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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004

Dr. Claus

Lol, patch 8.01 is the worst I've ever seen. Unsubbed instantly. Damn, I was having fun and almost unlocked Void Elves and Lightforged Dranei. Logged in for that patch, Artifact is now worthless, leveling garbage, regular mobs are like elites.

Guess Blizzard is just sending this to die finally. I had a feeling this is what was happening with this expansion, but I didn't expect it to be so blatant. I guess they just want to give it a big 'Battle Royale'esque send off with their MMO PVP and call it good.

I even bought the next expansion but I won't be playing it now, that patch is easily one of the worst I've ever seen. Guess old school MMOs are finally dead, maybe Pantheon will finally come out at some time in a playable state.

Blizzard stated the Artifact would become useless after 8.0 and we even had an entire questline to deal with that. How exactly is leveling garbage? The mobs do not hit any harder than before unless you are just horribly geared (which you shouldn't be given the tremendous amount of catch-up mechanics for gear available right now).

As for MMO PvP/Battle Royale, what are you smoking?


Lol, patch 8.01 is the worst I've ever seen. Unsubbed instantly. Damn, I was having fun and almost unlocked Void Elves and Lightforged Dranei. Logged in for that patch, Artifact is now worthless, leveling garbage, regular mobs are like elites.
I don't see it. If you enjoyed Legion you probably will enjoy BfA since it looks like more of the same.
Personally, I haven't been interested in retail since MoP so I haven't bought BfA and I think it will stay that way.
I've also not been interested in the story, partly because they gutted almost every single relevant character from my faction for the last 4 expansions but also because I don't really like Christie Golden as a writer.
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what are you smoking?

Nothing, which is probably the reason why I can't enjoy this terrible patch.

And yes I realize the Artifacts would be useless, but the way they handled it was terrible. Without any patch to improve it, it just ruins Legion as an expansion outright. I know the pre-patch is coming next week, but really a week with nothing? Why was this even done? I guess if they just don't care about old content, but that's obviously not the case since they made old content harder. Obviously to increase the amount of hours played despite ever-decreasing subs. I did hear how this patch might be, and I was prepared to drop it like a bad habit if it was as bad as I thought. So that's what I did.

I don't see it. If you enjoyed Legion you probably will enjoy BfA since it looks like more of the same.

I liked it because it reminded me of Everquest around PoP era, and a couple other times since, when you could go to PoT and get tons of OP buffs and just have fun going around the world doing what you want. Legion felt like that with the artifact, I didn't see anything wrong with that. I could go enjoy any content I want. Now, it appears I'll have trouble going back and soloing old raid content for mounts/other things. And I just don't want to bother with that, so I just won't play BfA. I did submit for a refund for BfA, doubt I'll get it but hey why not. Time is greater than money in this case for me anyhow.

The forums are full of this and it's really not what I want. I get other people love this sort of patch, like the One Tamriel patch in ESO. I however uninstalled ESO the second I realized what they did to it. This is on the same level for me, only probably worse overall since it's forcing Blizzard's version onto an old Theme Park MMO. It just doesn't work like that. I don't want to grind/struggle against old content I either did or could solo'd in prior months, that isn't fun in the least.

I was ready to make several new alts with the new races and play through them, but it doesn't sound appealing at all with these changes. This was going to be my own personal swan song with WoW, it just ended earlier than I anticipated.

Edit: Btw, I'd like to update this by saying that Blizzard graciously refunded by Battle for Azeroth due to my concerns. So, at the very least I don't like the patch or direction it's going, but they're refunding me my purchase of the expansion. I didn't use the boost/unlock any of the new races, and apparently the boost is tied to the refund for anyone else curious. So don't use it if you want to refund.

So thanks Blizzard. I hope everyone that likes this patch/expansion enjoys it, it's just not for me.
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Man, the forums are going apeshit about the fact that the Alliance is getting warcrime'd.

#notmyhorde lawl

Can't wait to set fire to that tree.


hey dudes i played a shadow priest up to the end of burning crusade, loved pvp.

how's the pvp in this newest patch and expansion? the bounty stuff sounds really neat, i always wanted that. is there a good youtube video that breaks down spriest changes?

