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World of Warcraft

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border said:
Being a warrior without high-end gear and without healing back-up is actually relatively difficult. That sequence of attacks is constantly interrupted by all manner of CC, unless you're fighting a rogue, warlock or huntard. And even dumb paladins will simply outlast you.

It's better than it used to be; previously, even shittily geared clothies was impossible to damage worth beans if you yourself was crappily geared. Now, you can contribute as something other than an attention-getting device.


border said:
Being a warrior without high-end gear and without healing back-up is actually relatively difficult. That sequence of attacks is constantly interrupted by all manner of CC, unless you're fighting a rogue, warlock or huntard. And even dumb paladins will simply outlast you.

While it's true that warriors are gear-dependent, with S1 arena gear being obtainable through purchase of honor starting with patch 2.3/S3, it's no longer difficult to obtain good pvp gear.

I suppose if the poster was talking about random world PVP or BG PVP it'd be different, but warriors are the most overrepresented class in arena in all brackets. Nobody who has a warrior should be saying it's difficult to pvp in arena. Just spam trade channel for a retard who can follow you around and spam you with heals and you should be set for at least 1700 rating.


Hero said:
While it's true that warriors are gear-dependent, with S1 arena gear being obtainable through purchase of honor starting with patch 2.3/S3, it's no longer difficult to obtain good pvp gear.
Still boring as hell, though. I gave up on getting my gear after I hit 20k honor. It's not worth the time!

As a hunter, I rarely have problems with a warrior 1v1, unless he outgears me a lot. But if he has a healer and I have a healer... he will win every time.


TheOneGuy said:
As a hunter, I rarely have problems with a warrior 1v1
Really? I have blues and BG-only epics, and most of the time my warrior murders hunters pretty easily. Along with warlocks it's one of the classes I am rarely concerned about fighting. Perhaps that's just because they're all retards though =P

Just spam trade channel for a retard who can follow you around and spam you with heals and you should be set for at least 1700 rating.
Only 35K more honor to go! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.....
border said:
Really? I have blues and BG-only epics, and most of the time my warrior murders hunters pretty easily. Along with warlocks it's one of the classes I am rarely concerned about fighting. Perhaps that's just because they're all retards though =P

Hunters are really good at kiting warriors to hell, between frost traps, scatter, wing clip, and deterrence. It's not so much that they destroy warriors such as shut them down. But warriors are pretty strong against non-pvp specced BM, and seeing as how 80% of hunters currently are that, your experience is prolly normal.

It really depends on things if you give each of them a healer, hunters benefit most from druids and warrs obviously from pallies.


That's what seems weird -- with all the CC available to a hunter you'd think that they would just eat warriors alive. But for the most part all I have to do is trinket out of a trap/ScatterShot, then Hamstring, and just let auto-attack + Mortal Strike get the job done.


Has problems recognising girls
That's cause most Hunters shit themselves when you get within melee range. They've got a multitude of options to snare characters yet the only thing they can think of is "oh shit! oh shit!"

There was one Hunter I knew on Alliance that would eat players alive, was probably the perfect Hunter in PVP. Still yet to go up against a Hunter that was as skilled as he was.
speedpop said:
That's cause most Hunters shit themselves when you get within melee range. They've got a multitude of options to snare characters yet the only thing they can think of is "oh shit! oh shit!"

There was one Hunter I knew on Alliance that would eat players alive, was probably the perfect Hunter in PVP. Still yet to go up against a Hunter that was as skilled as he was.

This is like the first Warlock buffs patch; good warlocks hung in there in pvp, and afterwards just killed, and shitty ones became strong. Watch this happen with Hunters.


Son of Godzilla said:
Hunters are really good at kiting warriors to hell, between frost traps, scatter, wing clip, and deterrence. It's not so much that they destroy warriors such as shut them down. But warriors are pretty strong against non-pvp specced BM, and seeing as how 80% of hunters currently are that, your experience is prolly normal.

It really depends on things if you give each of them a healer, hunters benefit most from druids and warrs obviously from pallies.

most of all the top 2v2 partners of warriors are druids, not paladins

druids are the best pvp healer for 2v2 atm


yacobod said:
they always have been as holy :D

ret will still suck

theres a reason why ppl call them RETards

While I roll as a Holy Pally, Ret actually got a pretty enormous upgrade this patch. I'm not sure if anyone remembers this, but remember when Blizzard added the 41 point talents right before BC hit? Ret pallies will be like that again only they can run at 15% speed now. The 6 second Crusader Strike makes a pretty substantial difference as well as other changes upping their DPS.

