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World of Warcraft approahces - all signs point to a Nov. release (And OpenBeta soon!)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
And man... I hope it's true. Feels like we've been waiting forever for this game. Here's the buzz and things I've noticed over the last few weeks:

- http://pc.ign.com/articles/553/553685p1.html?fromint=1 Vivendi is clearly pushing Blizzard to hit a November release date. Rumors of this fact have been floating around for awhile before IGN put up that story and linked to their earnings report or whatever. And really, Blizzard would be crazy to miss Black Friday and the x-mas shopping season anyway.

- EverQuest 2 is suppose to be coming out in mid-November. Since both WoW and EQ2 are MMOs, most people who buy one will not buy the other (for at least a few months). Whichever releases first will have an edge saleswise over the other, I'll bet.

- The last WoW patch... came out a little over a week after the previous one. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is by far the closest two patches have been released together.

- No new beta testers will be selected. Blizzard's community reps have switched from telling people "You'll have a chance in the next phase!" to "See you in Open Beta!"

Now, I know quite a few people (mostly people in the beta probably) will be concerned with this, if it's true. If WoW is going to hit in the middle of November, that means it has to go gold at the end of this month. And there is still quite a bit that seems like it has to be finished.

However, since it's an MMO... I have no doubt that they will be working on the game up until launch day and even after the CDs are pressed. (This additional work will just be patched in the first day). It's also important to note that a mod on the WoW forums has mentioned that Blizzard employees are currently working 15 hours a day with no weekends. :eek:

I find it kind of odd that they haven't given a release date at all yet, and most likely won't till 2-3 weeks before release. You'd think by this point they'd be pretty sure about a deadline and whether or not they could meet it. Oh well.

What all of this also means... is that Open Beta is probably in a week or two. ;)


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I hope this is true. Hell, they could have just released the stress test and just patched everything else into it and I would have gladly paid.


Grandma's Chippy
I always thought OB would be mid October to late October....just because of past Blizzard games...but no rush for me. I'd rather it be finished.

As for the EQ2 or WoW thing...

I think it will balance out. TONS of EQ2 people will likely NOT play the sequel because it "isn't like the first one" so they may therefore try WoW and stay. That works both ways though...I figure after a month, both will find their niche and steadly increase their subscribers.

The real battle will be won with content & patching. If EQ updates like the first game while WoW has semi-regular updates, then that may turn the tides. Too many other games do free monthly updates so if both these games don't update frequently, then they will just stagger.

All my opinion of course....

Either way, it's WoW for me so no worries about EQ.


The beta seems quite a bit more polished than the stress test, so it seems everything is in place for the open beta occurring soon.

However, I can't foresee the open beta lasting so short for a game so big as this. I think they still have a chance to make a 2004 date, but December would be more likely, considering this is Blizzard after all.


The Pilgrims really meant to give the Native Americans WoW on Thanksgiving. Buying WoW is fundamentrally American. Go USA!!


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I really wouldn't be suprised if Open Beta was 1-3 weeks. It's really more of a larger-scaled stress test than anything else, especially since closed beta has been for months upon months now. In fact, I really think they are going to announce open beta this week. @_@

Personally, while I agree that there still seems like a lot that needs to be done... I think Blizzard will iron out the low-level content and finish and fix up all the character talents, then ship that baby.

Why not patch in the last bits of high-end game polishing and finishing touches a week after release? Even the most hardcore powergamers did not get past 45ish during the 10 days stress test.

Releasing in December instead of November would be a huge loss of sales for them, IMO.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Duckhuntdog said:
In case most of you missed it, this is a Blizzard game, a delay is... inevitable.

Their original promotional material said the game was going to be released in 2003. @_@


Blizzard games don't really need Black Friday to sell in the millions. It'll do fine whenever it's released.

I can feel the hate I'll probably get for saying this, but I really hope this gets pushed and takes the time to be 110%. The last thing they need is to have a gigantic patch issued the day before the game hits shelves.


They do need to stress test the content/update download servers as they've been using a bitorrent client.


Grandma's Chippy
Well I have not been in the real beta, but from what I have seen playing the last patch, there are a lot of nice little changes...it looks a lot more complete so the open beta has got to be close.


they call me "Man Gravy".
not good. All the people I know in the beta say the game isn't anywhere near their original promises or the original expectations. Lots of work needs to be done still.

