Don't worry. At summerslam. He was raised on the tough streets of Brooklyn.I thought you were a hurricane of Miami
lying sellout
Don't worry. At summerslam. He was raised on the tough streets of Brooklyn.I thought you were a hurricane of Miami
lying sellout
The Rock's hometown is every town.
I thought you were a hurricane of Miami
lying sellout
Rock is a bigger shill than Cena and Hogan combined.
I don't expect him to ever return. Same with Austin
Why doesnt Stone Cold ever show up?
Bigger talent, too.
How the hell is The Rock connected to every place he's at?
Steph is such an awesome heel.
The People's person.How the hell is The Rock connected to every place he's at?
Which month of Raw did they start this up again?
Why are they stalling? This is boring.
Why doesnt Stone Cold ever show up?
Why are they stalling? This is boring.
The Rock is a companion draw.
His father is from Nova Scotia.I thought The Rock was from Nova Scotia.
Just made it to the party! MY GOSH! Daniel Bryan and Ziggler did some Goku and Vegeta madness!
The Rock and HHH are probably the two guys from that era still in the shape to reasonably go. Austin's back and neck are a wreck.
Rock x HHH x Austin next year in Dallas.
His father is from Nova Scotia.
The Rock and HHH are probably the two guys from that era still in the shape to reasonably go. Austin's back and neck are a wreck.
You're thinking of Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels.
The Rock did it by himself in the most successful year in WWF history.