hahahaha holy shit :lol :lol :lolCruel Bastard Mario said:And lets not forget the sequel, The Empire Sucks Cock!
hahahaha holy shit :lol :lol :lolCruel Bastard Mario said:And lets not forget the sequel, The Empire Sucks Cock!
Vieo said:If I finish watching a movie then shout out "WTF was that?!" and promptly log on to the internets to find a FAQ on said movie just so I can find out what in the blue hell I just finished watching, something is wrong with the movie.
My definition of anime is Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D, and Sailor Moon. =P
EDIT: While we're on the subject of things Japanese related, did anyone see Lost in Translation? Remember that scene where they were being chased and that guy was shooting at them with that weird laser thing? What was that weird laser thing and how come I've never seen them?
He's D, he's a half-vampire, and he kills other vampires. It's pretty simple and they let you know early in the movie. With AKIRA, there's all sorts of shyt going on. Shyt blowing up, people using drugs and shyt, gangs running a muck and shyt, government coverups, secret agents, etc and shyt. It's freaking MGS2 all over again!
Instead of something being wrong with the movie maybe you are just stupid. Certainly Akira is a gigantic story to tell in only a few hours, but the movie did an excellent job of telling it. Nothing is ambiguous about the story.Vieo said:If I finish watching a movie then shout out "WTF was that?!" and promptly log on to the internets to find a FAQ on said movie just so I can find out what in the blue hell I just finished watching, something is wrong with the movie.
FLCL is just a coming of age/sexual awakening story. It's just told as crazily as possible. But it's mostly innuendo. But if you couldn't get that from the "just swing the bat" episode, you REALLY need to go back to metaphor school.Vieo said:I didn't understand FLCL either, but I think it's supposed to be that way on purpose.![]()
belgurdo said:Also see: Ghost In the Shell. That movie made no fucking sense (especially since it was based on 1/6th of the full story from the manga)
Vieo said:I watched this so-called 'anime' a second time yesterday. In comparison to Vampire Hunter D and Dragon Ball Z, it's pretty craptacular. The storyline is also needlessly confusing and could have been presented in a better manner.
Anyone else feel this way?
MetatronM said:My big problem with Ghost in the Shell was that it was so uneventful. I remember watching it waiting for the main plot to really kick in when I realized about 3/4 of the way through that this was the main plot and that we were on our way to the big final battle.
I've never understood why people made such a big deal out of it. There were a couple decent philosophical ideas in there, but they never translated into any kind of interesting plot or storyline...at all.
Imagine my surprise when Stand Alone Complex turned out to be good. :lol I think it's just that a 30 minute episode makes for a much more ideal format for what GITS wants to accomplish. And for the longer arcing plot, it's not constrained by the limits of a movie and can last as long as needed to adequately flesh it out. So GITS movie = crap. GITS TV series = awesome.
i guess you don't like anime in general then....Prine said:I fucking hate it when Animies go crazy. There's been so many that try to fuck with your head.
Kabuki Waq said:Vampire hunter D:Blood Lust is an Awesome Anime movie. The First one sucked ass tho.
teepo said:AKIRA is the greatest anime movie... EVER!
MetatronM said:FLCL is just a coming of age/sexual awakening story. It's just told as crazily as possible. But it's mostly innuendo.
You're probably thinking of the colorized Marvel/Epic Comics trade paperbacks that they released back in the 90s. Those bastards are pretty hard to find, whereas the regular issues are everywhere.Chrono said:Its too bad the Akira manga only gets mentioned when people talk about the movie.
Really the manga all by itself is an awesome, awesome work and much superior to the movie. It deserved (and still does) its own series, at least 13 episodes will do. If you have not read it, even if youve seen the movie, at least give it a try. There are 6 volumes. I think they reprinted them into smaller editions that total up to 12 but I cant find those.
Kabuki Waq said:Vampire hunter D:Blood Lust is an Awesome Anime movie. The First one sucked ass tho.
