That's that dead, then. Living Steel is now the same price as Living Steel Belt Buckle. Both 1200g on my shitty server.
Also, Yoshi's playtime might seem crazy to some of you, but your playtime is crazy to a lot of people I know. (ie, any). It's all relative.
Oh AND! Where's confirmation about the ~155 rares? Or are people just seeing, for the first time, the crapload of rares they added to old zones with Cata?
6 days and two tickets later the Battle Helm of the Thunder King quest is still bugged in my server. I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow's reset.
Well it will, until the event crashes again. Then you'll be screwed again til next reset. You'd better do it asap after the reset.I do sincerely hope that the reset fixes it. :<
Holy fuck! That's impressive. What did you do to earn that much? I've never even had more than 10k, my gold making skills are absolutely dreadful :lolHonestly I cannot complain if gold making completely crashed today, it would actually free up a lot of time for me. I broke the 500K profit since expansion launch mark last night and that is well beyond anything I hoped to achieve. I actually feel like I might see gold cap within the next few months at this point.
Holy fuck! That's impressive. What did you do to earn that much? I've never even had more than 10k, my gold making skills are absolutely dreadful :lol
Does skinning make any money these days? Accidentally hit max level with it while questing yesterday. It's pretty much the only high level profession I have on any of my characters.
First few days I just sold all of my Ore as bars since it was stupidly profitable and then leveled up my Blacksmithing. Doing the Ore->Bar shuffle made decent profit for the first week as well. You would pay 15-20G for two pieces of Ore and sell the bar for 25-30G, free money. After that I just cornered the market on crafted PvP gear. You have to be ruthless, but at its height I was making 20-30K a day just from that. Like was mentioned earlier Belt Buckles were a decent money maker for a while as well, but that market has crashed.
Honestly it was just applying lessons I learned at Cataclysm launch. That was my first real push to make money at the start of an expansion and I learned a lot doing it. One thing I wish I had done though was stocking up on items that have gone up in price. Illusionary Bags I am looking at you.
Yeah I made a decent profit on bars, pvp gear, and belt buckles in the cat launch. Didn't level my BS alt tho or plan to for a while.'
I wanted to level a monk right off the bat, which I did slowly, and I had 0 professions from that.
Lore: I can't wait until Wrathion is revealed as evil.
Yeah the PvP gear thing has been doing decent despite several people coming in and being completely idiotic with their pricing. Thankfully those same people list their items and then walk away until they expire. When they keep not selling due to undercuts they eventually give up.
What is the cooking mat shuffle again? Is it something with farming and fishing? I don't think I wanna fool with that. I'm probably just retired from the AH.
What is the cooking mat shuffle again? Is it something with farming and fishing? People buying stacks of fish to turn into groceries and then tokens? I don't think I wanna fool with that. I don't like farming. I'm probably just retired from the AH.
Once you get to a certain point in the cooking quests out at Halfhill you are able to trade in a stack of cooking materials for an Ironpaw Token which you can then use to buy another stack of cooking materials. So you find out what is selling low and trade it in for something selling high. For instance yesterday I bought like 10 stacks of Raw Turtle Meat for around 100G a stack and turned it into Scallions which were selling for 450G.
Pretty much trading meat in for vegetables, as vegetables are in a much shorter supply than the meat. You can do it either via buying the meat (if profitable) or farming/fishing it yourself.
Ah, cool thanks, I might do that.
I'm never buying BOE gear again. I think I have enough gold for all the outstanding mounts I want. I'm not gonna do black market auction house. The only think I'd want is mimi's head or ashes and if that ever pops up it'll probably go for millions and I'm not gonna put that much effort into making money.
Actually - and I'm sticking my neck out here, I know - that strikes me as too obvious. He's a child of Deathwing, he is being positively Machiavellian behind the scenes...
...I'm thinking that a fun curveball would be if he ended up as Chaotic Neutral.
So Blizzard decided to stick ~155 new Rare mobs in 5.1...
This is shaping up to be a very crazy patch.
Wonder what other surprises they have in store for us?
Yeah the funny thing is I keep acquiring all of this gold, but I really am pretty frugal when it comes to spending it. So I pretty much have 700K gold just for the sake of having it. I might start getting involved in GDKP runs this expansion though since my guild cannot field a raid and I am not sure I want to be on the hook to raid every week anymore. As long as I am somewhat consistent in doing the runs I should not be looking at losing a ton of money by doing so.
Has Blizzard ever said anything about pooling currencies account-wide in WoW like Diablo III?
I've only ever seen two Pandaria rares and one of them was a bug guy in Four Winds that utterly kicked my arse.
I did find a ghost though that when spoken to gave me a grey item that had the text "+15 Woodworking". Wonderful.
Haha, I still remember the fun we had in your server!Only 2? Damn man, they are all over the place.![]()
Haha, I still remember the fun we had in your server!
Only 2? Damn man, they are all over the place.![]()
Yeah, I know, I'm just never lucky. Maybe I should install that NPCScan doohicky.
I always despise having to use things that aren't part of the game to play the game.
If you don't have NPCScan, that's probably why.
Yeah, I know, I'm just never lucky. Maybe I should install that NPCScan doohicky.
How do you clear the cache?Yeah, if you have NPCScan and keep the cache clear, they pop up like crazy.
How do you clear the cache?
Just delete it, straight up ._.? Will it create a new one automatically?Delete this file:
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb
Delete this file:
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb
Has Blizzard ever said anything about pooling currencies account-wide in WoW like Diablo III?
They mentioned they'd like gold to be account wide, but I doubt other currencies would make it to that system.
I have to say that I would be in favor of account wide currencies 110%. It would be nice to not have stuff like cooking rewards and darkmoon fair tokens tied to characters. If you grind it on any toon, then any of your other toons should be able to use them IMHO. I mean why not? Having to grind all of those little currency circles on multiple toons is like the one thing left that is non-alt friendly. If they made both currency and reputations account wide, well then we'd be free to level up any new toon we wanted and switch mains completely independent of negatives, you would only really need to play to gear up and be ready to go. Which would be AWESOME.
I don't see any reason to be against this, from anyone's point of view...?
How many times do you have to clear cache? And you have to quit, than delete and than go back in game?
I had the exact same problem against a healing Pandaren rare. Blood elf ret paladin, so I was able to fist her and arcane torrent her, but then when both those were still cooling down, she'd go and heal again. Annoying. Must've been fighting her for 10 mins before a dwarf landed and helped out.
Just delete it, straight up ._.? Will it create a new one automatically?
Yeah, if you have NPCScan and keep the cache clear, they pop up like crazy.
Speaking of that though, I finally ran into a Pandaria rare I couldn't solo. It was one of the Pandaren rares in Dread Wastes. I couldn't keep interrupting her heals, since I'd run out of interrupts and she'd heal like 2-3 times in a row.
Ended up having to have a guildie help me kill her. (In retrospect, I had about 2 more interrupts I didn't think of using...stupid me
6 days and two tickets later the Battle Helm of the Thunder King quest is still bugged in my server. I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow's reset.