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World of Warcraft

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President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
[edit: Icecrown server, MST PVE ] :) Would love to play with GAF, but I've got too many real life friends going that way. =/

Let me know if anyone wants to join us. :D We'll probably be starting our own crazy guild.


Ah what the heck..I'll just join the same server my friend is going to go..I'm sure he has a whole gang of people he knows who will play the game also :\


Well..hopefully we will have enough people to make a GAF guild. If not I will go on the server where most of the so called big guilds that everyone is afraid of is going. Heh..I do want to compete with so-called PVP veterans even if a bunch of them are antisocial devients.

One of the reasons I left FFXI was the lack of leaving any kind of mark on the community no matter what you kill or how you killed it made not much of an impact considering you had to do it with 20 other people or the japanese players have already beaten you (the fact that one got fenrir the same hour he was added to the game was crazy).

I feel that PVP is one way to make that kind of impact at least among the community and I might as well put myself among big boys.

Of course if we do make a GAF Horde guild all I just said is null and I'll join whereever it forms (as long as its a pvp server).


MrCheez said:
Looks like I'm going Horde side of the Roleplaying MST server. :) Would love to play with GAF, but I've got too many real life friends going that way. =/

Let me know if anyone wants to join us. :D We'll probably be starting our own crazy guild.

I'll wait and see how it goes tomorrow. If Gaf Guild can't get it together, then I'll join you.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
w00t :D

Wish I could play tonight. Guess I'm waking up super early tomorrow. >_<


Why can't you play tonight? :)

Hmm anyone know where the link to the account creation is? Just to let all the GAers sign up first b4 the massive onslaught arrive.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yeah, same with all MMOs. :( Even with a free month, you need the CC number just to activate the account.

@ the local EB's. They wen't from saying "Welcome to EBgames, your Nintendo headquarters" to "Welcome to EBgames, where you can pickup World of Warcraft tomorrow morning".

Methinks they're getting annoyed at all the calls asking if it they're willing to sell it today..
Ok after confirming with my friend again, the mal'ganis server that we're apparently joining is the central one. So if there's anyone going central pvp, let's all meet up on mal'ganis. :D


Hey Aze, how serious is your friends about PVP. I mean are you guys "if you hear that an alliance member is in the barrens you will drop whatever you are doing to hunt him down" serious or "sorry man I would come but I only have 2 more quest items to get" serious?
Actually a few of my friends are going alliance. One of em was in some big lineageII clan and now they're moving to WoW. I'm guessing they're gonna be pretty big on the clan raids. As for me, I'm going horde, and it's my plan to hunt down my alliance friends whenever possible and take them down. And during beta, anytime someone sighted some alliance members in xroads I dropped everything to help. I mean damn, why play on a pvp server if you're just gonna quest? There are pve servers for that.


Heh, questing is how I get all my exp. Went from 1-26 through just questing. I'll be surprised if it slows down as you get higher level.

Me, personally, I won't be dropping what I'm doing to kill some horde guy running around an alliance area every time. Especially if it's no where near my current location.


Oh sure..I don't mean traveling across two continents to take out someone. Just that if it seems reasonable you would do it (though I have done that a few times).

Just don't like the attitude that some people had in beta saying their is no reason to even pvp since there is no reward (even though they rolled into a pvp server?). Don't want to end up in a guild with guys that wanna do mostly pve with a little pvp on the side every now and then.
I'll be getting my copy at midnight.

And I agree with mjunter. I like questing and all, but I'd rather be in a raid clan rather than a questing clan. That's just me though.


I think it's partially because this got bumped to the online forum. There were a ton more people posting in the regular forum topics. The Online forum just doesn't get the same kind of traffic.


Malakhov said:
That blows, then again I want to play on a pvp east server, that's where my friends are gonna play so :(

Are you playing horde or alliace. My friends and I are also doing a pvp east and id like to be with(or kill :p) at least a few GAFers.