Prine said:Edit: Awesome avatar
That thing scared the fuck outta me when i was a kid. "The Nothing"
Vieo said:I watched this so-called 'anime' a second time yesterday.
Cruel Bastard Mario said:Someone should mention that the original dub of Akira is much more enjoyable than the newer version.
Macross = shits all over every other mecha anime out there. That's right Gundam fans, I poo on your anime!LordPhlegm said:No Macross love?
Personally I think Patlabor 2 was one of Oshii's best works. It takes several viewings to suck in everything he pumps out, same with Otomo's films/stories.Shogmaster said:I think some folks just can't get into Oshii's directing style. I hear the same things about the 2 Patlabor movies from some folks. I personally love it, but then I don't need them to hit me over th ehead with a hammer for plot lines and such.
Willco said:Akira fails as a movie.
FnordChan said:That's a bit harsh. Akira is flawed, sure, but a complete failure? It looked beautiful, was technically impressive, and had the Star Child ending - shit, it's kinda like watching 2001, and that doesn't generally get written off as a failure.
Kudos to the DVD release's new subtitle translation, by the way. I thought it was a lot more coherant than the original dub release, even if they weren't quite going to the Olympics.
Willco said:2001 is also bat shit insane crazy and a failure.
but at the very core, a film should be a coherent story
border said:I think you need to see a truly incoherent movie before you lay into Akira for being incoherent.
I haven't seen it in a long time, but is it really that hard to follow? I wouldn't expect a viewer to have all the answers or anything, but there is a pretty easy-to-follow story of a troubled teenage being subjected to government experiments and everything going totally wrong. The disaster he brings about wipes the slate clean for the establishment of a new regime. Whiners at least understood that much, right? There are things that won't immediately make sense, but it's certainly not hopelessly abstract or anything like that. You guys make it sound like a Joyce novel or something.
Yes. Champloo is worth buying. The first episode alone is worth the price of admission.Prine said:Is Samarai Champloo worth buying? I need a new anime to watch, its been so long.
FnordChan said:No, its bat shit awesome.
Could it have had a tighter story? Oh sure, but it works reasonably well, certainly well enough to provide a framework to hang glorious animation on.
2) A coherent story is hardly necessary for a good movie. Of course, I'm a big Buñuel fan, so I would say that. Now, I'm not saying that Akira was necessarily trying to be the kind of movie where a coherent story isn't really necessary, but that doesn't mean that film can be good without having a coherent, standard plot.
The point being that you don't really have a grasp on what truly makes a film incoherent. It's the total lack of meaning or sense, as is found in something like Un Chien Andolou....a series of completely unconnected, mostly abstract vignettes that even according to the makers say has no meaning.Willco said:That's not much an argument. Akira is not incoherent because there are other more incoherent movies out there? Weak. I'm not saying Akira is the most incoherent movie ever made, just that it is incoherent.
Well, like I said, at the time and market it was released in, the manga was huge and widely-read, so there was an understanding that the intended audience wouldn't need things explained in detail, so they chose not to bog it down with all that.Again, apologists point to manga and stuff that I should read to understand the film. If Akira is indeed a so-called supplement to the manga, then they should've released the manga with the film. And no one should ever have to read something to understand a movie.
What do I do if I want to read the comic book in color? Was it Marvel that went in and added color or did they get Otomo and company to do it?Dark Horse's releases are B&W, yes.
Willco said:Superb technical effects does not a film make. I've had friends fall asleep during that movie. For what it's worth, I like it.
... Could it have almost any resemblance of a story?
It's definitely necessary.
The comparison to Dragonball Z is laughable, though.
Duck of Death said:Damnit FnordChan. I'm sitting here trying to organize my thoughts into a compelling argument, but you've said EVERYTHING I had in mind. Now I feel worthless.![]()
border said:What do I do if I want to read the comic book in color? Was it Marvel that went in and added color or did they get Otomo and company to do it?