Dr. Claus

hey dudes i played a shadow priest up to the end of burning crusade, loved pvp.

how's the pvp in this newest patch and expansion? the bounty stuff sounds really neat, i always wanted that. is there a good youtube video that breaks down spriest changes?

The PvP I feel is the best it has ever been. I can almost always find enemy players to fight and there is a constant presence of community with party and raid groups forming to fight the enemy faction. If I ever just want to relax and not PvP, I can hop to Stormwind or Orgrimmar to turn off War Mode with little issue.

As for Shadow Priest, it isn't a spec/class I normally play. I suggest looking at Icy Veins as a quick guide to see what has changed and how it currently plays: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/shadow-priest-pve-dps-guide


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So I'm pretty new to WoW, and ended up meeting mostly Horde-supporters. However, as I played and learned more, something seemed a bit off, so I did research.

I've done extensive study of the fundamental properties of the WoW universe: light, void, and twisting nether. I studied their relation to mysterious dieties (such as Elune and Earth Mother), titans, old gods, and void lords. I studied the events of WoW history in relation to different characters affiliations with these forces and beings and observed what purposes and reasoning they espoused and what effect the ultimately had on WoW history, whether beneficial or detrimental to the common convictions and aims of every society.

I concluded that the Alliance is most often rightly affiliated with the underlying forces which establish and uphold the common good, although they may personally abuse the good once it is established. The Horde often have rightly ordered desire for common good, yet more often try to achieve it by affiliation with forces most often understood as common evil, most often through ignorance but unfortunately sometimes exalted to positions of power despite full knowledge of foul affiliation. Alliance members can be corrupted as well, but are usually then turned upon.

Light may be a power agnostic in itself, but its affiliations increase the likelihood of either the maintenance of the common good in everyday function of life, or required capacity to uphold and defend the good against corruption and assaults. Arcane, void, and nether power sources likewise seem possible to wield without affiliation, yet with an increased concentration of utilization there is an increased likelihood of gaining the attention of evil forces that will corrupt or assault life itself.

Therefore, while I would say Alliance is overall the better pick for upholding the continued stability of life that all desire, this does not prevent persons within it from being jerks in themselves without affiliations with any great underlying forces or affiliations. Furthermore, the potential to be corrupted seems to be greatly increased when extreme sources of power are cultivated or when power is sought through arcane, void, or nether sources. The most common fault of Alliance heroes seems to most often manifest in a tricky Catch-22 where mercy for those with dark affiliations allows great horrors to manifest, yet to vanquish such affiliated persons with too great a disdain leads to being corrupted oneself.

Still, Horde is a much riskier affiliation, especially when their present warchief is so deeply wrapped up in underworld forces and having been appointed by religious convictions of one troll who worships seeming underworld forces that do not seem quite as trustworthy as, say, nature spirits worshiped by the Tauren and Night Elves. Being a paladin or druid in the Horde would seem to be in essential conflict with political affiliations that keeping a united Horde requires, much less the greater personal conflict of needing to approve/assist many activities that the Horde takes on and powers that it taps into in order to fight the Alliance. No one wants to be exterminated in war, yet one can't be short-sighted in the aims of preserving their life with respect to historically demonstrated essential universal dangers, despite ways that the Alliance can be jerks.

Due to this conflict of interests and looking at the long history of events, I wouldn't have much hope in being a good Horde member like a Tauren who would succeed in turning it around and away from dark affiliations. It makes more sense to be a Draenei or Elune-serving Night Elf if desiring to serve good with utmost personal integrity to ones aims. Alternatively, a Human paladin would be less "aware" in terms of the "reasons behind it all" yet would be in best position to influence the Alliance to not socially be jerks with the power and stability their rule has been bestowed/entrusted with by the light. It seems more possible than bettering the Horde since Alliance evils more often happen by personal fault than subversion by powerful cosmic beings.

