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Wow, Tales of Symphonia placed on "Back Order" again at EBgames.com


I remember noticing earlier this week that the game was finally shipping at EB online after a long hiatus of being on back order, now today, I've noticed it has once again gone on the back burner in terms of orders. Did Namco really underestimate the success of this game so badly?

Li Mu Bai

Eric-GCA said:
I remember noticing earlier this week that the game was finally shipping at EB online after a long hiatus of being on back order, now today, I've noticed it has once again gone on the back burner in terms of orders. Did Namco really underestimate the success of this game so badly?

They did Eric. I don't think there was any way they could've foreseen the game's overall popularity. (no advertising, etc.) This bodes well for future Tales games on the system, as the sequel to the GC TOS that's rumored to be in development right now.


Well maybe next time they'll advertise the game, reach out to some more people (whether that game be on the PS2 or GC).


AniHawk said:
People are gonna be so disappointed/surprised when this game doesn't break 100,000 for July.

I think it'll pass that mark personally although probably not by a whole lot.


The district of Best Buy that my store falls under is completely sold out. I'd say there were about 100 between the stores and they're all gone. And we're only getting 12 in.

I suspect at least 100K for this month. Eat it up, GCNers!


fenekku-gitsune said:
100k my ass. Maybe 50k. Don't you remember the same thing happening with Disgaea?

I'm suspecting this too.

I remember last year the same thing happened to Mario Golf where it sold out and everyone thought it'd have huge sales.


The fact is, companies need to understand that gamers are becoming more and more informed on what games are good or bad.

I hope one day, when a dud is realesed and its from a well know franchise with huge commercial push, there will be disappointing sales.

Heck, I hope games like POP will sell well some day !
"I hope one day, when a dud is realesed and its from a well know franchise with huge commercial push, there will be disappointing sales."

That's already happened, it's called Driver 3. :p


Symphonia owns. Puts a total boot up the ass of the rest of the series in every aspect.


Is it really true Namco only shipped 50k? If so, why so few? That's really on the low side, even if they thought it would bomb.


I doubt Namco shipped enough to break 100k. If they had shipped enough, it would sell 250k in July alone. Disgaea is a strategy game with niche appeal, where Symphonia is a mass-market RPG that would sell 600k+ assuming proper advertising.
Culex said:
Is it really true Namco only shipped 50k? If so, why so few? That's really on the low side, even if they thought it would bomb.

Because that's generally the amount Tales games sold. It's a really unpopular RPG series in the US.


Eric-GCA said:
I remember noticing earlier this week that the game was finally shipping at EB online after a long hiatus of being on back order, now today, I've noticed it has once again gone on the back burner in terms of orders. Did Namco really underestimate the success of this game so badly?

Tales is #18 at Amazon.com so they must have some copies left. BTW Sudeki is #88.


SolidSnakex said:
Because that's generally the amount Tales games sold. It's a really unpopular RPG series in the US.

Only because when Namco shipped over other Tales games, they'd never advertise/push them, half assed the localizations (which kills net buzz), and they'd always release like a month or two after something big came out, not to mention the fact that Namco seemed to harbor a "if it ain't Tekken, then it doesn't matter" attitude until fans started complaining about Tekken 4
Note to Namco: Want to make lots of money? Sell a collection set of previous Tales games on any system you like. We will eat it up.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
We got more in yesterday, almost sold out again. Sales should end up at least 100k for August/July

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Meier said:
"No Famicom Mini title will sell over 100k."
Yeah, well, Namco ain't exactly Nintendo when it comes to advertising, and TOS ain't exactly Super Mario Bros.!


Namco clearly did a misstake here. With advetisement and proper shippment ToS would do around 250k. It's that good.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
SantaCruZer said:
Namco clearly did a misstake here. With advetisement and proper shippment ToS would do around 250k. It's that good.

Well, it may have been a mistake, however they did not have high expectations for the game obviously. And since they were prooved wrong, it means there is now a serious chance others in the series will be localized.


I hope Namco got the message: good localization => good sales. Namco had great sales on XS, SC2, and now TOS. All had good preorder incentives, good boxcovers, good translations, and good media coverage. Namco went for an anime dub studio for XS, kept the JP voices in SC2, and kept the skits in Tales.


If Harvest Moon can break 100k on GameCube, I don't see why Symphonia would have a problem? Even if it didn't manage it in the 2 weeks of July it was (somewhat) available, it'll easily climb past that (and probably much farther) by the fall.


SolidSnakex said:
"I hope one day, when a dud is realesed and its from a well know franchise with huge commercial push, there will be disappointing sales."

That's already happened, it's called Driver 3. :p

ha, that's exactly the first thing that came to my mind...

it's dropping fast in the charts, and at work, we have a stackload (like 40-50 at least) copies of unsold inventory, of course it doesn't help that I keep them in an obsure location at the shelf endcaps at the very bottom where nobody can see them. we are supposed to put some on the regular shelves as well, but I figure I'm doing a public service. I'll only hand one out when someone asks for one, and then I ask if they've heard about the game, and promptly recommend GTA or True Crime if they haven't heard much about it...


fenekku-gitsune said:
Yeah, well, Namco ain't exactly Nintendo when it comes to advertising, and TOS ain't exactly Super Mario Bros.!

I can't believe you didn't realize that BEFORE the Famicom Mini came out!


fennec fox said:
100k my ass. Maybe 50k. Don't you remember the same thing happening with Disgaea?

10 TALES OF SYMPHONIA $5,885,317 118,507

I bet ToS will do 50K in August's NPD. :)

What do you have to say now?


Alex said:
Symphonia owns. Puts a total boot up the ass of the rest of the series in every aspect.

Except maybe story.
I'd probably loose bodily fluid control if a ToD remake came. I really like the skits, when they're not preaching to me that is, and a lot of other stuff is nifty. But really, the ToS story has nothing on Destiny.

Edit: this was a hell of a bump. Damn you bumper.


Heh, sorry, but I had to bump since I just remembered that I never got to reply to this after the NPD came out.

I wonder if Namco is happy with the ToS sales, it really deserves each and every one. I also want to know if Namco's relationship with Nintendo has increased this gen. I mean, you had the whole Link in Soul Calibur 2 that helped both companies, the Pac-Man Vs. team up, the Donkey Konga team up, and the Star Fox association. With ToS performing rather well, I hope Namco treats future Nintendo consoles with more love.
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