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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|

Can't remember if I asked this or not but: I'm writing a character who is in high school, and as such, she doesn't think of her parents as "Gerald and Eve" but "mom and dad." This makes sense to me, but it's caused some cumbersome language.

"Sam's parents did X" "Sam's mother" "Sam's father" etc.

For one thing, it's a high repetition of Sam's name, and given she's the protag, her name is already used a lot.

I guess, what's the rule here? Should I just call her parents by their first names?

Story is written in third person subjective.

Is it in her POV? Use Mom and Dad if that's what she calls them.
Yeah, it's her POV. I switch a few times when it feels prudent, like when her mother is angry she calls her Eve.

I just wish it didn't lead to such clunky wording on occasion.

Sam's mom and dad sounds more clunky to me, imo. It also sounds like someone else's POV, unless there's a reason why she sounds so detached from her parents.
So ehm, I just noticed that you can buy books on the Google Play store. Is that a tie-in from Amazon or from another company? Because I can't find the publisher information for it, but I do know Smashwords has this as a feature. But I don't think Amazon does.

'Her mom' and 'her dad' would work too, right?

Hell, depending on how you roll, you can get away with just Mom and Dad or whatever without using her or Sam's name. Just have to make sure the point of view is very established.

Yeah, third person subjective can get away with Mom and Dad. Fiction makes a good point about that POV though. If that breaks away, you'll run into some problems.
Sam's mom and dad sounds more clunky to me, imo. It also sounds like someone else's POV, unless there's a reason why she sounds so detached from her parents.
It's third person subjective, so it's told from her point of view and her voice but also in third person.

Fiction said:
'Her mom' and 'her dad' would work too, right?

Hell, depending on how you roll, you can get away with just Mom and Dad or whatever without using her or Sam's name. Just have to make sure the point of view is very established.
Right. I can try the latter. Didn't think to just go with "mom" or "dad" due to the third person aspect of it. I figure that would work in first person just fine.

I'll see how it looks


So ehm, I just noticed that you can buy books on the Google Play store. Is that a tie-in from Amazon or from another company? Because I can't find the publisher information for it, but I do know Smashwords has this as a feature. But I don't think Amazon does.


Google Play books is by Google. Or am I misunderstanding the question?
Google Play books is by Google. Or am I misunderstanding the question?

it's Google's front-end, yes. But it's the supplier / publisher link that I am interesting in.

Smashwords had (haven't checked in ages, honestly) a supplier deal with Apple and the Nook platform (oh, it's "kobo" now? Or is that a different one...), meaning that any book publisher through their site / platform is also be available on certain smartphones, but not Android.

As far as I know, Amazon does not have any other link than their own store (for obvious reasons though). Google Books however, requires either a partner program through a publisher or by signing up for it yourself.

I'm wondering how that relates to the other two, because with those you basically have to do fuck all to get it out there, but I haven't heard of anyone doing self-publishing with Google yet. It doesn't look like it's a lot more effort, but the market share of Android is something like 50%? versus Apple's roughly 20%, so it's worth checking out if the behaviour of the demographics on these devices is the same.
(you get Apple via Smashwords, and under smashwords own royalties agreement (70-80%, if I'm not mistaken). I have no idea what Google's royalties agreement is)



Sounds... ehm, publisher friendly, but perhaps not all that self-publisher friendly. Then again, few (self pub) people seem to be aware that this exists and the difference in market share among devices that use it.
It's third person subjective, so it's told from her point of view and her voice but also in third person.

I'm writing a YA book that has parents in the same perspective and she refers to her mom as Mother, because Mother is her "name" for her mom. Other characters call her by her real name, but she still calls her "Mother" and she is "Mother" while in that character's POV. I misread your original post loloops

Anyway, here's how my old pub's stylesheet referred parents, which only helps on grammar side of things but...

If you're using "Her" in front, it's lowercase. "her mom, her dad" never in uppercase.
If you're referring to them only, it's uppercase like a name. "Mom" "Dad"

Even something like referring to them by a nickname is an option, for instance, I used to refer to my parents as "Volcano" because of their tendency to fight before they finally divorced. Something like that could bring an element of instant characterization depending on how positive or negative it is.


Zeitgeister I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for but here's the link to sign up to publish your books on google play https://play.google.com/books/publish/

I've published my free fantasy serial on there but have had very few downloads. It's not too difficult to upload, I've read that some people have had a lot of success on google, comparable to amazon even, but I don't remember where I read that. Here's a link to a very helpful post on kboards, it's older but I think it should still be accurate.


