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Wow, Ivan from IGNPS2 rants on Ninja Gaiden.


The guy is wrong on all account but I'm impressed with the rant:


Hi, I just wanted to know if you liked Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry more?

-- Bob

Ivan Responds: I like Devil May Cry a billion times more than I do Ninja Gaiden.

Ninja Gaiden is a mediocre game and it's one of the most overrated titles on our site. It's tedious, plodding, unnecessarily difficult, poorly paced, controls sloppy, has the stupidest camera system known to man, features a pointless and uninteresting storyline, and offers some decidedly generic art, however technically brilliant it may be. The only reason it gets scored so highly is because it's hyped, has impressive graphics, is a recognizable sequel to a long standing franchise, and prominently features a freaking Ninja. That doesn't make it utterly fantastic, like most people devoutly claim until you actually watch them play and listen to their curses roll for ten hours straight. Screw that game.

This is a better troll than anything I've seen here and I respect that! However his opinion is still misinformed!


I have not beaten Ninja Gaiden yet. I have quit on it actually.

But it didn't suck. It was just really hard. Actually, I could have probably got past where I quit, but I deleted my save in disgust... I dunno, I just got fed up & quit. :\

It was during that fight with those dragon things in that town square area for the first time. Not very far into the game.



"People often bash what they do not understand..."


When people complain about the difficulty in NG are they talking about Normal or hard mode?

Cause Normal mode is a breeze compared to Hard/Very Hard...


I'm reading an accompanying IGNXBOX thread and the guy pretty much sounds like a jerk.

He not only is attacking the game but he is on the offensive about a competing website too.

This pic serves him well for his actions in the IGNXBOX thread:



Fallopian Tube said:
I remember when an editor of IGN-Xbox called Metroid Prime a "rolling ball simulator", haha.

The funny part is, then Namco actually went and made a rolling ball simulator.

Ivan likes fucking with the kids. For some reason he never got bored with it the way I eventually did.



Chili Con Carnage!
NG is hard but only if you dont work out the best way to attack each enemy, once you've worked that out its at least as easy as devil may cry (on normal anyway, hard is a different story), best example being the ghost fish, once you'd worked out that all you needed to do was use the flails as they fly at you, they were probably the easiest enemy in the game. DMC had a pretty damn poor camera system too, worse than NG imo. Id agree on the story front though, cheesy as the DMC story was, at least it made a little bit of sense.


akascream said:
He didn't review Shinobi by chance, did he? :p

I reviewed Shinobi, although I don't remember hardly a thing about what I wrote. I think it had a fairly different set of problems from Ninja Gaiden, though.



I like DMC more than Ninja Gaiden also. Ninja Gaiden was a chore to play because of the awkward camera. And in DMC you had guns. :rock


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Exxy should have said all this to Itagaki @ E3 just to see the puss explode from the pores on his face in furious anger.


Hi, I just wanted to know if you liked Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry more?

-- Bob

Ivan Responds: I like Devil May Cry a billion times more than I do Ninja Gaiden.

Ninja Gaiden is a mediocre game and it's one of the most overrated titles on our site. It's tedious, plodding, unnecessarily difficult, poorly paced, controls sloppy, has the stupidest camera system known to man, features a pointless and uninteresting storyline, and offers some decidedly generic art, however technically brilliant it may be. The only reason it gets scored so highly is because it's hyped, has impressive graphics, is a recognizable sequel to a long standing franchise, and prominently features a freaking Ninja. That doesn't make it utterly fantastic, like most people devoutly claim until you actually watch them play and listen to their curses roll for ten hours straight. Screw that game.

I own both of those games and prefer DMC1. I agree with the bolded parts, I would imagine I'm in the extreme minority, though. I wouldn't call it horrible or mediocre though, because it's not.

Although the camera complaint seems like it's gonna be fixed in 1.1, so that is good news. To bad they aren't fixing not being able to copy saves to the memory unit though.


Mooreberg said:
Exxy should have said all this to Itagaki @ E3 just to see the puss explode from the pores on his face in furious anger.

What a sight that would be!

Someone should PS a pic of Itagaki with his pimples exploding puss :p.


it's one of the most overrated titles on our site. It's tedious, plodding, poorly paced, has the stupidest camera system known to man, features a pointless and uninteresting storyline, and offers some decidedly generic art, however technically brilliant it may be.

