Fuck Zeb.Where's zeb
Fuck Zeb.Where's zeb
I guess face turn is gonna happen pretty soon.
So, essentially, the only Attitude Era star not putting someone over tonight is Undertaker.
So, essentially, the only Attitude Era star not putting someone over tonight is Undertaker.
Is the WWE Network on a delay?
I saw that before 90% of GAF.
so they're gonna smash the French announcer table tonight right?
About 10 years since I first saw him wrestle, dude's come a long way;
Can't wait to see where he goes from here. Great job, WWE!
I can forgive the past 3 Wrestlemanias after tonight's. This shit's good.
That Dew must be shite, they've not had a drop so far.
I think kofi was supposed to land on the stairs. He redeemed it.That Kofi spot could have gone so wrong. That pop when Cesaro lifted Show though. Did not see that coming, push this man.
That Hogan spot for Cesaro, wow.
They are making him a main eventer aren't they?
WWE is doing things right. This is the most shocking thing of this night so far.