Granted, a lot of people won't get that far into it or may choose just because they resonate with a particular race or maybe like to go ham and fully support evil, but I think many may also choose based on the society that they enjoy and later on after learning some history, have to do some soul-searching about whether what they are involved with is really working to secure what they care about. I think the Mag'har Orc are making a nice opening to explore that aspect of things, especially in interaction with the Tauren. Blizzard also seems to be making room for intentional self-contradiction, like if you wanted to be a Demonology Void Elf fighting for the light.


The Horde changed so much from W3/Classic where they were just a ragtag group of races that were mostly fighting for survival and being misunderstood to a full on war machine. People were draw to the Horde because they were the underdog, which is not the case anymore.
I think this post from 4chan explains it better than I ever could. (For context, the post he is quoting was talking about how blood elves don't fit the horde)

It's why I disagree with a lot of the current lore and it's not helping that they retconned so much and they keep doing it. At this point, to me, it just feels useless to keep up with the lore.
Blizzard also seems to be making room for intentional self-contradiction, like if you wanted to be a Demonology Void Elf fighting for the light.
This has been the case for a long time and it's mostly just for gameplay reasons. Undeads can be holy priests even though light hurts them, goblins can wield the light because of their greed (I mean, I like the concept but I still think it's bullshit) and NELF females can be druids and males can be priests and even though that was not the case originally.
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I think the Horde has long had a bit of inner conflict with the inclusion of the Forsaken (specifically Sylvanus' Forsaken, as she's the only leader they've every had) in an organisation that doesn't always align internally ("Why would the Tauren follow Sylvanus after she did X?"). The current storyline is either a clever way of settling things once and for all...or it's Blizzard's writing being ass for the sake of pushing forward the "hey, it's an old school war again!" narrative. We're getting Garrosh 2.0, some sick twist or a lame cop out as the war gets interrupted by forces which require cooperation again.

Either way, I think it's a safe bet that Sylvanus won't be around in 2 expansions as anything other than a legacy raid. Personally I think it's time Malfurion, Sylvanus, Tyrande, Khadgar and Thrall go away so we can have stories that don't always have to take them into account to make sense. (Where the fuck are Khadgar and Thrall during the current events? The house is literally burning to the ground!)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The Tauren need to ask themselves: Does it really make sense to honor being saved from one extinction by helping a friend of your saviors to drive you into another extinction? Or to drive another race to extinction?

Dr. Claus

The actions make perfect sense to me. Sylvanus has defeated the elves, tried to break their spirits by killing Malf and failed to do so, so she sets her sights on their home.

As someone who has been firmly planted on Alliance since launch back in '04 - I am glad to see those hoity toity tree huggers lose their city. Fuck 'em. Sylvanus did a good.


Why would anyone follow Sylvanus? She did a lot of weird stuff. I wonder what she'll do next.

Well. I'm thinking she's going to Azerite bomb something. Or at least attempt to, and we'll have to stop her.

Tbh I'm not sure why she hasn't plague bombed Stormwind yet. It wouldn't be hard, and once that was done she'd have an avenue to do the same to Ironforge.


I think the Horde has long had a bit of inner conflict with the inclusion of the Forsaken (specifically Sylvanus' Forsaken, as she's the only leader they've every had) in an organisation that doesn't always align internally ("Why would the Tauren follow Sylvanus after she did X?"). The current storyline is either a clever way of settling things once and for all...or it's Blizzard's writing being ass for the sake of pushing forward the "hey, it's an old school war again!" narrative. We're getting Garrosh 2.0, some sick twist or a lame cop out as the war gets interrupted by forces which require cooperation again.
She went from killing her own people for being immoral and disobeing her in WotLK to being a immoral herself but only in order to defend her people in Cataclysm to "I want to kill anyone that's not the Horde". I'm definitely feeling some Garrosh 2.0 vibes here.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Already had an arrow drawn and can't even fire a miss? Come on, Alleria.


