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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004

There's Mythic dungeons (let's call it M0 for short) and M+.

M0 does not need a key and has a weekly lockout for loot. Just make a group and go to the dungeon. No timer, no modifiers. Drops 865 loot.

M+ requires a keystone, which you get either from your first M0 of the week or your weekly M+ cache if you completed one the previous week. These have timers, and as the level of the dungeon goes up, different modifiers on a weekly rotation. Loot drops only at the end if the dungeon and based on level of the dungeon. There's also a weekly reward in your order hall for completing a keystone that contains an item based on the level of keystone you completed the previous week.

I'd recommend going with someone you know to start out with so you can get used to it.

Thanks, I think I'll try to find a Mythic group. Problem is my realm is deader than Mankrik's wife, so I'll have to deal with randoms in the Group finder. As for M+ I don't know if I'll be doing these, seem a little too intense for me right now. My days of intense raiding/content are long past.


It's interesting to look at that 50th percentile level, just HOW far from the 90+ or 99th percentile charts it is. like, enhance is way up there, when it's hot garbage on the top tier. Which realistically just means that it's a lower skill cap class I suppose.

But one thing to always keep in mind with these charts, any time a spec is low, if the class has another spec that is high: it means all of the good players are also playing the better spec, which pushes the 'bad' spec even lower in terms of performance average, since only the stubborn or lazy don't swap. all in all, if you limit that to one spec per class it's still pretty damn balanced, besides Assassination rogues there, but they level out as you get better and they're very one trick (Can't swap targets, can't aoe, etc).

The only dps that are abnormally low without any other option right now are Windwalker and Shadow Priest, but they both have their plusses too and certainly aren't like, someone you couldn't bring to a raid. They both also excel in situations that don't really exist much in Nighthold (aoe and multidotting).

Agree on the multi spec skewing, though it only goes so far. There are fewer people playing Demonology compared with Destruction, but it performs a lot better in raids, sometimes even better than Affliction.

There are also some of the underperforming specs, like Retribution, Elemental, Shadow Priest, Balance Druid that are super strong in 5 mans. I usually do pretty well on my Enhancement Shaman too using Emalon / Spiritual Journey, but it's nothing like I see from similar geared Demon Hunters and Affliction Locks.

I guess now we save all boxes for bad luck protection building as soon as the patch drops. Otherwise I'd be due for a new one just before the 20th (roughly 12 days from now.)

This one is okay, has situational raid usage, but I'd have rather liked something more applicable to M+ tanking.

Also, I'm 246+ attempts in on Yogg, still no Mim's Head. This game.
I now know why RBGs are (mostly) dead.

The matchmaking is shit.

Queue into a full guild/server stack, lose. Queue into them again immediately, even though they're 300+ MMR higher now.

Jesus, I just did +2 Mythic CNE and got wrecked. We couldn't pass the second boss. The second someone died people left. How do you do this? PUGs are not friendly it seems. My group were friendly at first but, the second someone died everyone voted to kick and insulted them.


Jesus, I just did +2 Mythic CNE and got wrecked. We couldn't pass the second boss. The second someone died people left. How do you do this?
By playing with a dedicated group of guild members/friends. M+ groups that are mainly comprised of randoms never end well.
It's kind of nutty how much gold you can make off of some BoE's from legacy content still.

By playing with a dedicated group of guild members/friends. M+ groups that are mainly comprised of randoms never end well.

I've pugged a fair bit of M+--most with a friend, a few without--and have experienced many more successful runs than gongshows. Never had someone bail on a +2. That just sounds absurd.
Jesus, I just did +2 Mythic CNE and got wrecked. We couldn't pass the second boss. The second someone died people left. How do you do this? PUGs are not friendly it seems. My group were friendly at first but, the second someone died everyone voted to kick and insulted them.

Sounds about right. One of the reasons I always end up stop playing. If you don't have a guild and play casually, playing with randoms results in what you describe.


I now know why RBGs are (mostly) dead.

The matchmaking is shit.

Queue into a full guild/server stack, lose. Queue into them again immediately, even though they're 300+ MMR higher now.

