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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


Gold Member
Well I mean look at the way WWE treats these women, no wonder they all end up with complexes. These are insecure women alot of the time put on national TV and then expected to interact with trolls thru forced social medias. I mean look at Charlotte, the only real knock I ever had on her was that mole on her face, and yet she has undergone a number of unneeded procedures. I'm shocked a bigger spotlight hasn't been put onto the women and treatment of them there (I mean the whole garbage bag Mickie situation too)

You should look up why they had to replace the Diva's title belt because of Paige.


Dark side of the ring is more entertaining than the majority of wrestling right now. Certainly not insulting.
Why didn't Scott Norton have a big run in the E after the buyout? The dude was strong af and could work.
Wasn't he doing pretty well for himself in Japan at the time? If I was him and I saw how some of the WCW guys got treated, like Scott Steiner, I'd probably stay in Japan making as much as I could instead of risking the WWF.


Listening to this I learned something very important

No not that Jim was going to hate it. Everybody that knows Jim knew that. Nah, I learned that nuts.com sells chocolate covered gummi bears. (Wonder if they're any good.)


Double or nothing looks to be a great PPV. I hope some championships change hands.

It's an interesting card, but I'm not sure the buildup for most of the title matches is that to get a title change.

My thoughts going in:
Kenny retains - Belt Collector will not lose his main companies belt to another heel, and sure as shit isn't losing to a joke like OC
Bucks retain - I'm not 100% sure on this one, only cause Tony Khan is a giant Jon Moxley mark, but Mox/Eddie just don't seem like the right team to dethrone this run just yet, this feud is just getting going.
Britt wins - This one seems the easiest one, she's been on a tear and deserves it. Shida needs to cool down a bit from an overlong run
Pinnacle wins - They need to. IC has run it's course and most of these guys would be better on their own. Jericho/Sami go babyface singles, P&P can tweener a bit, and Hager can just go away
Sting/Darby win - No reason not too, they aren't wasting Sting on putting over Ethan and Scorpio yet.
Hangman wins -Just seems obvious, gotta keep him strong to eventually feud with Kenny.
Battle Royale? - who cares, the guy never wins, and I'd assume unless we get a surprise Bryan Danielson signing where you'd have him come right in and win, it'll probably be boring Christian Cage.
Miro/Archer...coinflip? - Miro likely retains since he just won the belt, hopefully we just get a stiff bullfight that is more fun then it should be.

Alot of heel champions after tonight I think, I assume after Cody wins for America against the evil foreigner he'll feud with Miro since he only fights other ex-WWE guys who only know his boring slow ass WWE plodding match type. Kenny feuds with Christian, Bucks continue Mox feud, and Britt likely gets her win back from Rosa.


Tuff McNutt

Wasn't he doing pretty well for himself in Japan at the time? If I was him and I saw how some of the WCW guys got treated, like Scott Steiner, I'd probably stay in Japan making as much as I could instead of risking the WWF.
You're right. Norton was a main eventer in Japan (NJPW champion a couple of times) and in WCW, he was basically regulated to jobbing out on Saturday Night. He had already returned to Japan to work full time by the time WCW was sold.

I had beers with him a couple of times (my manager at my job was his sister in law) and he is legitimately huge. I'm 6'3" 275 lbs and he made me look tiny. A real nice guy though, same as the other wrestlers from northeast Minneapolis that I met.


Wonder where Dream goes when WWE had to let him go because the heat wouldn’t blow over even after like a year.

He'll struggle on the indies before disappearing for good. That dude was 80% gimmick and charisma, never cared for his trash tier in ring work to go along with being what seems like a pretty trash human being. I'd say he's on par with Marty Scurl? right now, and Marty at least seemed to have people that could help him around the industry.

Bullet Club




Parody of actual AJUMP23
Is vice media running a story on the evils of being conservative with the Ultimate Warrior piece.


advanced basic bitch
Poor Buff. Got the chance to do a meet and greet with him not long ago. Wasn't but 30 minutes from my house. I couldn't be bothered. I hope he cleans up though.

Karmic Raze

Where does Bryan go? I think he's going to make the rounds. I can't imagine him signing a long-term contract anywhere.
I would like it if he went to AEW, but I think him making the rounds would be his best bet. He probably wants to wrestle as many “dream matches” as possible. NJPW, ROH, Impact, etc. are all places he should go on his little tour around the world. It would be great for the fans for sure. I know personally I want to see him and Kenny Omega lock it up for the AEW World Championship. I think that would be a Match of the Year candidate for sure.


