Can confirm 60-70 is the worst questing. When I make a new character, it's around there that I tend to throw my hands up and buy a boost lol
I like The Burning Crusade, warts and all. There's something to be said about not having RP jammed in your face, waiting for scripted events, cutscenes or dialogue to play out. The story is there in the text if you want it.
Yeah, I find the 40-60 PVE and dungeon leveling to be the real grind. It feels like an uphill push to hit 60 and then you just sort of steamroll through the expansions. You can basically play the first zone in an expansion and with a bit of dungeon queueing, skip past the rest of TBC, Wrath, Cata and MoP.
Worst questing is easily 50-60 and really some of the high forties.
Someone gave me like 2k gold for signing up to his crappy guild. I thought he was scamming me. He also gave me money to buy a heirloom. I bought 2 giant axes and it's nice.
So, the starting area Trisfall was pretty boring and forgettable but, maaaan Silverpines is pretty awesome. I thought I was going to some random area but, nooooope Silverpines is totally awesome.
what's wrong you don't like doing blackrock mountain
Looking to get into twinking again. Are level locked characters no longer relegated to their own BG queues?
Locked characters are not relegated to their own queues, because it doesn't really matter anymore. i've been writing about my level 98 Paladin twink in this thread. Even with all of the 800 pieces from the Legion zones and 675 dungeon pieces or 680 epic procs in the other slots, in PvP I only get 11% more stats than the other scaled folks.
In PvE, however, I go into a dungeon and because of the scaling, my 70-90k turns into 500-700k in their Recount. And I one-shot most normal mobs with a single Judgment. So if you are looking for the best way to get a toon for farming ores, herbs and skins, that's a pretty good way to do it.
Yeah, I know about the scaling, but not entirely sure how it works in detail though. The difference in HP between players in the 10-19 bracket can be as much as between 2K-4Kish.
I am probably aiming for settling in the 60 or 70 brackets though since the class balance is and will always be utterly messed up in the lowest brackets.
I like The Burning Crusade, warts and all. There's something to be said about not having RP jammed in your face, waiting for scripted events, cutscenes or dialogue to play out. The story is there in the text if you want it.
Apparently in 7.2, the second trait on relics is RNG from available minor traits.
Go home, Blizz. You're drunk.
I can't really blame them for doubling down on randomization. Remember in MC there were 3 drops per boss for a raid of 40. They finally gave in on drop quantity, but from Blizzard's point of view, people running bosses that can't possibly give them an upgrade is a bad thing. After all, if you hit the right combination on something like this, it's only going to be an extremely marginal increase. But it's an increase nonetheless, and it will feel good getting it, better than doing a boss with no chance of improvement whatsoever. We can all say we hate the RNG and it's true, but I'm sure they have the numbers to support that we are also driven by that RNG. You need only look at the success of mobile gacha-style games to see that it's a successful model, so at least they haven't gotten quite that bad.
And yes, I'm sure tons of people will want to reply to this with "oh but I know so many people who've quit because of the RNG" and you're probably right, at least anecdotally. But Blizzard has access to numbers and feedback none of us have. They see attrition rates, kill rates, play rates, and all those things. And I'd bet those numbers support the idea that drip feed RNG drives people to keep playing more so than it drives people away.
I'm sure it's great for engagement. That doesn't mean I have to find it enjoyable.
Apparently in 7.2, the second trait on relics is RNG from available minor traits.
Go home, Blizz. You're drunk.
Honestly, from the perspective of someone who does M+ only and doesn't raid, I prefer this. And in fact, I wish the first trait would be random too. As is now, there are only 3 dungeons that drop relics with my BiS traits, but the way the system works it isn't very easy to run those over and over and hope I get my relic from them, and that is super boring anyway. At least with random traits, every relic that drops at a high ilvl has a chance to be useable, instead of knowing ahead of time that if I get a relic from this Maw, it is trash even if it TFed to 920 because the set trait is always shit. And assuming relics cannot roll 2 of the same trait, it makes it so that relics with my BiS trait already are good, but all relics without that trait can also be equally good (at least for Guardian, there's really only one "must have" trait, the rest are equally whatever) if I get a little lucky.
I can see why raiders might be less happy though, since you can currently kill a boss with your BiS trait and coin that boss and know you have at least 2 shots at a BiS trait. But for non-raiders, random 2nd is better in my opinion. I still think relics are very annoying because of how powerful some traits are vs others, especially when trying to set up your off specs, but what can you do.
Honestly, you're wasting gold buying heirlooms as a new player. You should instead save your gold for bank slots, your reagent tab, bags, and mount licenses. Practical things that you'll need beyond leveling. For example, lvl 20 riding is 4 gold, lvl 40 is 40 gold, level 60 ground speed is 200, flying is 200, then it ramps up to 4000 gold for lvl 70 and another 4k for the final tier. That doesn't include Northrend and Pandaria flying. Hexweave bags (32 slot) go for 1500 gold on average. That's 6000 gold just to get the best bags for your toon.
All heirlooms will help you do is hit Draenor content faster but you'll be pretty resource poor. I'd be shocked if you could afford lvl 70 flying or have decent bags.
Worst questing is easily 50-60 and really some of the high forties.
Damn. I thought the old content was supposed to be amazing?