Darkness no more
I was going to skip BFA but I want to play now. I have warrior and mage at 110 on alliance, along with most other classes sitting at 100. I kind of want to use the boost on a Tauren warrior and play that for BFA. I’d have to abandon all my other character though.
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Ok, so after 4 hours with BFA:
- The new Horde city is terrible. My condolences to anyone without a good rig, because Blizzard sure as hell stopped caring.
- The writers really, really liked Black Panther.
- Trooooooolls. Trolls. What's over there? Trolls. All the trolls. Plus new ones. I think there are like, at least 12 or 13 kinds now.
- So far the zones are standard fare. Do the handful of quests for the npc, kill the one rare and pick up the one chest, follow npc to next area, repeat. No zone objectives, no treasures like in Warlords.
- Story makes sense until the moment you arrive in the zone, then rapidly breaks down to the point where you're not sure if you're the only sane person left.

Man, I hope the Alliance side is better. It sure as hell can't be any worse.



Darkness no more
I was hoping the story would be more centered around alliance vs. horde after all the big pre expansion events. The alliance side seems to be three zones about helping some pirate people so they will give you some boats.

Maybe better stuff will get mixed in as I play more.
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I kind of feel the draw to play, some kind of withdrawal symptom, but I'm going to skip it. WoW has just completely lost most of its draw in terms of gameplay and interest in the world. Nothing worth spending 45 euro + 13 euro in subscription to play.
I do miss MMORPGs and I had hoped we'd see the next generation line of them, but with Everquest Next being dropped and other genres being prioritized, it's looking dim. I might try out WoW Classic once it comes out, playing it rather casually and enjoying the nostalgia.


I’m having fun. Quit the game in 2007 and started up again a few months ago. Lots to take in. I regret not experiencing Legion to the fullest but BfA seems promising so far. Any mature, laid back guilds on Dalaran looking for Shaman (H), Hunter (A) or Druid(A), feel free to shoot an invite to Steadyhoof, Zarbit or Zootid, respectively. Tough to decide who to concentrate on first. Loving that Enhance shammy...


The Horde swamp zone is butt.

Let's fight some undead Trolls (of which there are like, 4 kinds at least). Then some ghost Trolls. Then some blood Trolls, shadow Trolls, berserker Trolls...so that we can recruit some Troll spirits to assault the crazy Trolls who are angry at the city Trolls and have taken it out on the village Trolls. Sprinkle in some Dinosaurs at every turn, and serve with a side order of fuck your fps.

And that's a third of this expansion' leveling content for the Horde, with the other zones (which are admittedly better) being filled with Trolls as well. I'm not getting the sense that they were pushing themselves expansion.
The Warbringers cinematics made me really want to play the game again, especially Jaina's, but I doubt Blizzard will ever be able to handle what they seem to be going with in it, so I doubt it'll be anything interesting (especially considering what I've read from others. I can't really accept Jaina being named Lord Admiral as going well, considering she pretty much fucked over her own father). I disliked the context of why Sylvanas burned the tree as well and the screaming at Nathanos when he didn't immediately start the burning of the tree.


Hitting 120 tonight. The third Horde zone (the troll capital) isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and has actually had some surprises.

For Horde players: I would definitely either get Nazmir out of the way first, or leave it until you're packing Heroic dungeon gear. Of the 3 zones it is by far the worst, with at least half of it being repetitive, uninspired bullshit. It gets good at the end, but you're going to fall asleep before you get there. Vol'dun is great. Zuldazar is great, but is also (obviously) geared towards easing players in.

In terms of difficulty: to be frank, I died four times questing from level 110 to 119. Once was because I was afk, twice because I misjudged a jump and then once in actual combat. The expansion world content is easy. It's probably tedious as a tank, and annoying as a healer, but if you're DPS just go nuts. Azerite gear comes with enough passive healing to keep your downtime low. Buy some goblin gliders and you'll be able to move around pretty easily. Vol'dun is mostly flat, Zuldazar has hills to glide off and Nazmir is almost entirely one flat swamp.

This weekend is going to be nuts. The current lag is going to increase as everyone with a job jumps on Friday night.

Dr. Claus

Almost done with the Alliance stuff! Hit 120 on Tuesday after finishing Drustvar and 70% of Stormsong Valley and worked my way through the majority of Tiragarde Sound. I think I am on the final "culminating" quest chain for the alliance stuff (not counting the War Campaign) and I am absolutely in love with these zones. Hot damn they look beautiful and remind me so much of what I loved about Northrend and Pandaria. Excited to hop into the horde side next week (as I need to get geared first for my mythic raid team).