The matchmaking is not why they are dead but it does illustrate how few teams queue them up; it's pretty standard to have this kind of skill gap because not many people are doing them.


Made it! Ahead of the Curve with, what, two weeks to go? Something like that.

Not sure what to do over the next few weeks as we wind up for Tomb, it'd be nice to make a token effort on Mythic Skorp or and possibly Anomaly if we can get the numbers together.


Jesus, I just did +2 Mythic CNE and got wrecked. We couldn't pass the second boss. The second someone died people left. How do you do this? PUGs are not friendly it seems. My group were friendly at first but, the second someone died everyone voted to kick and insulted them.

It's probably worth mentioning that CEN is one of the harder Mythics, so that won't help. You probably want to avoid CEN or either Karazhan when starting out. I'd also add that Court of Stars has been a personal stumbling block for me, but I suspect I'm in a minority there; contrarily I've not found Vault of the Wardens too bad, but I know others have difficulty with it.

Probably a good one to try for if the opportunity arises would be Nelth's Lair, Darkheart Thicket or maybe Maw - Maw's certainly fastest, but Helya can be nasty if you've not got used to all her tells.


I have a Warlock dilemma. I just got Sin'dorei Spite to drop last night. I've also got Feretory of Souls and the cast-while-moving boots, and 4-piece set (Raid Finder, but it counts!)

Demo, or Destro.. or does it even matter.


I can't get into Dalaran (instance not found) so my rogue is stuck in the class hall lol. It feels absurd.
At least there is the backdoor into the great sea.
DK class mount/associated questline is awesome. A coffin on the back of a mount. With a headstone. Made of skulls and swords. On the back of a mount. So lulz it's awesome instead. Whatever art designer suggested that needs a highfive.

Meanwhile warlock class quest needs a drop from an invasion scenario boss zzz.


The mage mount is boring. Not ugly or anything. Just boring.
I already got a floating disc mount in Pandaria.


is it not possible yet to get the class mount in EU? I finshed the broken shore weekly, accepted the follow up quest to the class hall but there the quest giver just despawned after finishing the quest
is it not possible yet to get the class mount in EU? I finshed the broken shore weekly, accepted the follow up quest to the class hall but there the quest giver just despawned after finishing the quest
Is your quest giver a follower currently out on a mission?
Just got my druid class mount and think it looks great, and I appreciate that it's instant-cast as well as being a two-seater, but I'm disappointed that it's not a separate mount listed in the collection page. And it overwrites any travel form glyphs you have. It's essentially a glyph that requires talking to an NPC to use. A bit of a let down overall.


Yeah, I dont like that the mount variations are locked to certain specs. I have a fire based transmog on my Enhancement Shaman but I can only use the white version of the mount instead of the orange one.


Can't wait to get home and get the shaman and DK mounts. Was obvious the shaman would be cool from when they first showed it, but the DK one is actually a lot cooler than I initially thought with all the little details.

Also, the monk one looks fucking great imo. Makes me want to level a monk just to get that lol.
Ah, not too bad then. My DH and my Rogue are both exalted, so I should be able to get both of those tonight!

Felbat and crow time!

Rogue one might take longer than 20 minutes, especially on a populated server.

Also it doesn't land which makes me cry.

edit: Druid one can't either. First bat form, now this :(


I finally beat HC Gul'dan! Was actually the first group I was in that tried to fight him, and I managed to top heal. With a controller :p
Druid mount is great. I pretty much play exclusively with my wife. I plan our routes and fly us everywhere. The druid mount is insta cast, lets us both pick herbs, and actually allows me to loot mobs with her on my back without dismounting her. That last one is new and its a HUGE quality of life improvement.

Also, I got the Bloody Invitation tonight. Better late than never. Fox mount, here I come!


The Rogue mount was an adventure. Definitely annoying at first because I suicided to kill the target (there was like 8 horde following it around) and didn't get credit so I thought I had to loot it. I guess it just died a split second after I did to my rupture. No one was camping the middle two and then I just sprinted in to the Org AH to stab the last one. Did it all with a group of 4, was pretty fun overall.


