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Wow, One of these Seattle Servers needs to grow up. (desert combat)

So we start the bocage map. Im on allies, we're outnumbered by 2. The iraqi have this really good fighter pilot and our air war is going poorly. Still, I figured hey good time to learn flying.

By the way fucking hilarious. Ive never seen people fly helicopters in such a way. Fuck I cant fly them anyway.

So I jump in a harrier, which rocks. I go in for a bombing run but a missile is on my tails real quick so I go low and drop a payload, ejecting before the missile hits and landing near a run down building inside the main (axis) base. No one is there cept this guy who feels sitting on the repair pad in a rocket launching platform is fair. So I do all this secret special ops sneaking around (I was special ops class) and I sneak into the side way of the repair station. The guy is in scout spotter mode so he cant see shit outside of himself. I drop two charges under his ass and detonate. I go for a tank and prepare to move out and work my way back to the front when I am kicked by the guy I killed.

Great job asshole.


Unconfirmed Member
Arrghgh, I've "been there" and I hate it.

Most memorable was racing a long Tallydega race in Nascar 2003 online, after battling for 45 minutes with a 6 car lead pack, I decided to change my pit strategy to take advantage of some back-markers and attempt to leapfrog the rest of the lead pack.

After the pitstops, my gamble worked, and I had a 1/2 lap lead on the rest of the field, the previous leader was pissed, and turned out to be the server admin, when he realised what had happened...

"You have been disconnected by the server"

At least an hour wasted.


Fucking whinyass children
I hate playing fair and getting my ass kicked out. Sorry, you suck so much that you lose even when cheating.

I see the racing thing being more of an issue tho. thankfully desert combat is pretty pick up n play.


I was always the engineer, and I was always kicked because my damn teammates couldn't see where I dropped some mines. It sucks, killing 30+ people, capturing 10 point per game, but have a score of 12 due to all those "teamkills" :(


The only way to play on public servers. You get a big fuck you when trying to explain some tactics to the teammates. And things like driving away when someone needs a pickup, killing a teammate who might be closer to the freshly spawned plane/chopper.

I don't even play it at LAN parties anymore...
find a good community

I did this for natural selection mod (think starcraft/aliens/etc fps hl mod)


and its not a clan (I wear the tag since I donate and have a reserve slot)

but man if it isnt great knowing all the admins and having a very strong community that will work togther it really makes online gaming shine.


I feel your pain.. I ranted about the same thing a little while ago...

Desert Combat tends to be a little worse than vanilla BF, too, simply because not only do you have people who just want to (poorly) fly the airplanes, but there's also helicopters, which really attract the idiots.

The sucky thing is is that when used correctly, the air vehicles can really turn the tide of the whole round. One time on El Alamein me and this other guy were both in Hinds and we both stayed near our tanks, clearing out the bases before they got there, so they could just roll up and capture them. Our team completely dominated the map, and it was absolutely awesome flying alongside another person who actually understands that it's a team game.

However, as far as what happened to you goes, it may have been a server where they don't allow killing of someone in their uncapturable base. Of course, he was killing FROM his uncapturable base, but it may help explain why you got kicked. I imagine that he may have not been an admin, but complained to an admin on the server that you were "spawn camping".
yeah someone explained this 'rule' to me on quarter to three. While I think spawn camping is dumb, I think making the main base 'invincible' sorta removes the real draw of fighting. Whats the main goal?

It turns it all into smash tv.
yeah I couldnt stand that arbritary rule making

I got reemed playing 2fort tfc one time because I went "offensive" into the enemies base over the bridge.... :|


MrAngryFace said:
yeah someone explained this 'rule' to me on quarter to three. While I think spawn camping is dumb, I think making the main base 'invincible' sorta removes the real draw of fighting. Whats the main goal?

It turns it all into smash tv.

Well, if the main base is uncapturable, it really is a little silly to try attacking it on foot. The main goal of the game is to take the capturable points, then hold them. While attacking the enemy main base may get you a few extra points and chip away at their tickets, it really doesn't contribute to the goal of the game a whole lot.

For example, say you're on a team that has captured all the control points, and the everybody moves their tanks in to start killing people at their main base. This severely diminishes the number of defenders at the capturable points, if not eliminating them completely. Even if you've got every tank available to your side shelling them, all it takes is one of them to sneak by (or drive by in a jeep or something) to capture a base behind you, and by the time anybody paying attention gets their tank turned around and back to the fallen outpost, the rest of the team has most likely spawned there and has the area pretty covered. It works much better to just fortify the bases that are most likely to come under attack. Take Bocage, for example. If you're on the Allied side and you've got all the bases, you can just gather everybody around the northwest base. With some artillery on the other side of the river, as well as a few scattered tanks, along with good air support, you can tear the Axis apart as they trickle out of their base, instead of trying to keep them pinned in, which hardly ever works.

Your situation was different, as you got shot down over their base, but it's possible that the other guy didn't know that. Of course, it's also entirely possible that he was just a whiny server admin who didn't like being blown up because he wasn't paying attention...
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