I kinda feel like Demonic Empowerment should be a self buff that you have to keep active. It's super weird to have a core ability that is near impossible to keep track of who it's active on.
Question to people who boosted a character: did it screw up your bag order? Example, when things go into your inventory instead of going to the first bag with available slots it will always be put on the bottom one?
It's a minor thing but annoying as hell![]()
Loot heading to the left or rightmost bag should still be a basic interface option under controls.Question to people who boosted a character: did it screw up your bag order? Example, when things go into your inventory instead of going to the first bag with available slots it will always be put on the bottom one?
It's a minor thing but annoying as hell![]()
Asmongold just released a video for all of the PvP gear vendors if that helps...I need a list of every single vendor in the game that sells transmog gear, ideally sorted by zone...
Asmongold just released a video for all of the PvP gear vendors if that helps...
Loot heading to the left or rightmost bag should still be a basic interface option under controls.
Alright guys. I have a plan. We lure the entirety of the Legion along with Sargeras to Azeroth. We have Algalon send Reply Code Omega. Azeroth, Sargeras, and the Legion are annihilated. We escape on a repaired Exodar. Nothing can go wrong with this plan.to Draenor, where we live out the rest of our days in our garrison.
Asmongold just released a video for all of the PvP gear vendors if that helps...
Is most of the gear buyable with gold or is it other currency?
Fel Adventurer mog =)
Edit: Maybe this fits the scheme a bit better
I have decided on my Demon Hunter's name.
=) felt like making something more unique than everything else.dat green
Which enchant/illusion gives the greenest weapon glow?
Oh come on! Why cant I enchant my shield? :|
Half ass'd mog system! *madface*
Breath of Yu'lon i think
I can't recall, but I don't think off-hand/shield enchants had any visual effects?
Alright guys. I have a plan. We lure the entirety of the Legion along with Sargeras to Azeroth. We have Algalon send Reply Code Omega. Azeroth, Sargeras, and the Legion are annihilated. We escape on a repaired Exodar. Nothing can go wrong with this plan.to Draenor, where we live out the rest of our days in our garrison.
So are the Wrath timewalking dungeons fucked up or something? Joined a group and the tank kept getting killed in two or three hits and I didn't have time to heal.
Got hit for 18k in a single attack and I have about 26k hp
You just got a shit tank.
So is disc a secondary healer/DPS class now? Or have they just completely doubled down in their efficiency for raiding? Because I tried to heal a dungeon yesterday as a disc priest and it was an absolute nightmare, I had to swap to holy halfway through.
So is disc a secondary healer/DPS class now? Or have they just completely doubled down in their efficiency for raiding? Because I tried to heal a dungeon yesterday as a disc priest and it was an absolute nightmare, I had to swap to holy halfway through.
There's a uh, pretty significant flaw in this plan
The titans are all dead, so there is nothing to respond to Reply Code Omega.
There's a uh, pretty significant flaw in this plan
The titans are all dead, so there is nothing to respond to Reply Code Omega.
Check mate. Still, still you got the pilots tho. You know they are the reason it all failed in the first place.Their response could be an automated system, though. *shrug*
It was like that at the start of WoD. Don't worry, you'll be solo healing mythic by the end of the expansion.
Should I switch from Brewmaster to Windwalker? The ability's seem better to me, and touch of death is in there. Didnt brewmasters used to have that too?
Alright guys. I have a plan. We lure the entirety of the Legion along with Sargeras to Azeroth. We have Algalon send Reply Code Omega. Azeroth, Sargeras, and the Legion are annihilated. We escape on a repaired Exodar. Nothing can go wrong with this plan.to Draenor, where we live out the rest of our days in our garrison.
There's a uh, pretty significant flaw in this plan
The titans are all dead, so there is nothing to respond to Reply Code Omega.
Their response could be an automated system, though. *shrug*
Check mate. Still, still you got the pilots tho. You know they are the reason it all failed in the first place.
Some of you clearly didn't read the World of Warcraft Chronicle! Some nerds you claim to be. Some light spoilers below
"In his final act before departing, Aman'Thul commissioned the constellar Algalon the Observer to serve as the world's celestial guardian. The possibility that the world-soul could become corrupted was one the titans could not ignore. Should that come to pass, Algalon had the power to initiate a procedure that would active the Forge of Origination, purging the world of life and any corruption that was present."
This device resides in the Halls of Origination in Uldum. It was actually activated once, but had been configured to only affect Uldum's area.
Some of you clearly didn't read the World of Warcraft Chronicle! Some nerds you claim to be. Some light spoilers below
"In his final act before departing, Aman'Thul commissioned the constellar Algalon the Observer to serve as the world's celestial guardian. The possibility that the world-soul could become corrupted was one the titans could not ignore. Should that come to pass, Algalon had the power to initiate a procedure that would active the Forge of Origination, purging the world of life and any corruption that was present."
This device resides in the Halls of Origination in Uldum. It was actually activated once, but had been configured to only affect Uldum's area.
I gave no idea how we got so lucky but my guild us going to have just enough time to get every raider a archimonde mount plus have one extra to sell. No one, even our newest recruits will be left out. That feels good
Retcon fuckery! The actual Algalon encounter makes it clear it's a signal that goes out into space, not a trigger for anything already on Azeroth. I cede no authority!
Retcon fuckery! The actual Algalon encounter makes it clear it's a signal that goes out into space, not a trigger for anything already on Azeroth. I cede no authority!
I guess it goes into space, gets authorised, then a signal comes back that turns the Origination Thingy on. We wouldn't have had a chance to alter the signal otherwise (though I guess what we didn't know is it would never be authorised anyway)
After Icecrown it all went to hell.
After Icecrown it all went to hell.
what do you mean?
It was generally the end of the major plot threads still going after Warcraft 3. Cataclysm and beyond is when Blizzard actually had to largely come up with "new" stuff for expansion lore.
what do you mean?