From what I heard, the Horde zones are also fantastic with a killer performance by Bwomsandi and I cannot wait.


So I hit max level, and scoured the world for world quests. It's a weird experience: the world at 120 is obviously tuned for gear way above mine. I'm thinking at 320 - 330 enemies should stop being punching bags. Atm it's kind of rough, and I get the feeling a LOT more complaints are going to come Blizzard's way as the casual players hit 120 and find they're weak as all hell.

Did a few dungeons. I like their layouts and they're obviously pretty as all hell, but...the trash, man. There's a lot of it, and it's lethal. A lot more lethal than the bosses. The Shrine of Storms is a goddamn murder pit. I am not looking forward to Mythic (especially with the current tuning in play). I haven't started heroics yet, but I keep hearing horror stories.

And then there's the new Azurite armor system, and how it's completely broken. I'm just going to use my experience as an example: I find 2 chest pieces. Same ilvl. Same Azurite abilities. Except the one requires a vastly lower HoA levels to unlock the abilities than the other. So that's 2 pieces of armor with the same stats, except the one will only be usable in a month's time. That makes no sense. I thought I was missing something until the Reddit/Official Forum threads started appearing with other people encountering the same thing. You know how awesome it is to find a piece of armor that you'll only be able to use in a month? ...not very. Something is broken with the system.

And island expeditions are pretty much DOA. Lots of work, enemies are brick shithouses and Blizzard can't balance it because they insist ANY part comp should be able to do it. Good luck on heroic with anything other than 1 healer/2 x DPS. The expeditions are effectively on a time limit. If you get a tank, healer and mediocre DPS you are fucked. If you don't have a healer you are fucked. Oh, and the rewards are mediocre. Once Mythic+ is out no-one is going to run expeditions.

I know I'm complaining a lot, but I think it's nothing Blizzard can't address with a nice, beefy 8.0.2 update. As more people hit 120 the outcry is going to escalate on some of the issues I've mentioned.


Darkness no more
Finished Tiragarde Sound yesterday. The quests were really boring and I found the zone to be a very bland looking mountain. I moved on to Drustvar next and this zone seems to be much better.

Playing fury warrior it is rare to see my HP ever drop below 95%.
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Dr. Claus

So I hit max level, and scoured the world for world quests. It's a weird experience: the world at 120 is obviously tuned for gear way above mine. I'm thinking at 320 - 330 enemies should stop being punching bags. Atm it's kind of rough, and I get the feeling a LOT more complaints are going to come Blizzard's way as the casual players hit 120 and find they're weak as all hell.

Did a few dungeons. I like their layouts and they're obviously pretty as all hell, but...the trash, man. There's a lot of it, and it's lethal. A lot more lethal than the bosses. The Shrine of Storms is a goddamn murder pit. I am not looking forward to Mythic (especially with the current tuning in play). I haven't started heroics yet, but I keep hearing horror stories.

And then there's the new Azurite armor system, and how it's completely broken. I'm just going to use my experience as an example: I find 2 chest pieces. Same ilvl. Same Azurite abilities. Except the one requires a vastly lower HoA levels to unlock the abilities than the other. So that's 2 pieces of armor with the same stats, except the one will only be usable in a month's time. That makes no sense. I thought I was missing something until the Reddit/Official Forum threads started appearing with other people encountering the same thing. You know how awesome it is to find a piece of armor that you'll only be able to use in a month? ...not very. Something is broken with the system.

And island expeditions are pretty much DOA. Lots of work, enemies are brick shithouses and Blizzard can't balance it because they insist ANY part comp should be able to do it. Good luck on heroic with anything other than 1 healer/2 x DPS. The expeditions are effectively on a time limit. If you get a tank, healer and mediocre DPS you are fucked. If you don't have a healer you are fucked. Oh, and the rewards are mediocre. Once Mythic+ is out no-one is going to run expeditions.

I know I'm complaining a lot, but I think it's nothing Blizzard can't address with a nice, beefy 8.0.2 update. As more people hit 120 the outcry is going to escalate on some of the issues I've mentioned.

