WOW OMG: Steam is refunding No Man's Sky even if you played more then 2 hours

Venom Fox

Has anyone in England managed to get refund with sony?
Yes. Go to this page:

And hang around for a bit. Eventually a live chat icon will pop up and you can live chat.

It's a fairly simple process. They'll ask you to try the usual shit like initialise the PS4 etc but just tell them you've already done it and the games still broken. Just be nice and offer to leave feedback.

To answer the question, I was successful btw.


Yes. Go to this page:

And hang around for a bit. Eventually a live chat icon will pop up and you can live chat.

It's a fairly simple process. They'll ask you to try the usual shit like initialise the PS4 etc but just tell them you've already done it and the games still broken. Just be nice and offer to leave feedback.

To answer the question, I was successful btw.

I have been on the phone to them 4 times.... they me to do the usual stuff then said me to email the developers and get reference code, which i did but still no reply...

Edit: I don't see a live chat option?

Venom Fox

I have been on the phone to them 4 times.... they me to do the usual stuff then said me to email the developers and get reference code, which i did but still no reply...

Edit: I don't see a live chat option?
Wtf. I just said the developers were ignoring me. It'll pop up eventually.


It's pretty simple to check: Planets you see in the sky just hang there, they don't move. They should do that if planets actually rotated.
Ding Ding Ding

Honestly I am shocked people did the jump on this simple fact immediately. Imagine how awesome it would be if you saw planets set and rise with the day/night cycle... :(

If this game did all it would be expected to do, it would be breathtaking moment to moment.
Got this reply from Steam support after a long coversation back and forth. Looks like refunds for those over 2 hours played is going to be next to impossible, but I'm going to keep pushing.

I'm sorry you aren't satisfied with your purchase but unfortunately in this situation you will not receive a refund.

We have provided all the available information and will be unable to assist you further with this issue.

If you have an unrelated problem, we will be happy to assist you.

7 patches to the game on 2 platforms since launch

I only crash once in a blue moon now on ps4

sooooo No. Theyre actively fixing their game

Glad to hear it's improving, but personally the technical issues are irrelevant to me because even if it was the most optimized game ever released. I'm just not interested in the same, repetitive content over and over.


Gold Member
Glad to hear it's improving, but personally the technical issues are irrelevant to me because even if it was the most optimized game ever released. I'm just not interested in the same, repetitive content over and over.

Welcome to every game ever made.


You're both currently sitting at stage 1 of the Kübler-Ross model: Denial & Isolation. I finally made it to the Acceptance stage. I've accepted that we've been told a massive amount of lies and now I can just sit back and watch the shit show unfold as Sean Murray hides in his cave.

Not in denial, just joking. Got my refund way before this thread. I was not having fun so I stopped before I reached my 2 hours. Thankfully, I watched the early streams of this game and getting a chance to put my hands on it. It just confirmed it was a shallow game.

Used that money and bought Deus Ex and Rimworld. (Go get Rimworld. Shit is extremly good for a 1 dev game.)


I've joined space battles with 30+ ships attacking freighters. Not "a couple".

The only huge difference with the old gameplay footage is that it is more of a status quo situation. If you do nothing, nothing really happens. Freighters indeed don't fly around (for now?) and pirates will just swarm them and attack, but nothing really comes out of it and freighters don't shoot back. I'm guessing this has more to do with a gameplay consideration rather than a technical limitation, considering that (some) freighters will definitely try to wipe you out if you attack them.

If you attack the pirates, they'll fight back and the freighters won't touch you (unless a loose photon bullet ends up hitting them, RIP my first ship). If you attack the freighters, the pirates will ignore you. Freighters may or may not fire back. Sentinels starships, and eventually sentinel cruisers, will be progressively called in.

So yes, it's not 100% what was shown once, BUT saying "there is no large battles where you can choose a side" (as many people have) is quite far from the final real gameplay possibilities too. Granted, I would like a bit more fleshed out outcomes/consequences of these battles. Like, you fail if you take too long to get rid of all the pirates, like a time trial of sorts.

Systems are indeed not quite as complex as they said they would be. That "oh, other stuff is fake" was a dumb statement to make, too. Presumably, part of it has to do with people getting thrown of by planet rotation etc during playtesting.
At the same time, I've been on permanently dark / lit sides of planets. So I'm not entirely sure how that can happen if it's merely a set skybox, unless, they "fake it" by changing the "skybox" depending on your position on the planet I guess. It's hard to use the term skybox too, when, if you see a planet or moon up in the sky, you can hop into your ship and get there seamlessly and without any "cheating". Or if there is, it's so well done that it's in practice identical to the "real thing".