Update since it was asked for, my Sci-Fi erotic romance has been up for a week and in that time I’ve had 87 Kindle Unlimited borrows and 25 sales. I’ve had four people sign up for my newsletter and a 5 star review on amazon and a 4 & 5 star on goodreads. This is my best sales month so far so I’m pretty excited. I’m halfway done with the sequel and on track to publish it in May. I’m not paying someone to edit these, like with my ERROMs, but I’m doing my own edits and using grammerly to catch other little things. Still using canva.com for covers. I think that’s all of it
I'm writing a YA book that has parents in the same perspective and she refers to her mom as Mother, because Mother is her "name" for her mom. Other characters call her by her real name, but she still calls her "Mother" and she is "Mother" while in that character's POV. I misread your original post loloops

Even something like referring to them by a nickname is an option, for instance, I used to refer to my parents as "Volcano" because of their tendency to fight before they finally divorced. Something like that could bring an element of instant characterization depending on how positive or negative it is.
Hmm. It just seems strange to me to try that, yet it really shouldn't. Hell, even as an adult, I still think of my parents as "mom" and "dad" and not their names, so why that convention wouldn't work here puzzles me.

I'm probably just being anal or silly or something.

Will ask my other test readers when draft three is done on what they think. Odds are I'll make the change.

I appreciate the help!


I'm not really a fan of how Google likes to play around with your book prices, but they are useful for price matching your Amazon books into permafree.

Mike M

Nick N
Took a long shot and put in a job application for an editor position. Whether or not I can take my actual job experience and tweak it enough to get an interview, we'll have to see...

Mike M

Nick N
I'm shooting for the god damned moon, I can tell you that much. If I can even get my foot in the door, it's a huge victory.
Finished the third draft of Amp then. Wound up cutting about...six pages out of it, which isn't bad given that it was 90 pages long. Not quite 10%, but close.

I'm really happy with it right now. Time to start pestering my brother to draw me up a cover, and time to find another few test readers to make sure I haven't fucked anything up.

I imagine I'll self publish it for a dollar, do like no promotion, and then just start on the next story right away.

I'm shooting for the god damned moon, I can tell you that much. If I can even get my foot in the door, it's a huge victory.
Good luck!
I'm writing a YA book that has parents in the same perspective and she refers to her mom as Mother, because Mother is her "name" for her mom. Other characters call her by her real name, but she still calls her "Mother" and she is "Mother" while in that character's POV. I misread your original post loloops

Anyway, here's how my old pub's stylesheet referred parents, which only helps on grammar side of things but...

If you're using "Her" in front, it's lowercase. "her mom, her dad" never in uppercase.
If you're referring to them only, it's uppercase like a name. "Mom" "Dad"

Even something like referring to them by a nickname is an option, for instance, I used to refer to my parents as "Volcano" because of their tendency to fight before they finally divorced. Something like that could bring an element of instant characterization depending on how positive or negative it is.

I'm sorry to post something irrelevant, but you have the second cutest avatar on here.
sirap, gonna need confirmation on some things.

So don't put the shorts in the erotica category (even if they are definitely erotica) and don't use stuff like "taboo, virgin, etc" in the keywords?

Edit: Okay, I've got pretty much everything ready to publish. Just need that last bit of confirmation.
Too late, hit the publish button. Right now, I can't see this NOT bombing, but no point in not doing it. Already spent a dollar making the cover, so let's hope I can at least make that back.

....I should get back to writing the 5th short >_>


Gah, I am going to keep writing as much as possible. Then go back and add or subtract things that I find awkward or could use a bit more detail in it.

Maybe I'll have it completely finished by the time summer ends.
Oh, this is good to know, we're not rejected from the challenge for failing to finish all three by the deadline! I've written the first half of two of them; no prizes for guessing where I stalled. But I'm still aiming to finish them, hopefully on time and in good order.

Yeah, the updates are great, thanks for sharing all this.

There are no rejections in this challenge. \[-_-]/

1 short, 3, or 28, you're all in. The overall goal is just to try something new and take it through to the end (the publishing phase). When it gets closer to the date I'll re-poll everyone and see where they are so that I can group them accordingly.

This is off topic, but what are you guys sitting on? I'm moving into a new place and I'm thinking of setting up a dedicated workspace for writing. I'll be transitioning from macbooks to the 5k imac, so I need a good chair that'll support my back.

Two pillows. One for the butt, one rolled up for the back.

Too late, hit the publish button. Right now, I can't see this NOT bombing, but no point in not doing it. Already spent a dollar making the cover, so let's hope I can at least make that back.

....I should get back to writing the 5th short >_>

Haha. Let us know when it goes live. Don't forget to send me your details for the story share later (if you wanted to do that part), and your pen name publishing stuff. ;) Good luck~


I took a week break from writing. I'm now 1.5k into my third part. It's from one perspective currently this time around. I'll still figuring how to go about it. Also I don't know what the climax is or how I'm going to conclude it. The first two I had rough ideas going in; this one I've got nothing. It still needs some more cooking time.


sirap, gonna need confirmation on some things.

So don't put the shorts in the erotica category (even if they are definitely erotica) and don't use stuff like "taboo, virgin, etc" in the keywords?

Edit: Okay, I've got pretty much everything ready to publish. Just need that last bit of confirmation.

It really depends on how much story you have in your shorts. Some folks get away with putting erotica in romance, and the only people you have to worry about are the readers. Amazon doesn't really care.

You can put pretty much anything under keywords, it's the blurbs that you have to watch out for. Avoid words like cock, pussy, sometimes even father can get your book dungeoned. That's why you get really weird phrases like "man of the house".