With that said, Ret pallies will probably still be laughable at best in the Arenas. However, Holy Pallies got a huge buff (spell dmg added to healing gear) in that we can dish out a good deal of burst damage, especially when the target gets to around 30% health.
yacobod said:
most of all the top 2v2 partners of warriors are druids, not paladins

druids are the best pvp healer for 2v2 atm
I was thinking more along the lines of which healer would help defeat the hunter/warrior most. But you are right, everyone is best off with a damn druid. Although hunt/dru vs warr/dru straight up would probably tip towards hunter. Depends on alot of things though.


i guess i got to start running heroics this week so i can get my new pvp cape

i only have 9 badges, i think i need like 60total :(

but Dory's Embrace will be worth it for that 100+ armor pen

i'm more excited for next week tho, i'll be able to spend my 75k honor and get my new pieces, and get my new 2hander, not sure if i'll be going swords or maces


Bah, extended for another 2 hours :(

For some strange reason I'm really hyped up for this patch...

...probably because I'm a subtlety rogue :p


Hero said:
What? Really? Are you serious?

Charge -> Hamstring ->Bloodrage -> Mortal Strike -> Intercept -> Execute is challenging?

If you get charged, as ranged, by a warrior, you're a retard, charge has a 20 yards range, your frostballs have at least a 10 yards buffer zone during which you can get the warrior in combat.

Charge gives 15 rage (unspecced), harmstring costs 10 rage, warrior is at 5 rage, stance dance, bloodrage, warrior is at 20 rage is STILL has to get through your Ice Armor, your Ice armor is down but it has slowed said warrior, you frost nova, back away, frostbolt him and start kiting, in that short of timespan, the warrior WON'T have enough rage for a MS thanks to your Ice Armor.

Also, stop with the myths, unless it's a 70 warrior fighting a 60 clothie, MS won't deal enough damage to put anyone in execute range, same with MS+white attack, even if they BOTH crit, especially in arena/pvp gear.

If you are dumb enough to pvp in a spellstrike set or your T4/5 set, you deserve to be eaten alive.


Fularu said:
If you get charged, as ranged, by a warrior, you're a retard, charge has a 20 yards range, your frostballs have at least a 10 yards buffer zone during which you can get the warrior in combat.

Charge gives 15 rage (unspecced), harmstring costs 10 rage, warrior is at 5 rage, stance dance, bloodrage, warrior is at 20 rage is STILL has to get through your Ice Armor, your Ice armor is down but it has slowed said warrior, you frost nova, back away, frostbolt him and start kiting, in that short of timespan, the warrior WON'T have enough rage for a MS thanks to your Ice Armor.

Also, stop with the myths, unless it's a 70 warrior fighting a 60 clothie, MS won't deal enough damage to put anyone in execute range, same with MS+white attack, even if they BOTH crit, especially in arena/pvp gear.

If you are dumb enough to pvp in a spellstrike set or your T4/5 set, you deserve to be eaten alive.

honestly if a frost mage is complaining about warriors, he prolly should reroll or quit the game

a well played frost mage will NEVER lose to a warrior, rock meets paper

if you are a frost mage losing to warriors 1v1 you probably suck at the game


Fularu said:
If you get charged, as ranged, by a warrior, you're a retard, charge has a 20 yards range, your frostballs have at least a 10 yards buffer zone during which you can get the warrior in combat.

Charge gives 15 rage (unspecced), harmstring costs 10 rage, warrior is at 5 rage, stance dance, bloodrage, warrior is at 20 rage is STILL has to get through your Ice Armor, your Ice armor is down but it has slowed said warrior, you frost nova, back away, frostbolt him and start kiting, in that short of timespan, the warrior WON'T have enough rage for a MS thanks to your Ice Armor.

Also, stop with the myths, unless it's a 70 warrior fighting a 60 clothie, MS won't deal enough damage to put anyone in execute range, same with MS+white attack, even if they BOTH crit, especially in arena/pvp gear.

If you are dumb enough to pvp in a spellstrike set or your T4/5 set, you deserve to be eaten alive.

Where to start. Frostbolt has a 2.5 sec casting time, easy for a warrior to get into charge range if he's making a beeline for you, especially if he's mounted =p. Sadly, counterspell is the best spell to get him in combat as it's instacast and doesn't have to travel before it hits 'em.

