Hunter's pecs look weird. Dude is starting to show signs of that saggy old man chest. Father Time comes for us all.
Yeah, except he put myself in the dream. No one had Sting-HHH at the top of the list for Sting's first match in WWE.Triple H is a kid living out all his kid dreams. Fuck ya'll.
I bet that would have looked nice if it wasnt under the a full sun.
I wonder if they will stick to roofed arenas after this.
Yeah, except he put myself in the dream. No one had Sting-HHH at the top of the list for Sting's first match in WWE.
The corniest intro I have ever seen.
Sting had HHH second, behind Taker.
He needs to set a meeting with a Mr. Finn Balor.Paint mask is coming off already.
I ain't fighting no fucking robot.