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Well they've been hinting at the WoW forums that a November release looks likely. I'm guessing December is when we'll see it. Or, at the latest, January.


Good. This holiday season was looking pretty devoid of any big name titles, especially November.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ugh man, I -NEED- this! >_< Starting a character that I get to keep 'forever' will be a beautiful thing. ;)


2 months before Christmas?.. That means a code lock on the 25th of September. OMG, the game is done TODAY and the devs didn't even hear the news!!
Also from same feature:

"You cannot maintain Alliance and Horde characters on the same server. Therefore most people will maintain a presence on two servers (one for Horde and one for Alliance). Amongst other things, the reason for this is to stop people jumping over to the “winning side” all the time!"

Good i say.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Also from same feature:

"You cannot maintain Alliance and Horde characters on the same server. Therefore most people will maintain a presence on two servers (one for Horde and one for Alliance). Amongst other things, the reason for this is to stop people jumping over to the “winning side” all the time!"

Good i say.

I like this.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yeah that is a good thing, just like DAOC.

Anyway... it still seems like Blizzard still has a lot left to finish. =( Hopefully they'll start workin' super fast and we'll see the release soon. :D


The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking January / Febuary. I mean it's mid-september and all the talents arent even in yet, they just completely redesigned the profession system and haven't put in any real PvP system yet. Seems like a lot to do in 1 month.


I wonder if that's going to be just on pvp servers or on all servers. I also wonder if you couldn't get around this by deleting any characters of one faction. If so it'd still lead to a lot of imbalance (like right now, alliance outnumbers horde about 3:1 on both servers in closed beta) but probably be tougher to get around.
They can delay as much as they want. All it means is I get more time to put off buying a new computer and saving money and getting PCI-E and DDR2 worked out.


Every server will be a pvp server. The factions are at war. The 'pvp' server is for the pvp fanatics that want to break the larger pvp events by allowing everyone to gank everyone else, thus holding on to thier manhood in the face of teh dreaded carebear stare.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:
Every server will be a pvp server. The factions are at war. The 'pvp' server is for the pvp fanatics that want to break the larger pvp events by allowing everyone to gank everyone else, thus holding on to thier manhood in the face of teh dreaded carebear stare.

Um, or just people who like competition. =P As it is on non-pvp servers right now, the factions are hardly at war. You can only pvp if nearby guards are attacked. Or if everyone hase the foresight to put on their /pvp flag (and only if they decide to, of course).

Edit: Only the pvp-server has contested zones right now. The way it works is on the pvp server, you can automatically attack members of the other faction when they are in your zones and they can attack you when you are in their zones. So you cannot be ganked or even touched when you are in your own territory. "All-out PvP" is for contested zones, which in my experience is all the level 20+ areas.

I'm really only going to play a normal server if they get the battlegrounds in at launch, methinks.


Um, or just people who like competition. =P As it is on non-pvp servers right now, the factions are hardly at war. You can only pvp if nearby guards are attacked.

PvP hasn't been implemented yet. IMO all contested zones should be free for all. In a zone belonging to your faction you should be safe unless you attack. Regardless, you can hardly critisize a non-implemented feature.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Your idea is exactly how the PvP servers work right now.

I never criticized anything, I responded to your generalization about pvp-people and simply described the state of how things are working. =)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:


Yes, every server has SOME form of pvp, but unless you specifically read a release from Blizzard stating otherwise, there will probably still be servers with a heavier focus on it and an entirely different ruleset. We're discussing the differences between them. What's your point?



I said every server WILL be a pvp server and you tell me that isn't the case, citing the current, unimplemented form of pvp as proof of something.


Tag of Excellence
Anyone know when beta-testing on this game started? I don't mean internal testing but actual invites from the team to the community (whether random or friends).
TekunoRobby said:
Anyone know when beta-testing on this game started? I don't mean internal testing but actual invites from the team to the community (whether random or friends).

Last march I think.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:

I said every server WILL be a pvp server and you tell me that isn't the case, citing the current, unimplemented form of pvp as proof of something.

So you mean every server will BECOME what the pvp servers are now? Where have you read this?

I assumed you were calling the normal servers PvP servers (since a limited form of PvP is available), especially since you said people playing on the PvP servers NOW are just looking to gank and assure their 'manhood'. =P


So you mean every server will BECOME what the pvp servers are now? Where have you read this?

http://worldofwarcraft.com/ houses the beta forums. There's tons of info from developers there. And no, I didn't say they will become what the pvp servers are now. PvP is unimplemented anywhere yet. It isn't in the game.