People have come to conclude that (partly) because of that, the whole different resources thing is not in at all either, so it's another lie. Yet I know exactly where to look if I want a shitton of plutonium on a planet. I know which type of planets to look for if I want chrysonite, or to just walk for 5 minutes and fill my ship with gold. How could I do that, if there was no such system in place?

You can't guess craft recipes, true. I'm not sure anything more than "we kinda want to do it like minecraft" was ever said though, and Some of the more rare recipes (alloys) are not straightforward to get.

No "true" MP for now, for sure. Maybe they lied. Maybe they didn't make it in time. Maybe it didn't work, maybe the servers/netcode is fucked. I don't know and I'm not going to claim I do.

Portals are physically there, but presumably it's not possible to activate them. There is evidence of stuff related to that in the code. Maybe they were disabled at the last minute. Or just not finished yet.

I'm not sure what you mean by "not viable" to be a trader or a pirate either. You can absolutely play the game this way, unless I don't get your point fully.

There's also a large list of things that were supposedly not there at all, and the more time passes, the more you get evidence of all that stuff (yourself, or seeing footage from other people)f. That reddit list was made after a week (a couple of days for the PC release) by a guy who didn't even play himself. It's a list of quotes with statements that "X and Y are NOT in". People ran with it to conclude that they deliberately lied about pretty much everything. They basically ignored the old adage "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". This does not mean that "anything could be out there" either. It's still a game. Made by a team of 15. There will be limitations, and I think some people just forgot that. The press ceertainly didn't help with all their "OMG GUYZ WE VISITED HG GUYZ. NMS FTW. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES GUYZ. IT'S ALL LIKE INFINITE AND SHIT" (clickbait?) articles.

So yes, the game doesn't 100% matches the few bits of gameplay that were shown. some stuff is not there (yet?). Some stuff is "close enough". I'd wager you could put ANY game/dev under the spotlight for pretty much the whole duration of its development, and you could always find stuff that was shown/talked about 2 years prior that didn't make it in the end, without necessarily the devs putting a press release out to inform that the 2 secs footage they've shown 2 years ago to isn't in the game (like an NPC ship taking of from random ground, and not just from trading posts. Seriously what difference does it really make?). Yes, they definitely made some mistakes too.

I think there is enough of a good game (YMMV, it's certainly not for everyone, that was clear from Day 1) here to warrant a good discussion about what it is, what is due for improvements (like a lot of UI stuff), what kind of additions would be cool. But an insane amount of bandwidth is instead spent on just pure hate, often not factually justified (assuming hate is ever justified, at least when it comes to a fucking videogame), and discussions about what the game isn't or doesn't have, that is in several cases based on an absence of evidence fallacy made by people who have a limited experience (first hand or not) of the game, and also influenced by some people's imagination running wild (on both sides of the argument).

As far as I'm concerned, I'm enjoying the game, and it's pretty damn close to what I expected it would be. As it is for, I think, many people. Just read the summaries some made in these "what do you do?!" threads over the years, based on footage and interviews. Yes, some (important or not) details aren't there. Yet or not. For whatever reason, which doesn't have to be "OMG SCAM". It's difficult however to play the game for a decent amount of time, and not think that it is pretty damn close to what these summaries described.

I really appreciate the complete lack of handholding (rare these days, and no, it's not "bad videogames design, it's completely consistent with the premise), the fact that it's different, the freaking huge colour palette (something people have been complaining about for years), how fun it can be to dig your way around (again, something people often say they want), etc.

tl;dr. Yes, the game isn't 100% identical to what was shown, sometimes once, over a whole period of 3 years. Yes, there are stability/compatibility issues. They've been working on that a lot. Yes, some stuff is fucking irritating (please let me craft warp cells directly. For the love of my DS4). Yes, some of the reactions are insanely disproportionate to what is going on. The snowball effect is real.

Rant over, back to the game I go.

Level headed rant. Totally agree with all your points.

Just came in to say that I have about 80 hours logged and I'm loving it. :D


GoG support finally replied and gave me a full refund. Not sure why but last patch made my fps and stuttering really bad with gsync on and I couldn't take it. Maybe once they release more patches and fix the game I will think about buying it again but for now I guess I will stick to overwatch.


Welcome to every game ever made.
Holy fuck...

FPS Level 1: shoot the guy top left, shoot guy top right, go through exit
FPS Level 2: shoot the guy top left, shoot guy top right, go through exit
FPS Level 3: shoot the guy top left, shoot guy top right, go through exit

...then maybe...