I would like it if he went to AEW, but I think him making the rounds would be his best bet. He probably wants to wrestle as many “dream matches” as possible. NJPW, ROH, Impact, etc. are all places he should go on his little tour around the world. It would be great for the fans for sure. I know personally I want to see him and Kenny Omega lock it up for the AEW World Championship. I think that would be a Match of the Year candidate for sure.

My hope (Which has almost no chance of being true) is for him to sign with AEW with the ability to work all those other promotions while being mainly employed by them. They can offer most of the best dream matches outside of Japan and having 2 young kids maybe he wouldn't want to do the overseas travel often. I fully expect though for him to go back to being a jobber in the WWE just to keep things on good terms for his wife and the paycheck, so maybe Khan goes all out. I have no problem with Bryan wanting to put people over some, but when all you do is lose it doesn't mean anything anymore. I'd love one final, extended run of him as a pissed off wrestler at the top of his game in AEW.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Watching Double or Nothing tonight, it has been great. I watched the first half with my 7 year old and he was having a blast. It was worth it for his reactions.


Initial thought is it was an ok PPV, for me it may have been AEWs weakest one yet but I will say there were a few good moments along the way.

Serena/Riho - Came in not expecting much but did enjoy this one for what it was. I have always loved Serena and this match had a 100% outcome from the start. The way AEW has booked champions has just killed any interest I had in Riho at any point. I got so sick of her during her title reign that I just can't get behind her as the plucky underdog anymore. Serena may be the best in ring worker in AEW, would love to see her in better bigger profile matches there.

Hangman/Cage - This was the expected opener since it gives the fans a chance on PPV to pop for Hangman. Solid match, I get why Hangman goes over, but Cage is a beast and it may be time with Hobbs on Team Taz for Cage to break free and become a monster babyface since AEW has a real problem with too many heels and a lack of meaningful babyfaces. Page wins to keep his pointless win/loss record good so he can orbit around Kenny and the Bucks til they decide if they want to move him to the main event or not. They worked well together, both came out looking good, minus the Team Taz guys making Cage look dumb and Hangman kind of a dick for taking advantage of the first of WAY to many distractions.

Bucks/Mox&Eddie - I gotta say, I love these cocky believe their own hype Young Bucks. They are beyond annoying in all the right heel dickhead ways. This match is what you'd expect from YBs, great tag action, good selling when they had to. I never believed for a second they would drop the belts here, and I hope that the Eddie/Mox team doesn't last a long time, cause honestly Eddie deserves better. I was bummed with Mox doing all the talking for a team that I would 9/10 times rather here Kingston cut the promos. Mox will never not be Dean Ambrose who bleeds. He's not wild, and I wish Tony Khan didn't have such a hardon for him. It taking the Bucks like 4 BTE triggers to put him away when it took way less against FTR and every other team they've beaten. Moxley after the beatdown during the match and bloodloss didn't need that much protection in a tag team loss. Like I said about last match, Gallows and Anderson really weren't needed here, and is more nonsense that became too much of a repeating issue.

Casino Match - I say the same thing every year with the Royal Rumble, but I'm not sure these need to be a yearly thing, and if they are, you need new ways of making them more interesting. You could see the ending in sight before we were even a quarter into the match. Christian just isn't a draw to put into a main event program with Kenny, and Jungle Boy with that theme was always going to be the most over guy in the match. I'm glad for him, and he could put on a great match with Kenny, but another BR winner that will not win the belt, so they seem pointless in the end. I didn't expect anything great for the surprise person, but in a world where Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe are out there and the best you can do is Lio Rush...that was...well bad.

GoGo/Cody - I hated everything about the buildup and feud for this match, even more then my usual hatred for Triple Cody H. Like...am I supposed to hate ANthony because he loves his country and his country isn't America? Why is Cody the American Dream? Wasn't he the most pampered of all the kids and set up for success in wrestling? I mean...nothing about him is "blue collar" or "working man", and having "future father" in his long ass HHH name is dumb, knocking up your woman is not really something that is hard to do. But like all Cody matches, they did the veterans thing to build up the Murica! feelings before bringing out the evil foreign man...I don't know why he's evil, but BOOO England? Then roll out all the Red, White, and Blue titantrons and flags and capes for Mr. America Cody. And of course, in total egomaniac Cody fashion, he puts on a C+ match and puts himself over the young dude who could use a big win to make him seem like a big deal, but Nah, I'm gonna use a Vertabreaker on a dude that didn't look all that experienced taking it, but hey, Cody looks cool using the move that can paralyze dudes. Fuck Cody, Fuck Off, never return.