I just got into the beta last night. About to log on and play right now. Yay. I don't really care when it comes out now.

WOAH.. you got your second email with the key in it? AFAIK they haven't added testers from the waiting list (already accepted into beta waiting list) for some time. I'm sitting on that list right now.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:
http://worldofwarcraft.com/ houses the beta forums. There's tons of info from developers there. And no, I didn't say they will become what the pvp servers are now. PvP is unimplemented anywhere yet. It isn't in the game.

Here is the PvP page from that site: http://worldofwarcraft.com/info/basics/ (Edit: For some reason it won't let me link directly to it. Select the "realm types" link from that page)

The only thing I see about a change from now to release is the battlegrounds (which I was already aware of and even mentioned in one of my earlier posts). Though admittedly I haven't scoured the PvP forums for newer information if there is any. Have they said anything specific?
Whoot! I loved the stress test for this game. Just ordered a 6800 series card after I found out that the game will be optimized for nvidia cards.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:
Developers have come out on their board and directly said that PvP isn't even implemented yet.

I have no idea what you are talking about, because I experienced everything in the link I posted first hand in the Stress Test.




President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Random results from your first link: People mentioning that the FINAL pvp system has not been implemented.

Second link: Blizzard mentioning that the pvp REWARD system has not been implemented.

I don't how much clearer I can be. Please actually read my post and click on the link I provided. Everything it describes, I have seen and participated in.


Re: Rumor | 9/14/2004 6:01:17 PM EDT

We have not released an official launch date.

Rumors are just that. :) - Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager, WoW
Random results from your first link: People mentioning that the FINAL pvp system has not been implemented.

Second link: Blizzard mentioning that the pvp REWARD system has not been implemented.

I don't how much clearer I can be. Please actually read my post and click on the link I provided. Everything it describes, I have seen and participated in.



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:
Developer > You.

I guess the hundreds of people posting on their pvp forum are all just lying about the PvP they are testing?

Would you like me to post some screenshots of the PvP I participated in? I can't believe you're still arguing this. I'm beginning to think it's a joke.

The developers are all talking about how the BATTLEGROUNDS, REWARDS, and final TWEAKS are not implemented. PvP is in the game, as many other GAFers and thousands of people who have actually played WoW could tell you.
akascream said:
WOAH.. you got your second email with the key in it? AFAIK they haven't added testers from the waiting list (already accepted into beta waiting list) for some time. I'm sitting on that list right now.

I got in through a friend, who has a friend.


I guess the hundreds of people posting on their pvp forum are all just lying about the PvP they are testing?

I guess asking people to read is out of the question.

They are testing balance issues by letting people duel, but PvP isn't in.

I got in through a friend, who has a friend.

I was added by somebody too, but I still have to wait for my second email with the key. I guess the friend of your friend is cooler than the friend of my friend. :p
Dueling = Right click on name, ask to duel, if they say yes fight until one of you have 1 hp left.

Cheez just delete this thread before he comes back and tells us what color maggots are in Istanbul.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Here are some screenshots I took in the ST.



I thought it was pretty cool how all 50ish players each /duel'd eachother individually.

Son of Godzilla said:
Cheez just delete this thread before he comes back and tells us what color maggots are in Istanbul.

:lol Wish I could, not my thread. ;_;


I am fully aware that you can attack each other on both the 'pvp' server and non pvp server. I consider PvP to be Blizzards full implementation of both faction and player competition, and I'm not alone in that as shown by the developer posts in this thread. You can try to understand my post, when I said all servers will be pvp servers, and contribute in a positive way.. or you can try to mince words and turn this thread into typical GArbage. Up to you.


Tag of Excellence
Thanks Littleberu. Would you happen to know if massive internal testing began late last year? I think I remember newsposts regarding that.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
akascream said:
I am fully aware that you can attack each other on both the 'pvp' server and non pvp server. I consider PvP to be Blizzards full implementation of both faction and player competition, and I'm not alone in that as shown by the developer posts in this thread. You can try to understand my post, when I said all servers will be pvp servers, and contribute in a positive way.. or you can try to mince words and turn this thread into typical GArbage. Up to you.

You know that you could have clarified, right? Especially after you repeated the same exact thing in response to our questioning like ten times.

Also, I'm not exactly sure you are aware of what is currently possible. Click the link I posted above. It is by faction, there are contested zones, raids, and full-on player competition outside of dueling. The only thing not implemented is battlegrounds and player rewards.

And honestly, the only reason this turned into "typical GAF Garbage" as you say, was in response to your attitude.
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