Oh well, another dev bowing to the pressure of their publisher. Release a half-finished game and patch it up later.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Bahh, those people are crazy. Granted my experience with the game only covers a week of playing non-stop, but I adored it.

Calling it half-finished is far from the truth. It is still missing some content, yes, but it is also close enough to a finished product that one month of crunch-time from the devs should be fine.

When I said they can just patch stuff in later, I meant the sort of small missing things that people were suggesting they push the game back a few weeks for.


Heh, Europe's very first push started 2 days ago. The German and French translations aren't even done. I don't think they'll lauch next month.

(And I still haven't been selected for the Beta, What the hell are you waiting for Blizzard!!!)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
True, but the game is releasing next year for them. Their closed beta is continuing after the game launches in the US.
The latest patch seems to have been about five steps backward from the ST. There are so many new bugs and performance problems it's scary. As a whole, yes it looks more polished, but that's about it.

And I'm curious as to what the original promises/expectations were. Content wise there's very little to be disappointed with imo.


Grandma's Chippy
BTW...I was referring to the client, the layout, little stylish touches...the "look" overall seems more pollished.

As for the gameplay...can't say as where I was playing there wasn't too much going on :D


Son of Godzilla said:
The latest patch seems to have been about five steps backward from the ST. There are so many new bugs and performance problems it's scary. As a whole, yes it looks more polished, but that's about it.

And I'm curious as to what the original promises/expectations were. Content wise there's very little to be disappointed with imo.

These are mostly due to the new animation system introduced, which is being worked on very hard at the moment. More details can be found in the patch notes.
Heh. If you listen to the whiny-arse tester community, you'd think that WoW needs another year of work.

Chill, ye of little faith! When was the last time Blizzard let us down?
Open BETA!?!?! YES!

time to remake my orc....hey aero...you gonna be on horde side again? or are you gonna try to sell out again?

if horde, then we gonna have to hook up again



Fixed2BeBroken said:
Open BETA!?!?! YES!

time to remake my orc....hey aero...you gonna be on horde side again? or are you gonna try to sell out again?

if horde, then we gonna have to hook up again


Im going for Tauren Druid main initially, i might change though. I have no freaking idea honestly. Ill probably be switching characters alot untill I find something I really like.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I think I'm gonna mess around with Alliance as much as possible during Open Beta, then I'm positive I'm playing Horde for retail with a bunch of buddies. :) Probably going to make another Troll Rogue. :D


I'm going to be an Undead Warlock. :O

From what I've played in the WoW stress test, if they hash out some of the crashes / bugs people are having, they should be able to release by December or January. People saying "release when finished" you forget this is an MMORPG. It's NEVER finished. They'll release it when the game reaches minimal bugs, semi-balanced classes, and a good amount of content. They are well on their way to all 3 of those.
I finally got a mount. Started saving around lvl 37 with 20 gold, got to 100 halfway through 43. The game really picks up when you hit Stranglethorn. Place is so awesome. I'm tempted to give up my account to a friend so that the rest of the higher level stuff is fresh.

Oh, I can't see myself ever making a character that isn't a troll.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
All my chars in the ST were trolls, and I plan on playing one at release. They just plain rock. :)

"Who you want me kill??"


I wouldn't be suprised to see it come out in late november. Only need one more talent tree for Warlocks, and all talents for Paladins and Hunters which will be in next patch. The levels are maxed out so that gives them a few weeks to make sure classes are balanced. I'm pretty sure that all areas they plan to release in the beta have been. They have already said that they will not release the raid stuff in beta. If the battlegrounds are going to be in the shipped game they will need to add them soon to beta. That gives them about 5 weeks to do that and don't forget this is an MMORPG. It's very easy to add stuff with or change stuff with patches and is a common practice. They have also said that Hero classes will be added for free in a patch after the game goes live so they don't need to test them in beta. Also, they have internal testing which is a few steps past the closed beta at the moment. I bet open beta only last around 2 weeks and starts early to mid November. As for EQ2 if it comes out in November it will be a horrible game. From stuff I have read they are about as far along as what WoW was in April.
November 16 or 23? That's the only question.

Oh, and I don't expect the Open Beta to last any longer than the ST. Look for 10 days to be the tops Blizzard will allow. I'm thinking early November for the OB, all the way up to maybe 3 or 4 days before release.


I'm currently in the middle of another Diablo 2 addiction and now WoW is finally nearing completion. I'll just HAVE to give it a spin.
What is it with Blizzard and their games that makes them crack-like?

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