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Wow! 20 minutes into The Sims 2 and my first sim already died. =\


He wanted a refrigerator, so I bought one. Then he stood in front of it very angry. I couldn't figure out what I did wrong for a few minutes, then I realized the frig was backwards with the door facing a wall so he couldn't open it. So after I fixed that problem, I figured I better add in a toaster over to warm up food. Big mistake! As soon as he popped in a tv dinner, everything caught fire. I directed my sim to go outside away from the flames and he did, but he kept running back inside to the flames and panicing. Eventually he caught fire himself, and then died a few minutes later. Death showed up, took out his clip board, flipped some pages, made a call on his cellphone and then went up stairs, used the toilet and left the house. o_O

Is there anyway to bring Sims back from the dead? I noticed an earn was left behind.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
In the first game if you had other sims you could make them plead with Death not to take the dying sim and he would spare him. You can probably do that in the Sims 2 as well but since your guy was alone (I'm guessing) you couldn't do anything about it. Your sim is toast. As far as I know you can't bring sims back to life.


No, you can't resurrect him. Next time be sure to have a smoke detector. It calls the fire department as soon as there is a fire. Also, make sure your Sim has cooking skills before you even attempt to cook something. You can learn cooking from the bookcase or watching The Yummy Channel on TV. :)




The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Death showed up, took out his clip board, flipped some pages, made a call on his cellphone and then went up stairs, used the toilet and left the house. o_O

Death used the toilet? Did he leave a floater?
you can pleed with deat in this actuall some sims have that as one of thier insperations. to be saved form death...hey at least you didn't get the "poop your friendship away" "jumpinh like and idot and thats all I do and I will infect our whole neighborhood" or "Pschi clingy floating bear" bugs yet. Or one of the 1,000,000,001 other bugs...wait make that 1,000,000,002
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