You know, I've tried combat every expansion since vanilla and never once enjoyed it.
But I actually had fun in a bg as outlaw today, I didn't expect it, it's just combat with a gun shoehorned into it and bandits guile removed right? But I had a whale of a time, even RtB's rng funhouse stuff.
Sub was a lot of fun too, I'll miss old shadow dance, but sub is wayhayhayhay too good, literally unkitable, not to mention that healing when in dance/stealth.
Something will have to give, it's got too much, you're literally a god.
But I hate backstab and shadowstrike being different abilties, haaaaaaaaaaate, whatever idiot at blizzard who decided they should both
a) remove the dance bar
b) make them be 2 separate abilities.
Should be slapped in the face. Either or would be fine, but both is incredibly dumb.
Assassination I wasn't really feeling, super bleed damage is fun but without giving up vanish (especially since we don't got prep anymore) for a super rupture I didn't feel like I was that fun and feel a lot more vulnerable than both combat and sub. The loss the dispatch really kills me.
And man, after messing around with transmog on my ptr rogue (femnelf) and now on my live rogue (UD) it really hit me how shit gear looks on undead, they have the best animations but it's so hard to do anything for them transmogwise.