Swamp of Sorrows got lots of changes. One of the better Cataclysm reworks. Western Plaguelands and Eastern Plaguelands were both shifted to an earlier level range and saw pretty substantial changes. As a result there's just not really a leveling zone for 55-60 outside of Blasted Lands. Dungeons are also kind of meager. Dire Maul was pushed to an early level range, Upper Blackrock Spire was removed and reworked for level 100, Scholomance was pushed up to an early level range. Even though the content is thin here it goes very fast so I personally do not find it to be as draining as 60-70, where you need dramatically more EXP to level up.Rose tinted glasses. People wanting vanilla servers forgot how tedious questing was. Thr 50-60 content was mostly untouched by cataclysm.
Honestly, from the perspective of someone who does M+ only and doesn't raid, I prefer this. And in fact, I wish the first trait would be random too. As is now, there are only 3 dungeons that drop relics with my BiS traits, but the way the system works it isn't very easy to run those over and over and hope I get my relic from them, and that is super boring anyway. At least with random traits, every relic that drops at a high ilvl has a chance to be useable, instead of knowing ahead of time that if I get a relic from this Maw, it is trash even if it TFed to 920 because the set trait is always shit. And assuming relics cannot roll 2 of the same trait, it makes it so that relics with my BiS trait already are good, but all relics without that trait can also be equally good (at least for Guardian, there's really only one "must have" trait, the rest are equally whatever) if I get a little lucky.
I can see why raiders might be less happy though, since you can currently kill a boss with your BiS trait and coin that boss and know you have at least 2 shots at a BiS trait. But for non-raiders, random 2nd is better in my opinion. I still think relics are very annoying because of how powerful some traits are vs others, especially when trying to set up your off specs, but what can you do.
Damn. I thought the old content was supposed to be amazing?
Depends on perspective and what quality of leveling content really means. People are who leveling alts basically judge the content on how fast they can blow through it. Whether that translates to 'better' is a personal viewpoint.
I think this was heavily nerfed when they adjusted the bonus objective experience gains.Sometimes. It's actually fairly efficient to just blow through that BRD wing in your 50s, but it's boring as hell joining, taking drill, killing boss over and over again.
Are you supposed to be able to solo dungeons? 23 warrior and got wrecked pretty hard at Shadowfang. I tried joining a queue and waited for nearly 2 1/2 hours before giving up. It's bothering me how nobody seems to do lower level content. All these lower level areas are abandoned and the few people I see ignore you. I kinda feel like I'm playing a SP game right now <__<;;
No you can't solo dungeons that are at your level range.
The queue shouldn't take that long, did you make your own party or use the preset dungeon finder tool?
If its taking too long, queue as a tank.
I had nother guy with me. I can kill the mobs ez pz it's just theirs like 30 of them ganking me. I can't queue for tank im not a tank.
The problem with TBC is more functional shittiness of the quests. So many "gather 15 items, oh btw they drop from 1 in 10 kills" or "kill 30 of these mobs that there are only 10 of so you have to wait for respawns 3 times" or "use this quest item 15 times, but it has a 30 sec CD" or "go here do 1 quest, come back to town, get another 1 quest back in that far away area, repeat 5 times". As someone who just did every TBC zone to completion for loremaster like 2 months ago, the questing FEELS dated and shitty and grindy, because of outdated mechanics designed to make things take longer.
Also, there are WAY more quests in TBC that are just one off "do a thing for XP" quests that don't interact with the zone's story in any way. They were just there to give you more quests to do. TBC was great at the time, but from todays standards the questing really shows its age, and was quite the slog to get through coming from revamped 1-60 zones when I did my loremaster playthrough.
This is just from a "do all quests" perspective though, from a "do whatever to get to 110" perspective I agree 40-60 is pretty bad, dungeons in TBC are a strong point for sure.
Are you supposed to be able to solo dungeons? 23 warrior and got wrecked pretty hard at Shadowfang. I tried joining a queue and waited for nearly 2 1/2 hours before giving up. It's bothering me how nobody seems to do lower level content. All these lower level areas are abandoned and the few people I see ignore you. I kinda feel like I'm playing a SP game right now <__<;;
Alchemy is pretty much one of the best professions currently. The gear based ones are pretty much in dire need of reworking.
I've only been playing WoW for two expansions now, but that seems like it's always the case. Tailoring at least has bags it can craft but Black Smithing and Leather Working seem to mostly just be worthwhile if you want armor and weapons transmogs.
I'll just stick with double gather until 90 and then switch out skinning for Alchemy in WoD content so I can level it a bit before Legion content.
I wouldn't say that it is always the case all the while agreeing on the fact that gear crafting professions peaking way sooner in usefulness compared to stuff like alchemy/enchanting is the way the game has usually worked.
WoD, which sucked for professions imo, managed to offer a better way to still keep the crafted stuff worthwhile and be less tedious. Pandaria added some nice stuff over time (I liked the weapons you could craft and upgrade) like in BC.
I've only been playing WoW for two expansions now, but that seems like it's always the case. Tailoring at least has bags it can craft but Black Smithing and Leather Working seem to mostly just be worthwhile if you want armor and weapons transmogs.
I'm surprised there's not been something of the form of "Blacksmiths/Leatherworkers/Tailors can warforge items."
It works thematically, it's a skill that could be useful throughout the expansion, and Titanforge could still be out-of-reach, so there's still a chance of an upgrade beyond the default. The downside, of course, is that old 'need to upgrade items mid-raid to get the best use out of them' thing.
Well I mean, belt-buckles used to be a thing, and were a main source of income for blacksmiths between tier releases.
With the way gems work now it's kinda surprising that they aren't a thing.
Guys, is there an easy way to change artifact weapons? I'm an Outlaw rogue now with Dreadblades, but I'd like to change it. I'm level 110.