As a Ret Pally I am not finding it too difficult to defeat enemies at 120. Things take a bit longer than Legion, but it is still on par with most early max level experiences I have played over the years. The Island Expeditions I am loving and have done a number of heroic/pvp variants with little issue. They take a bit longer due to the gear, but even with 3 DPS it still works pretty well. You just need to utilize CC to properly survive, especially when you do the PvP versions and possible horde/alliance come to ruin your day.

As for dungeons, that all depends on the players and gear. I just did three quick heroics for the Pride of Kul'Tiras storyline and we rushed through them pretty quickly at around 310-315 ilvl with only a few close scrapes when we over pulled.

As for Azerite, that seems like a glitch. The Azerite Gear should scale with the item level. The higher the item level the higher HoA level you need (Which is why Mythic raiders will need much higher HoA levels to use those azerite pieces that drop from mythic raids). If you have two that are the same ilvl, they should have the same HoA requirements. Send in a bug report to blizzard on that.
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Neo Member

Hey all! Ive gone through and found some pretty cool easter eggs in the new expansion, ranging from tv icons from our childhood and iconic games!
If you have any that you'd like to see that you have seen let me know!


Neo Member
So I'm pretty new to WoW, and ended up meeting mostly Horde-supporters. However, as I played and learned more, something seemed a bit off, so I did research.

I've done extensive study of the fundamental properties of the WoW universe: light, void, and twisting nether. I studied their relation to mysterious dieties (such as Elune and Earth Mother), titans, old gods, and void lords. I studied the events of WoW history in relation to different characters affiliations with these forces and beings and observed what purposes and reasoning they espoused and what effect the ultimately had on WoW history, whether beneficial or detrimental to the common convictions and aims of every society.

I concluded that the Alliance is most often rightly affiliated with the underlying forces which establish and uphold the common good, although they may personally abuse the good once it is established. The Horde often have rightly ordered desire for common good, yet more often try to achieve it by affiliation with forces most often understood as common evil, most often through ignorance but unfortunately sometimes exalted to positions of power despite full knowledge of foul affiliation. Alliance members can be corrupted as well, but are usually then turned upon.

Light may be a power agnostic in itself, but its affiliations increase the likelihood of either the maintenance of the common good in everyday function of life, or required capacity to uphold and defend the good against corruption and assaults. Arcane, void, and nether power sources likewise seem possible to wield without affiliation, yet with an increased concentration of utilization there is an increased likelihood of gaining the attention of evil forces that will corrupt or assault life itself.

Therefore, while I would say Alliance is overall the better pick for upholding the continued stability of life that all desire, this does not prevent persons within it from being jerks in themselves without affiliations with any great underlying forces or affiliations. Furthermore, the potential to be corrupted seems to be greatly increased when extreme sources of power are cultivated or when power is sought through arcane, void, or nether sources. The most common fault of Alliance heroes seems to most often manifest in a tricky Catch-22 where mercy for those with dark affiliations allows great horrors to manifest, yet to vanquish such affiliated persons with too great a disdain leads to being corrupted oneself.

Still, Horde is a much riskier affiliation, especially when their present warchief is so deeply wrapped up in underworld forces and having been appointed by religious convictions of one troll who worships seeming underworld forces that do not seem quite as trustworthy as, say, nature spirits worshiped by the Tauren and Night Elves. Being a paladin or druid in the Horde would seem to be in essential conflict with political affiliations that keeping a united Horde requires, much less the greater personal conflict of needing to approve/assist many activities that the Horde takes on and powers that it taps into in order to fight the Alliance. No one wants to be exterminated in war, yet one can't be short-sighted in the aims of preserving their life with respect to historically demonstrated essential universal dangers, despite ways that the Alliance can be jerks.