Miro/Archer - This match did exactly what I hoped for, big dudes smashed eachother. I wish Archer was a little younger so that he could be viewed as a longterm main event player, but looked great here against Miro. Miro looked good, not sure about him playing up to the crowd so much during the match since he's the heel in all of this. This was an issue in the WWE too I believe. I wish they wouldn't do spots with the super old dudes though, it's uncomfortable to watch Jake stumble just entering a ring, let alone taking a hit and selling it. Hopefully we get another big hoss match with these two.

Shida/Britt - I was most happy with the result of this match, but getting there was a SLOG. I'm not sold that Britt may not have been concussed or potatoed early in the match cause by halfway thru she was completely sandbagging Shida, and just didn't look all there in the eyes to me. Britt is still green and this match showed it, I don't think she works well with strikers as opponents, and this was WAY too long for them, I'm not sure about performing in the Florida weather to know if humidity was becoming an issue for either of them here either, but there were alot of sloppy spots here. Ref looked completely dumb on multiple occasions seeing direct cheating and just pretending he didn't see it. Reba hitting Britt with a crutch? No DQ? Seeing Britt dispose of the belt after the curb stomp, huh? Curb stomp was the logical finish of this match, but after all the buildup she had to win with the lockjaw. I do think it got way too messy at teh end with Reba interference, and too many false finishes before the finish. I felt bad, maybe there were running long, but after this long journey Britt deserved more time to soak it in, but maybe the goal was to get her out of there and try to keep her heal even though the crowd is already cheering her.

Sting and son vs. Ethan Sky - Another match that I wasn't all that interested in going in. I am coming around on Ethan, but it has taken a while. Loved the throw Darby into the crowd from teh ring spot. Sky looked great, Darby does the only thing he's good for (Being beat up) and Sting didn't look completely lost like his WWE run. By no means do I want to see Sting in another match anytime soon, but it was fun enough for a cooldown match before the title match.

Triple Threat - Ok, so I'm probably the biggest Omega fan here, but I just wanted this match to end. The long night of too much interference killed this match for me. I get that people like near falls and whatnot, but god I hope people didn't actually believe that OC was winning a major promotions World Championship. Match was fine, for a triple threat, I have enjoyed how AEW generally keeps the world title to singles matches so hoping this isn't something we see more of. I hate how Kenny even as an early heel turn was beating guys because he's the best wrestler, even beating Swann for their belt cause he's better, but he had to steal a win with a rollup on Orange Fucking Cassidy? I hate the chickenshit heel persona, so I hope it was a 1 night thing because of the odds being against him. I'm curious where Kenny goes from here though, if he does a quick one off feud with OC before pushing him back to the TV title where he belongs I guess but going from fighting other places champs and Moxley to OC and then Jungle Boy is a bit of a stepdown.

Mark Henry? Fucking Mark Henry? What does he bring to your promotion? You already have 86 commentators already with Tony and JR needing to be taken out to pasture. We have Joe, Danielson, Punk, Andrade and others and they are wasting money on Henry, Big Show and Christian....

Main Event - I hope to never see a Stadium Stampede match again. Wasn't a fan of the first one, liked this one even less. This whole match was a reason to let the crowd sing Jerichos song to close out the PPV. Who thought that entrance was a good idea? I thought Jericho was going to fall to his death...

I'll skip the filler beatdown and go to the end...this death feud between Jericho/MJF ends with Sammy pinning fucking Tye DIllinger to end a PPV....I just don't have words for the disappointment there. I was hoping for a Pinnacle win, cause honestly IC has run its course. Jericho clearly needs the time off, Sammy will be fine as a midcard babyface, but Hager is not a face, and he's awful, P&P also fit the heel role much better then this tweener/babyface thing.

So overall this wasn't as terrible as it felt watching it, I just didn't feel as happy with the show as a whole outside of Britt kind of getting a baby coronation, maybe we get something big on Dynamite to open the show. Jungle Boy will be a huge star one day I think, but that day isn't anytime soon, so I hope this way a cool way to give him a great rub, get that pop and get some more in ring time with a great in Kenny. My issue with this event, was with all the shit finishes and interferences, this felt like what we'd call a good WWE PPV. They've avoided the BS finishes in tons of matches on one show in the past so it was rough having so many here tonight. This was one of the first times I feel like alot of these feuds are going to continue which isn't what I like to see when they only do 5 PPVs a year, these should finish stories not continue them.
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