Ice Armor doesn't absorb damage, that's Ice Barrier (which itself doesn't slow down warrior either). Many mages use Molten Armor for it's crit sweetness (along with 5/5 Impact). And it really doesn't take more than a couple swings to chew through Ice Barrier as it stands now.

That said, my mage doesn't have a ton of arena shit yet, hard splitting time between him, the warrior and the shaman =p


yacobod said:
if you are a frost mage losing to warriors 1v1 you probably suck at the game

1v1, this is true. Especially with the free frost nova from water elemental which can start the fight off at a nice safe range.

Sucks when you have a priest/pally dispelling the frost effects though or throwing Blessing of Freedom on the Warrior. Painful =p


Fularu said:
If you get charged, as ranged, by a warrior, you're a retard, charge has a 20 yards range, your frostballs have at least a 10 yards buffer zone during which you can get the warrior in combat.

Charge gives 15 rage (unspecced), harmstring costs 10 rage, warrior is at 5 rage, stance dance, bloodrage, warrior is at 20 rage is STILL has to get through your Ice Armor, your Ice armor is down but it has slowed said warrior, you frost nova, back away, frostbolt him and start kiting, in that short of timespan, the warrior WON'T have enough rage for a MS thanks to your Ice Armor.

Also, stop with the myths, unless it's a 70 warrior fighting a 60 clothie, MS won't deal enough damage to put anyone in execute range, same with MS+white attack, even if they BOTH crit, especially in arena/pvp gear.

If you are dumb enough to pvp in a spellstrike set or your T4/5 set, you deserve to be eaten alive.

I thought I clarified myself by saying warriors are the most overpowered and overrepresented in ARENAs.

While 1v1 a frost mage should win out over a warrior, in a 5v5 game setting where a Warrior is going to have Blessing of Freedom up and possibly having dispels nuked up on their targets, a warrior will make short work of frost mages, or any other class. Sure, I overgeneralized the process a bit, but it is NOT hard to play a warrior in pvp.
This thread has a huge amount of absolutely retarded arguments. And most are related to warriors. So lets add another.

Hamstring, howl, hamstring, howl, has skillherald procced yet?, hamstring, howl, hamstring, howl, hamstring, howl.

I for one am looking forward to more conc blow spec.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
They patched the game to boost performances with core duo's, i wonder whats the framerate boost. I thought it already took advantage of multi core CPUs, i guess not.


I tried the new AV and I'm not sure what to make of it. The game went really fast, but I imagine that once people figure out how to play it and start defending the towers then we are in for some annoying turtlefests.

I did the daily quest for AB -- nice honor bonus when you turn it in.

Is there an updated mod that will countdown the timers on BG objectives?


annoying turtlefest describes my experiences with AV on the PTR... so yeah, I'm afraid that may be what it will turn into. hopefully not, because it can still be won fast. It's just that now defense has some value if they're just coordinated.


yacobod said:
fixed to also reflect the truth

World of War(rior)craft / World of War(lock)craft.

Warlocks are also overpowered in small scale pvp, but even a SL/SL lock will die with enough focus. Warriors are the only class that when you damage them you are helping them kill you or your allies faster.


Hero said:
World of War(rior)craft / World of War(lock)craft.

Warlocks are also overpowered in small scale pvp, but even a SL/SL lock will die with enough focus. Warriors are the only class that when you damage them you are helping them kill you or your allies faster.

umm thats why at higher rated 5v5 arena most teams try to gib the warrior

facing a 4dps team a warrior's only hope is to sword/board and intervene out of LOS, otherwise hes dead meat


AV is fricking horrendous now. Its a longer version of AB but with people getting GY farmed for HP, no need to kill Drek or warmasters. Its no fun anymore.


I didn't think the alliance would ever win an AB for me to get the daily, but it happened the second time.

I've only done some BG's, but Hunters are going to be freaking incredible or that's my first feel. I like the extra +damage on my Pally. He's horribly geared but still it makes it where he's a bit of a threat. Now if we could just talk to the asshole who decided healing/damage 1-h maces and swords could only be 41.x dps in BC. Would it really kill them to let Holy pallies whack things with a 65 dps mace? :\


I like the new xp curve too. I spent like... I don't know, 3 hours maybe? and didn't even really focus on grinding/chain completing quests, and I gained 2 whole levels on my shaman. It's really nice when level 23 requires only about 2k more xp than level 20. pretty much a single quest at my level gives 2-3 bars of xp, and then I would say I grind at least 2 bars if it's a drop or kill quest, more like 3 if it's a big one.