Im being at EB first thing in the morning. I got to kiss my collectors edition today and rub up all over it but I couldnt take it home with me :(

Ill let everyone know what horde pvp server im on.

Sal, Solrak anyone else playing allaince east lemme know what server you pick ill join up on that once you decide. :p


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Does anyone have any idea when battlefields are actually going to be implemented? Depending on how they work I'm considering just making my chacter on a PvE server and using the battlefields to get my PvP fix.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Does anyone have any idea when battlefields are actually going to be implemented? Depending on how they work I'm considering just making my chacter on a PvE server and using the battlefields to get my PvP fix.

Yeah I hate PvP servers but i like some PvP but my friends are hell bent on playing on PvP so i gotta bite. Thats why ill be doing an allaince Pve(hopefully) with whoever does one here.


I emailed Blizzard a few days ago asking about game cards and this is the response I got:


Thank you for inquiring about our pre-paid game cards for World of Warcraft. Each card will be $29.99 US dollars and offer 60 real-time days of access to the game. We plan on making these available at or around the time of retail release of World of Warcraft at most major software retailers.

In order to activate a game card it is NOT necessary to use a credit card. Simply enter the game card information during account creation. Please note that you will be
required to enter some method of billing at the time of account creation, although this method will not be charged for the first 30 days and can be changed at any time by
accessing the "Account Management" screen at www.worldofwarcraft.com.

Thanks for playing World of Warcraft!

-clint r.
Billing Representative
Blizzard Entertainment

Seems that those of us planning to pay with game cards are SOL if they're not out tomorrow. If any of you see the cards available when you pick up WoW in the next few days could you post here saying what store you found them in? I'll be going out tomorrow looking, but if they're not available I'll probably be waiting until I get word that they've been released.


AeroGod said:
Are you playing horde or alliace. My friends and I are also doing a pvp east and id like to be with(or kill :p) at least a few GAFers.

Im being at EB first thing in the morning. I got to kiss my collectors edition today and rub up all over it but I couldnt take it home with me :(

Ill let everyone know what horde pvp server im on.

Sal, Solrak anyone else playing allaince east lemme know what server you pick ill join up on that once you decide. :p
Horde, so are my friends. Let's get together :)
Woo Baggins!

Got my gf and myself a copy of WoW today. Picked it up at Circuity City (Skokie, IL). I called to ask if they had it available 2 hours ago. Much to my surprise the person answering said yes. Guy said they had 10 copies and if I made it their by closing time, I should be able to secure a copy.

We get there and see that there's only 2 copies left. We immediately grabbed said copies and went to checkout. Rep there scanned it and then went to go get a manager (w/o even communicating that). So he comes back with another clueless person who is unable to figure why the game is not ringing up on their machines. After figuring out that he would be unable to help us (it only took a whole 10 minutes!), he sent us to Customer Service.

There we met a guy who had been ringing up other people's copies of WoW this evening. He took a look at our copies and began doing something computery-magicky. Things are looking good at this point, but then the store manager comes to investigate what this rep is doing and asks him,"What the hell are you doing?". At this point I'm starting to think about what type of scene to make if the manager denies me the sale (given that I called and was told over the phone that they were selling them tonight).

This post is already too long, so I'll just say that a scene was not needed. The manager basically told the rep that after my sale, to make sure no more copies were allowed on the store floor.

For once in my life, I benefitted from retail people's incompetence. :lol

I'll be checking out the servers @ midnight, and post them here shortly afterwards.

Edit- Solrak's at that very same store now getting the CE. I doubt they'll succeed in denying him of it. Nothing gets between that man and what he wants. Especially WoW. :lol
I just got back from the same store Paradise was in and MAN....do I HAVE A STORY FOR J00!!!

