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Worst Bombs and Best Price Drops


Not in some period of time have i ever seen a game like Second Sight. It went from being 49.99 to 39.99 over night. After two more weeks its down to 29.99, now its down to 19.99. What happened to this game.

This seems to be one of the first games in a while that i've noticed in sometime. So what are some of the best and worst performing titles in lets say a 3 month period of time. And what have been the best price drops to make a game move say this Generation?

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
The way Second Sight has plummeted breaks my heart. Some reviews have really misunderstood and damaged it. Shame.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I liked Second Sight... it was really, really short, but it was fun while it lasted...

Now to go return my $40 copy and buy a $20 copy.


Still Tagged Accordingly
not in your 3 month window of time... but, in the dying days of the N64 I did well to get Conker's Bad Fur Day brand new for only $20 AUD. Still my best gaming deal to date.


Scrow said:
not in your 3 month window of time... but, in the dying days of the N64 I did well to get Conker's Bad Fur Day brand new for only $20 AUD. Still my best gaming deal to date.
Whoa, nice! My local Target is currently selling it for $119 ;_;


Kiriku said:
Didn't Beyond Good & Evil drop pretty fast too?
By january it was 20 bucks. So yeah that one actually was very beneficial to sales of the game i think.

I know i sure bought one hehe.


And even i am moderately surprised
Viewtiful Joe (PS2) for Bombing

and Automodelista for price drop speed, with Zelda not far behind.
A month after Prince of Persia came out, they were packaging it with Splinter Cell......that's kinda like half price. Maybe they'll package POP2 with Pandora Tomorrow when it....I mean, in the unlikely circumstance that it flops :)
B'z-chan said:
By january it was 20 bucks. So yeah that one actually was very beneficial to sales of the game i think.

I know i sure bought one hehe.

Anyone know how the manufacturers treat the publishers in these cases?

The publisher pays the royalty & manufacturing up front for X number of copies. If the game bombs to say $19.99, the publishers has paid $10 to the manufacturers, and probably change the cost to $15 for the retailers. So, they only make $5/game.

Does Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo take any pity on them at all and change the royalty structure? I would tend to think they don't, although that is from past experience where publishers were very cautious about how many copies they initially order for their first print run.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Kmart (online) was selling True Crime for the Gamecube for $20 less than 1 month after it came out. That was a heck of a deal IMO (thanks Wario!)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

Second Sight for $20? Might have to jump on that one...

The demo was extremely fun, I thought, and the story has potential. For $20, it seems like it is worth a shot...
I would say most titles on the xbox plummet fastest in price

Sudeki is now like half price
etc etc

A lot of their titles don't last long at full retail except for Halo 2 + NG. Everything else goes to hell in 1-2 months.


The publisher pays the royalty & manufacturing up front for X number of copies. If the game bombs to say $19.99, the publishers has paid $10 to the manufacturers, and probably change the cost to $15 for the retailers. So, they only make $5/game.

Does Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo take any pity on them at all and change the royalty structure? I would tend to think they don't, although that is from past experience where publishers were very cautious about how many copies they initially order for their first print run.

Well, I can't comment on the game angle buuut, let's look at movies for an answer that might apply:

When someone pays for the rights to a movie to an author or corporation, or whatever, if the movie bombs, they don't get a refund. When the game's on DVD and it bombs, the dvd manufacturer doesn't give them a refund.

It's business...risk/reward. If it fails, it's boo hoo for you, but no one involved in the movie licensing, distribution, or manufacture is bringing presents to your pity party. The financial risks are large, but so are the rewards.


The way F-ZERO GX bombed is just... DISGUSTING. MGS:TTS while not THAT excellent bombed bad too but the F-ZERO bomb is the worst ever.


works for Gamestop (lol)
F-Zero GX didnt bomb. Player's choice a year after release. Sure it was $9.99 at ebgames but far from being a total bomb


Wario64 said:
F-Zero GX didnt bomb. Player's choice a year after release. Sure it was $9.99 at ebgames but far from being a total bomb

I have a feeling that if the publisher was anyone but Nintendo, we would've seen a price reduction a whole lot sooner.

And, for the record, it's my favorite racing game this generation. So I'm not being critical, or saying it doesn't deserve to sell well and/or have a high price tag. That's just Nintendo's style.


overall bomb that i remember best is project eden, the core/eidos game from the TR team. went from $50 to $20 in a month, IIRC.

i think that herdy gerdy took a quick nosedive (well-deserved, too. what a pile of shit.)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, but didn't Second Sight release near the end of September? It dropped to $29.99 in 3 weeks and hit $19.99 a few days later...

I'm really am thinking of picking it up, though. Like I said, the demo was very enjoyable and the reviews have been solid.
ferricide said:
i think that herdy gerdy took a quick nosedive (well-deserved, too. what a pile of shit.)

While I agree the game was complete crap, the art direction and graphics were spectacular.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The Guy Game is $19.99 at Fry's Electronics, and that was released less than a month ago I think


works for Gamestop (lol)
Heh actually Guy Game was late August...damn time flies

The Guy Game 08/31/04
Second Sight 09/21/04

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Wario64 said:
The Guy Game is $19.99 at Fry's Electronics, and that was released less than a month ago I think
That's the price it should've been considering the audience.
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury dropped pretty fast too. Less than 2 months....

I actually liked parts of this game. Wasn't ground breaking or revolutionary, but it is a lot of fun. Defiantely worth checking out cheap. (I hope more people buy it so I can actually play a game of online V.I.P. all most people do is play deathmatch).
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