Galanthas is right...these parts of the quote are, indeed, true

still loved the game :b


If you guys had serious problems with the camera then you really suck major balls. The camera could get annoying, especially in boss battles and thats about it really. R + right stick movement fixed all the camera problems even in hectic fights except for boss battles.


I thought it was hard, but I had no patience either. I just quit. I pussied out really. If I kept plodding along, I would have been done with the game long ago for sure. But once I quit on the 5th level (I think that was it), I just never came back. I play 1 or 2 levels once in a while for fun, but I never sav those. Just wanted to play the village levels. Too bad you do most of the really cool moves with a level 2 dragon sword :\.


Shompola said:
If you guys had serious problems with the camera then you really suck major balls. The camera could get annoying, especially in boss battles and thats about it really. R + right stick movement fixed all the camera problems even in hectic fights except for boss battles.

fucking dick measurers...why is it every time someone mentions the camera they feel the need to reasure themselves that they where able to overcome the retarded camera system and 'become one with it' and who can forget that anyone who has any trouble with the camera is lacking in skills? fucking bullshit that people are so willing to defend an obviously flawed gameplay descision because it adds an extra inch to their --er...ego.

The camera sucked...you overcame it...great...so did I, but unlike some i'm not gonna take that as a badge that i'm ELITE and act like a fucking tool becauise of that

what's next? GunValkyrie fans?


Tag of Excellence
I enjoyed both games so I can't complain. I just find it so pathetically sad that someone who gets paid to write for a game site actually resorts to this level of immaturity and stupidity. What a sad sad waste of a job.


Only PS2 fanboys would like devil may cry more then Ninja gaiden. Let's compare-

NG -camera is fine 90% of the time with an additional 8% being remedied by hitting one button ~VERSUS~ DMC- camera is unadjustable and sucks for every boss fight in the game + about a 3rd of the stages, often times you will fight enemies blindly without anyway to see them except moving around alot.

Winner- NG by a heavy margin. There was only a single spot in the entire game where the camera got on my nerves- in stage 6 when you leap out of that one cavern that requires a triangle jump. That was it.

NG - pretty generic but still somewhat cool looking character and enemy designs that look decent on paper and in game. DMC- Dante has an awesome character design, trish looks like a retarded mongoloidian reject from silent hill in game though... still it had cool loooking enemies and bosses. Specifically the megma spider is a much cooler enemy then the generic dragon in Ninja gaiden.. even if said dragon was enourmous.

winner- DMC , Ryu looks cool but most of his foes are by the book enemies compared to the cool looking original designs found in dmc.

NG- 60 FPS with AA , super high poly great texture. Hell, its one of the best looking games this generation, its also a 2004 game. DMC- Aged like most older PS2 titles, it looks like ass even though it runs at 60 FPS. It does throw alot of stuff on screen at once but still...

Winner - NG- this battle was a bit unfair really 2004 xbox VS 2001 PS2...

NG- I really liked the soundtrack in this game , it was almost ambient most of the time becoming intense when nessecary. DMC- I liked the main theme but most of the games soundtrack was cheese.

Winner- NG- but you know, barely.


NG- like a killing intensive zelda title mixed with soul calibur. The game can be called difficult but only if you refuse to learn how to play it properly . Once you get 'it' you don't lose 'it'. DMC- a simple mindless shooter, its gets the job done but its pretty mindless, in particular the griffon boss can be defeated easily by simply shooting it for 5 minutes , and the few enemies that seem difficult can be overcome by simply putting different equipment on....

Winner- NG- yeah, I'll happily take finnesse over button mashing any day of the week , plus I'm replaying ninja gaiden despite just finishing it yet I got so sick of devil may cry by the end that I nearly didn't complete it and when I did I actually laughed at how bad the ending was and the whole storyline in general.

BATTLE EXTRA- supporting cast

So in Ninja gaiden we get ayane from DOA and an impossibly busty barbie doll with a huge axe compared to a cross eyed silent hill reject who marvels at the color of fricking sky. On an extra extra note, the storylines in both games are pretty lame so they shouldnt' even be compared on that level.
I still need to play DMC. Ninja Gaidenis somewhat of a chore. I dont think it's that hard since I've played enough videogames, I know how to deal with broken gameplay.
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