Paradise called me up earlier this evening at work telling me that a particular CC was selling WoW today. So I called to confirmed and I was told the same thing...'yes...we are selling it.' Since they were operating on holiday hours already, I was able to get there after work. When I got there, I went to the back shelf where the PC games were stacked but no luck. I then asked one of the reps. He told me to 'see customer service'. As I was waiting in line at customer service, I saw the Collector's Ed on the table. I asked for it from the rep there and she said 'sure, but we have been having problems scanning it.' She tried to scan it and she was right...it wasn't scanning. One of the Managers walks up and told me the same thing she did, but was going to get another item priced at $79.95 and make the changes on the receipt and sign it. As they were looking for another item, another person with the regular Ed stood behind me. She said she was looking for 2 copies but could only find one. The manager asked her where did she get the copy. She replied 'by the back shelf....hidden.' The manager called one of the reps to the desk and asked him 'didn't I tell you to take all the WoW copies of the floors shelves?' He replied 'I did.' The manager gave him this pissed look and said 'then how come she has a copy?' The rep had a dumb-founded look on his face and was sent to make sure there were no copies left on the floor. When asked if she could buy another copy, they said they could only sell that one to her. As I was signing my name on the receipt, manager #2 called central to see what was the problem. I just finished getting the receipt handed to me when manager #2 was in the minst of telling manager #1 why they were not scanning.

Manager #2: We are not suppose to be selling these until tomorrow.

Manager #1: What??? What do you mean??

Manager #2: Central told me that the release date is tomorrow and if we sell them before the release date, it's a $500 fine for every copy we sell.

Manager #1: .....oh shit!!

Then both of them start pointing fingers at each other for selling copies prior to mine (i.e. Paradise's copy). Then the woman with the regular Ed was told she could not buy it even though she had it in her hands. She got pissed because not only was she denied a second copy, she also wanted the collector's Ed which I bought being the last one available, and now she wasn't going home with WoW at all. I felt bad for her. :(

needless to say....I GOT MINE!!! WHERE'S YOURS!?!??!?! :D


</cries> I've treid some calls and people are being stingy around here :\. I really would like to be with some GAF members so we can help with elite quests, etc. If possible some of the FFXI people.

I can't wait to play again! :)


mint said:
I think me and my friend are going central..any pvp server that is with medium population.

Well, there are a bunch of people going to Mal'Ganis which is Central PvP, I believe.
I'm going to try Walmart at midnight. I was there earlier and the lady said I might be able to get it at midnight if I find someone to fetch it from back.
Retail Server list for WoW:

Pacific Servers:
PvP Kil'Jaedan
PvP Frostwolf
PvP Ner'Zhul
PvP Tichondrius
PvE Cenarius
PvE Kilrogg
PvE Uther
PvE Lightbringer
PvE Hyjal
PvE Proudmore

Mountain Servers:
PvP Kel'Thuzad
PvP Deathwing
PvE Doomhammer
PvE Icecrown

Central Servers:
PvP Illidan
PvP Mal'ganis
PvP Stormreaver
PvP Archimond
PvE Alleria
PvE Blackhand
PvE Garona
PvE Hellscream
PvE Whisperwind

Eastern Servers:
PvP Arthas
PvP Bleedhollow
PvP Shattered Hand
PvP Mannoroth
PvP Skullcrusher
PvP Warsong
PvE Bloodhoof
PvE Dalaran
PvE Durotan
PvE Khadgar
PvE Lothar
PvE Elune
PvE Zul'jin
PvE Medivh
PvE Stormrage
RP Argent Dawn This looks like the server I'll be joining if this list pulls through

Still confirming source, but it's looking pretty solid right now.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hmmm I dunno... only one RP server? And Proudmoore and Archimonde are spelled incorrectly.

We'll know soon enough :)


Azwethinkweiz said:
I was told midnight EST. Evidently I was told wrong...

The WoW people signing thing was in a Fry's in Cali at midnight PST, I think. So, that is probably about when the servers will go live.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios

Damn I want to play tonight :( But I must be strong and wait till tomorrow so I can get the CE! >_<
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