My alts are rapidly catching up to my item level 900 main. I'm not even raiding or doing Mythic+, they are just getting all kinds of ridiculous drops from the world bosses. My Warrior has a 912 Fury weapon and I don't even have the first clue how to play the spec.


My alts are rapidly catching up to my item level 900 main. I'm not even raiding or doing Mythic+, they are just getting all kinds of ridiculous drops from the world bosses. My Warrior has a 912 Fury weapon and I don't even have the first clue how to play the spec.
Fury isn't particularly hard. I picked it up after playing Prot all of last expansion. Then again, I played Fury in WoTLK, so I guess I had some experience with the spec (even though there have been drastic changes since).

Icy Veins is your friend.


Rogue mount quest kinda pisses me off. Have to transport yourself to four different non-instance/phase enemy cities (forcing pvp circumstances on pve content always rubs me wrong) is dumb. I was only just arriving at my first of four targets when my wife was finishing her hunter quest entirely.

Only had time to do the first two last night... not looking forward to going to Ogrimar tonight.
My alts are rapidly catching up to my item level 900 main. I'm not even raiding or doing Mythic+, they are just getting all kinds of ridiculous drops from the world bosses. My Warrior has a 912 Fury weapon and I don't even have the first clue how to play the spec.

I've tried getting past 870 and I'm still stuck. I've gone up to 875. WBs dont drop shit for me.
How is this game at the moment for solo players? I haven't played since the beginning of the expansion, first raid tier, and been wanting to jump back in. However, my guild left for a pve server so all of my toons are sitting here alone and I don't want to spend on transfers. Basically, I'd just be doing mythic runs and LFR runs with randoms. Maybe I'll just start a new toon on my guild's pve server. This sucks. I've been an on and off player for over 10 years with the same guild and now they're gone T_T
Yeah, my wife and I started our mount quests at the same time. As a demon hunter, she was finished and doing WQs when I was at the half way point.
Rogue mount quest kinda pisses me off. Have to transport yourself to four different non-instance/phase enemy cities (forcing pvp circumstances on pve content always rubs me wrong) is dumb. I was only just arriving at my first of four targets when my wife was finishing her hunter quest entirely.

Only had time to do the first two last night... not looking forward to going to Ogrimar tonight.
I liked it but I also enjoy world PvP. Sadly didn't get much on the quest though due to low pop. I think it works thematically but Blizzard should really know better at this point. Some people just don't want to risk PvPing.

When I logged on to my monk on a bigger server the entrance to the auction house was covered in blizzards and flares. That sort of design decision is going to drive people wild.


No One Remembers
My Prot Pally is close to ilvl gear with my Shaman. It's had significantly more luck with the Broken Shore world bosses... the problem is the items I get aren't well itemized for it, haha. :(


I've tried getting past 870 and I'm still stuck. I've gone up to 875. WBs dont drop shit for me.

I have 8 level 110's and relatively limited playtime, maybe 2 hours per day on average.

Shaman - 900
Mage - 894
Warlock - 892
Druid - 892
Priest - 883
DK - 866
Rogue - 867
Warrior - 856 (this is the one with the 912 weapon)


No One Remembers
The Shaman mount quest was super underwhelming. I'll put spoilers..

You get ported to the Throne of the Four Winds, fight the three dudes that were the single encounter from the raid... then listen to Thunderaan talk. That's it.

The Paladin one was pretty sweet.

You get a leather barding from a LW, then you have to go to Suramar pay 500 mana crystals to get some sapphire gem from the vendors in the Bazaar, get 25 leystone. Then you got Stratholme, rescue people, and clear out the ziggurats. Then you go find Baron Rivendare's old horse which was taken by some dude that you kill. Then you basically resurrect and make good Rivendare's old horse.
The Shaman mount quest was super underwhelming. I'll put spoilers..

You get ported to the Throne of the Four Winds, fight the three dudes that were the single encounter from the raid... then listen to Thunderaan talk. That's it.

Oh, so they kept it like that? Because that sort of plays fast and loose with lore (which describes a couple other elements of the Shaman order hall, too).

Those guys are supposed to be dead dead since they died in Skywall , just like Rag being dead dead because he died in the Firelands or Al'Akir being dead dead.
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