NMS is just a big barren nothing. there's no game there.

RIch Evans summed up my feelings in his review when he said "we hardly can even have a review of this game. you just... you go to the planet, shoot the rocks.. go to the next planet.. shoot the rocks.. How do you critique that? how do you have a discussion about that?"

Great review/analysis of the game.

"We can't review the new CoD. All you do is walk along corridor-like levels shooting AI dudes. You can also go online, and shoot real dudes."

"We can't review the new FIFA. All you do is kick a ball around in a stadium, and it's more or less the same dudes than last year, they just changed teams for some of them."


The answer is not "there's no game" it's "there's no handholding me towards that one particular thing in this game".
Give the same box of legos to two kids, without the instructions. One will be pissed off that it's nearly impossible to get the result shown on the box without that, the other one will throw the box away and make whatever he wants.

I don't know who to agree with here. (Ignoring the contention of false promises/marketing and the price point for the moment.) I think you're both being equally too hard and too light on the game.

On the one hand, NMS is seriously lacking in meaningful content. There's some decent flavour text, but that's the only reason to play for many hours, theoretically. Also 'flavour text' is a terrible core reason to progress through the game.

On the other hand, a relaxed experience where you can keep going to new planets and keep travelling through a galaxy and naming stuff is very cool.

Regarding mechanics, it's rudimentary. But I can forgive that to an extent because other aspects of design can carry an experience: the structure of upgrades, a galaxy and a couple of gentle objectives can be enough to make simple mechanics work fine.

However, an analogy with FIFA and CoD is pretty ridiculous because those games have a ton of nuance and depth to the moment-to-moment gameplay, while NMS... Doesn't. The deepest mechanic is using strike/jump/jetpack/sprint to do a boost jump. Which is great, but that's the most depth it has.

Basically I think both of you are being unfair on the game - in opposite directions.

I was about to snarkily say 'Dat post' and then I read the link in the guy's tag and... yeah...


I don't know who to agree with here. (Ignoring the contention of false promises/marketing and the price point for the moment.) I think you're both being equally too hard and too light on the game.

On the one hand, NMS is seriously lacking in meaningful content. There's some decent flavour text, but that's the only reason to play for many hours, theoretically. Also 'flavour text' is a terrible core reason to progress through the game.

On the other hand, a relaxed experience where you can keep going to new planets and keep travelling through a galaxy and naming stuff is very cool.

Regarding mechanics, it's rudimentary. But I can forgive that to an extent because other aspects of design can carry an experience: the structure of upgrades, a galaxy and a couple of gentle objectives can be enough to make simple mechanics work fine.

However, an analogy with FIFA and CoD is pretty ridiculous because those games have a ton of nuance and depth to the moment-to-moment gameplay, while NMS... Doesn't. The deepest mechanic is using strike/jump/jetpack/sprint to do a boost jump. Which is great, but that's the most depth it has.

Basically I think both of you are being unfair on the game - in opposite directions.

My point is that it's basically very easy to make silly one-liners about a game's mechanics and then say "well there's fuck all there. How do I review this?". You can do that for any game.
It's not an evaluation of what the game is and does, and whether it is well designed or not, it's making a statement that is essentially in effect "I have no interest in this".

What is meaningful content? There's no objective 100% true "meaning". It's what you make of it. How often have you heard "video games are silly, just a waste of time. what's the point?"

For me, landing on a new planet and walking around, looking for new stuff, (while doing the mundane tasks in the background) has purpose, and a "meaning". It's fulfilling a sense of curiosity and wonder. That's the meaningful content this game offers. The bits of lore, too, which some people find "pointless", while personally I think it perfectly matches the theme of the game, i.e. you being dropped in an unknown galaxy that you explore one planet at a time. In many aspects, NMS is very consistent with that theme (like giving you very little explanations - again, it's consistent, but some people hate it).

It is a very divisive game, you'll most likely hate it or love it. But then again, what isn't (barring any considerations on popularity/sales numbers)? Some gamers will have absolutely zero interest in playing Sim City, finding it boring, dull and pointless. Some people just don't give a flying fuck about FPS.
Thing is, since NMS kinda is its own thing, it becomes a divisive discussion about a specific game that doesn't really happen when we talk about specific genres. But that doesn't mean that it's a shitty game. All it means is that it's not for you.


Really the bottom line is that this game is not for everyone. But some peoole can't square with that, and so they become upset about it. Others want to stir drama for drama's sake, which is nothing new.

The game is largely what I expected it to be, based on what we've seen over the years.
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