Ripclawe said:
AV is fricking horrendous now. Its a longer version of AB but with people getting GY farmed for HP, no need to kill Drek or warmasters. Its no fun anymore.
It all depends on how retarded the people in your battlegroup are. I have had 12 minute wins that net 400 bonus honor, but at the same time I have had 40 minute wins that only get 350 honor. If your team plays right, it is an honor goldmine like we've never had before.

Usually AV gets fucked up when a graveyard gets recaptured midgame. From the Horde perspective, if Stonehearth GY gets recapped while everyone is pushing Stormpike, then everyone ends up rezzing all the way back at Frostwolf (instead of the cave, like it used to be). This means you eventually end up with your entire team on defense and get backed into a turtle-fight that will take 35-45 minutes.

If everybody plays it cool though and you cap the bunkers/towers quick, you can blaze through faster than ever before.

Like I already said -- it's way too early to say whether AV refinements are good or not. It will take a week or two before people learn how to play properly.
SyNapSe said:
I didn't think the alliance would ever win an AB for me to get the daily, but it happened the second time.

I've only done some BG's, but Hunters are going to be freaking incredible or that's my first feel. I like the extra +damage on my Pally. He's horribly geared but still it makes it where he's a bit of a threat. Now if we could just talk to the asshole who decided healing/damage 1-h maces and swords could only be 41.x dps in BC. Would it really kill them to let Holy pallies whack things with a 65 dps mace? :\

Out of all the healing specs, Pallies got the long end of the stick. Their gear is not only plate, but has beaucoup +Spell Crit on it too. The other 3 aren't anywhere near as useful for PvE or PvP dpsing.


Any one feel like that they lost exp with this new patch? I have a BE warlock that I started playing again after a bit of a break; that was at level 52. After a round in the Sunken Temple I had 155617 exp and the exp needed to level up was 160400. After the patch came out I found I had 127578 exp total with 131500 needed to level up with.

I know that they kept the percentage the same, but still it feels like there is 28039 exp that I no longer have.


yacobod said:
umm thats why at higher rated 5v5 arena most teams try to gib the warrior

facing a 4dps team a warrior's only hope is to sword/board and intervene out of LOS, otherwise hes dead meat

I don't think 4dps instagib teams are gonna be that prominent in S3 with the nerfs to Ele. Shamans. At any rate, while 4dps teams work, they have a lot more weaknesses than the cookie cutters.
zarkand said:
Any one feel like that they lost exp with this new patch? I have a BE warlock that I started playing again after a bit of a break; that was at level 52. After a round in the Sunken Temple I had 155617 exp and the exp needed to level up was 160400. After the patch came out I found I had 127578 exp total with 131500 needed to level up with.

I know that they kept the percentage the same, but still it feels like there is 28039 exp that I no longer have.

... That's because you did lose xp? I don't understand. You admit they kept % the same, you know they reduced overall xp... That means current xp would take a hit.


I started the day at midway through 44, and ended over halfway to 49...I didn't even really quest hardcore or anything, this buff is awesome! :)


Has problems recognising girls
Hit the Water Totem quest with my Shaman. Cried to my girlfriend's sister about it but she was too busy fiddling with her Priest to care :(


Still Tagged Accordingly
so yeah... i'm going to sign up again :/

want to get my 45 druid to 70 and get the epic flight form. should be nice and quick with this patch.


I think I'm gonna go goblin engineer when I get high enough to choose a spec. I've already done gnomish on my now retired/unused orc warlock, so I kinda want to see the other spec. although gnomish offered some fun stuff like the MC cap (never really got to use with my warlock because of pets) and my favorite, the world enlarger.

Eric P

i played for two hours or so last night mostly in the RADICALLY redesigned Swamp area. It was really a lot of fun there. Did all the quests for the most part (went in at 42, it's a 37-41 area) and dinged twice without really trying.

It's really strange to see green quests return 3900 xp


Everything I hear about the new AV sounds great. Slaughtering the turtling opposing team actually ACCOMPLISHES something now, and since I do PvP to kill people, not to get honor, AV will be the best choice for me!

I wonder if I even need to cap Snowfall anymore...
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