Still,I had a lot of fun with him.

Edit:Oh yeah,I'm also dying from WoW withdrawal.


I was going to go Dwarf cleric but now that it seams so solo friendly, and we know clerics are da suck when it comes down to throw down time I might go Pally

There are no clerics in this game so I'm going to assume you meant priest. Priest are excellent soloers and also needed for instances. Every class in this game can solo very very well. Don't let old conventions from previous MMORPGs influence you.
hiryu said:
There are no clerics in this game so I'm going to assume you meant priest.

I've tried every class but Warrior, Druid, and Shaman in the beta, and I'm gonna go with a Priest for my final. I think. I was worried they'd be too lame to solo, but their "shadow" disciplines give them good DoT and damage, they can equip wands, they can train in quasi-decent weapon, and they can heal themselves almost indefinitely. They're way more formidable than you might expect. The Warlock was definitely the hardest to solo with, though that might be due to the general borkedness of the Warlock in beta more than any particular design decision. ;)

Fubuki, my punky undead Priestess.


I have a few questions. I just read some on the WoW forums, and it seems like a lot of talents haven't been implemented yet.. and as of now Undead are the only race with racial traits? Someone said Humans at one point got extra skill points, but that was taken away?

Are these comments true? This would make me think that the game isn't anywhere near release. I know people are always going to bitch about classes/jobs, but it seems like their is quite a bit of balancing left to do also.

One last question. How does PvP work? Is it only allowed on the designated PvP servers, or are they just wide-open 24/7 PvP. If you are on a non-PvP server are their arena's or something where you can go to combat people? Do you lose EXP if you die? Does your loot drop, so it can be stolen? What are the negatives of losing in PvP, basically.


I'm excited about WoW's imminent release, but I'm not looking or reading anything more until this game is released.

/me ignores all WoW threads

As of now there are NO penalties for losing in PvP (or anywhere), except obviously having to run back to your corpse from the cemetery. If you CAN'T (or don't want to) run all the way back you can resurrect at the cemetery for a loss of 1/20 of the exp needed for the next level (if next level takes 100000 exp, you lose 5000 gathered so far).

You can't loot other players, you can't even pickpocket them. WoW is designed thoroughly to prevent griefing and to be user-friendly. You WON'T see maxed level orcs hanging around Northshire Vale killing beginning lvl 1 humans, simply because it won't be possible. More fun for all.

They will implement an honor system to enforce this. Fighting above or equal level characters will give you honor, which in turn gives your faction points and yourself special rewards. Fighting lower levels (obviously you can fight back if THEY attack first) lowers your honor.

There is PvP on all kinds or servers. Difference is where you can start a fight. Regular servers only let you start PvP by either attacking NPCs of the other faction. Then anyone can enter PvP with you. Or you can simply type /pvp to enter it manually.

PvP servers have zones that are allied, neutral or hostile. In allied zones you are always safe unless you start a fight. In neutral zones anyone can fight. In hostile zones anyone can attack you but not the other way around (since those are the other side's allied zones, obviously).

I prefer the regular server since there IS PvP if I choose to (when there are raids on towns, etc), but I can go about my business most of the time. On PvP you will start getting chased pretty much after lvl 20 and up. And a lvl 20 is pretty much as chanceless against a lvl 60 as a lvl 1 would be. Hopefully this will also be taken care of by the honor system.

Oh, and there will be arenas where it's free-for-all PvP on all servers. Don't know if that includes alliance vs alliance though.


Is it true about the game forcing you to connect to a server specific to your region? I'm from Singapore (that's in Asia for those not in the know) and I'm not too keen on playing with the damn Koreans. That also means that I can't get in on the GAF guild.....

Anyone confirm this?


I've got a question for those who have played the Beta a lot: How is the loot? One of the things that keeps you going in Diablo 2 is the incredible variety and range of power in the items that can drop, I'm hoping it is the same in WoW.
I don't know how it works for non US/Korea/Europe areas. They will enforce servers to begin with, but after a while they will allow playing on servers in other regions. This is one of the few things I dislike with the game.
About the loot, it's hard to say since I haven't played Diablo 2. There are LOTS of things to find at each level and for all kinds of characters. Some people complain that everyone looks the same at a given level, but I think that may be elitist bullshit. Sure, if you make a list of the very best optimum equipment and spend a few hundreds of hours tracking everything down, you will obviously look the same as anyone else who did the same thing. Still, I've never witnessed this phenomenon. On the other hand, that might be because I don't stand around in towns with other lvl 60's doing nothing :)

It's often exciting to loot. Even "rare" items are relatively common. I've found a bunch of them over my 500+ hours played. Most "uncommon" items also sell quite well at the auction house, so it's quite easy to gather money, especially on higher levels.


I've got a question for those who have played the Beta a lot: How is the loot? One of the things that keeps you going in Diablo 2 is the incredible variety and range of power in the items that can drop, I'm hoping it is the same in WoW.

It's not as good as D2, but they still have random stats, like Defender shield of the boar or wolf, ect. I guess they put in set items too, but I'm too low leve to have seen any yet (29).
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