Due to this conflict of interests and looking at the long history of events, I wouldn't have much hope in being a good Horde member like a Tauren who would succeed in turning it around and away from dark affiliations. It makes more sense to be a Draenei or Elune-serving Night Elf if desiring to serve good with utmost personal integrity to ones aims. Alternatively, a Human paladin would be less "aware" in terms of the "reasons behind it all" yet would be in best position to influence the Alliance to not socially be jerks with the power and stability their rule has been bestowed/entrusted with by the light. It seems more possible than bettering the Horde since Alliance evils more often happen by personal fault than subversion by powerful cosmic beings.

Granted, a lot of people won't get that far into it or may choose just because they resonate with a particular race or maybe like to go ham and fully support evil, but I think many may also choose based on the society that they enjoy and later on after learning some history, have to do some soul-searching about whether what they are involved with is really working to secure what they care about. I think the Mag'har Orc are making a nice opening to explore that aspect of things, especially in interaction with the Tauren. Blizzard also seems to be making room for intentional self-contradiction, like if you wanted to be a Demonology Void Elf fighting for the light.

This was such a good read! Where did you get your sources from? WowWiki? Wow Chronicles?
Due to this conflict of interests and looking at the long history of events, I wouldn't have much hope in being a good Horde member like a Tauren who would succeed in turning it around and away from dark affiliations. It makes more sense to be a Draenei or Elune-serving Night Elf if desiring to serve good with utmost personal integrity to ones aims.

>Night Elf
>serve good

The really arrogant, gender-split society of xenophobic, isolationist people?
And if you cut down their trees they'll straight out murder you.
"These green-skinned brutes have no respect for life. Slay them in Elune's name!"

Basically a militaristic zealous priesthood who'll wreck you if you as much as thread on a leaf. Lead by a woman that loses her brain when it comes to men.
Usually the Night Elves are connected to the problem they're fixing as well.
I like Night Elves though and if the game had allowed for it, the various parts of the alliance and horde could distinguish themselves culturally, showing that all in all there's completely different interests they have in mind that might run counter to the interest of their alliance/horde.


Every BlizzCon, we look for opportunities to bring new aspects of the experience to our community around the world. This year, we’re excited to announce that for the first time ever, BlizzCon Virtual Ticket holders will join BlizzCon attendees as the first people to play the World of Warcraft Classic demo we’re creating for BlizzCon at home.
Shortly after the BlizzCon opening ceremony on November 2 (on or around 1pm PDT), players will be able to download the same in-development BlizzCon WoW Classic Demo that will be playable on the show floor. Players will have a chance to explore and enjoy a limited questing experience through a pair of classic early-level zones—one Horde and one Alliance—and experience firsthand our recreation of the original Azeroth.

Once the demo is live, you’ll be able to play until 10am PST on November 8, giving BlizzCon attendees a chance to check it out again once they get back home.
Definitely not buying a ticket just so I can get into a demo, especially since I hate Blizzard putting a paywall behind their BlizzCon streams, but I'm glad we're finally seeing some Classic WoW news.

Oh, and you also get an in-game cloak and banner.


Neo Member
Such classics will live on forever. Tbh, WoW is not quite my thing, but I return and play Lineage 2 classic from time to time. It’s all about nostalgia for some people. Glad 4Game has the Skelth server, and blizzard does a good job indeed!


Neo Member
Such classics will live on forever. Tbh, WoW is not quite my thing, but I return and play Lineage 2 classic from time to time. It’s all about nostalgia for some people. Glad 4Game has the Skelth server, and blizzard does a good job indeed!

I'm on Skelth too, quite addictive gameplay. Please pm me your class and level maybe we can play in party. I've started as a solo player, but know want to hunt monsters with some friends.


Neo Member
I'm on Skelth too, quite addictive gameplay. Please pm me your class and level maybe we can play in party. I've started as a solo player, but know want to hunt monsters with some friends.
Oh wew, PMed that to ya, I've just been thinking that I need some company to play it. Happy to see a fellow L2C player.


I tried playing WoW again last year after 10 years and I ended up playing a watered down solo version of what it used to be. No more groups, dungeons were done in 10 minutes etc...

I miss the classic wow and Everquest days...
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Dr. Claus

Played enough of Vanilla/BC when they were relevant. Much prefer how the game plays now than it did back then - though with some minor things that I would love to be changed (Namely the RNG Titanforging BS).
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