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Would it be wrong of me to ask this girl out?

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There is this girl that me and my friend know, she lived at St. Louis for about 4 months, but now she's back. Anyway, my friend and I were at the movie theater when we saw her for the first time since she left. We started talking and even ended up seeing the same movie (I, Robot if anyone cares), and we talked for a little bit, my friend did to, however he's a lot more shy than I am so he didn't talk as much as I did.

Long story short, after the movie we said our good byes and then I made the comment that I'd like to ask he out sometime, to which my friend was like "Yeah.". Then today he tells me, HE wants to ask her out. I asked him when and he's like "Well, sometime." I was planning to ask her out in the next couple of days. The thing is, he's said he's going to ask out girls before....but never has. So, what do you guys think?


give him a deadline, if he does not make a move by that deadline, ask her out.
that advice already takes into account that he is a good friend and you are giving him an advantage.
otherwise just ask her out.
I don't know what the level of closeness is between you and your friend but the girl sounds like fair game to me.

I sympathize with your friend's shyness (a failing of my own) but that really isn't a reason for you to hold back or defer to him.
I told him he has 2 weeks, then he responded with: "Well, I don't have her number, and I don't even get to see her'. I told him that that's why he needs to talk to someone who does know her. He never really trys to get girls, and always puts things off.
Forget deadlines, what has he done to earn one (other than your pitty)? Unless he was the one who originally introduced you to her then he shouldn't have any "right of first refusal."

All is fair in a love and war....


Banstick Emeritus
What's wrong with both of you asking her out? A little competition never hurt anyone, she doesn't belong to either you, and frankly you can't go around parceling around chicks you meet like slices of birthday cake. Tell you friend that you're going to pursue it, and if he wants to as well, may the best man win.
Synbios459 said:
I told him he has 2 weeks, then he responded with: "Well, I don't have her number, and I don't even get to see her'. I told him that that's why he needs to talk to someone who does know her. He never really trys to get girls, and always puts things off.
he just gave up... ask her out...


Junior Member
bishoptl said:
What's wrong with both of you asking her out? A little competition never hurt anyone, she doesn't belong to either you, and frankly you can't go around parceling around chicks you meet like slices of birthday cake. Tell you friend that you're going to pursue it, and if he wants to as well, may the best man win.

That's an easy way to add unneeded tension to a friendship.

There's nothing wrong with you asking the girl out. I'm willing to bet that when it comes to girls, you have more luck than your friend does, don't you? So the reason your pal came at you with his "I want to ask her out too" line is probably NOT because he really wants to ask her out (seeing as he has zero self-confidence), but because he'd be very envious of YOU having her. If that's the case, you better deal with this first, so that it doesn't create any tension in your relationship with him.
say if you get serious with this girl.....could you be friends with someone you know has the hots for her and probably jacks off to her?


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Unconfirmed Member
It's fair game.

Your friend will be upset though, because it sounds like he's "that guy".
If he was a good friend of mine, I'd teach him not to be a shy shit.

But if not, go for the chick, it's important for him to learn that an idle hand doesn't grab chicks.

If you want to help your friend out then help him, if you don't want to help him, then why miss this oppertunity? And if he doesn't want to be friends with you because of some chick then screw him.
Depends, with me and my boys, it's bros before hoes. If a guy is taking too long, he can't hold it against any of the others in our circle. So it depends on how sensitive this guy would be to you asking her out AND how important she is to you. If she's just another chick, then screw it, let it slide.
Thing I don't understand is you already stated you wanted to ask her out the day before. So why are you the one having to back down?

Your friend doesn't sound too comfortable around girls, you should go ahead and make your move.
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