Junior Member
Not sure if this is the right thread to be asking this but,

A start-up that I work with is starting the process (we've actually already submitted one) of writing grant requests (mostly to military contracts).

I'm at a bit of a loss of how to find:
A. Experienced grant writers (particularly those with experience writing grant requests for military contracts)
B. The costs associated with finding/researching/writing grant proposals

If anyone has any insight that would be amazing :)

Mike M

Nick N
Not sure if this is the right thread to be asking this but,

A start-up that I work with is starting the process (we've actually already submitted one) of writing grant requests (mostly to military contracts).

I'm at a bit of a loss of how to find:
A. Experienced grant writers (particularly those with experience writing grant requests for military contracts)
B. The costs associated with finding/researching/writing grant proposals

If anyone has any insight that would be amazing :)
I know some guys, let me ask.
Ah-ha-ha-ha! Today I drink with Conan, for today I received my first of a series of payments for the Graphic Novel I'm writing.

Writing for a living. THE DREAM ATTAINED.

Though spending six hours iterating a single conversation comprising of one and a half pages hath drained me, I feel adequately recompensed!

Ooo and I have some of that Dan Akroyd vodka left. Time to do the only other thing a writer is good for.....


Writing for a living. THE DREAM ATTAINED.

Awesome job. Hi-five!


I popped into the thread to say I had a strange dream last night. I was in a cafe talking to a life long friend, and we were reminiscing about how far we've come. Evidentially, we'd achieved a great deal. & here we both were trying to console our selves. Never mind, we were saying. We just have to keep trying a little bit harder. A little bit more work will do it.

I woke up and felt really odd. I would definitely be happy if I sold anywhere near my dream self. You know how in dreams you just know stuff? Well I am pretty sure in that dream I'd sold a hundred million copies. Both of us had.


I've spent the last month or so searching for worthwhile, long-term writing workshops. I was able to find this site and signed up for a membership to try it out. I dislike how your content is limited to science-fiction and fantasy, and I dislike how there really aren't objectives or principles integrated and taught as you make submissions.

There really should be a Toastmasters sort of service/community for writing. Something that has an educational track to guide its members through, while still focusing and depending on the peer-to-peer critique for progress, as that is ultimately the best way to learn.

I wonder how difficult it would be to get something like that set up. Ehh...
And it's up! Will see how this goes.

It really depends on how much story you have in your shorts. Some folks get away with putting erotica in romance, and the only people you have to worry about are the readers. Amazon doesn't really care.

You can put pretty much anything under keywords, it's the blurbs that you have to watch out for. Avoid words like cock, pussy, sometimes even father can get your book dungeoned. That's why you get really weird phrases like "man of the house".

Alright, thanks a lot.

Haha. Let us know when it goes live. Don't forget to send me your details for the story share later (if you wanted to do that part), and your pen name publishing stuff. ;) Good luck~

PMing you in a bit.
So I do some writing/editing for a smallish nerdy website that mostly reviews comic books. We do books too though, and I often offer that to indie writers who look like they have interesting stories to tell. I know what it's like to have no one care about something you wrote or made. I also like free books.


This is the second one that I"m just not going to finish or even review.

Like, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.



So I do some writing/editing for a smallish nerdy website that mostly reviews comic books. We do books too though, and I often offer that to indie writers who look like they have interesting stories to tell. I know what it's like to have no one care about something you wrote or made. I also like free books.


This is the second one that I"m just not going to finish or even review.

Like, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.


Have you ever found the opposite of that? I mean, something REALLY great that everyone should know about, but doesn't?


Thanks for the recommendations guys, I decided to go with a Herman Miller Embody for my chair. Wish I did this sooner, my back feels sooo much better now.

Also picked up a cheap Galant from Ikea while my Envelop gets built to order.



As of yet, no. By the law of numbers, it has to exist though.
I've read some indies that I thought were good, maybe not amazing, but not something I would be embarrassed recommending to people. What sucks is when you read something that has potential but is filled with typos and errors, not overwhelmed with them, but enough to be distracting. It's like they were on the verge of something really good but couldn't quite make it.


instead of writing erotica i ended up writing an xcom mission into a 4500 word short film i guess

this is what happens when you watch aliens, and then you go and find that the internet movie script database exists, and then all is lost

by the way, the aliens initial script is way better than the alien initial script and far far better than the script for battle for los angelas


I've read some indies that I thought were good, maybe not amazing, but not something I would be embarrassed recommending to people. What sucks is when you read something that has potential but is filled with typos and errors, not overwhelmed with them, but enough to be distracting. It's like they were on the verge of something really good but couldn't quite make it.

Having read tons of short stories from Gaffers on Gaf, I'd say statistically some just have to be good. :p
Couple of my favourite authors are actually on Gaf.


As of yet, no. By the law of numbers, it has to exist though.

LOL. That's even more sad. :(

I've read some indies that I thought were good, maybe not amazing, but not something I would be embarrassed recommending to people. What sucks is when you read something that has potential but is filled with typos and errors, not overwhelmed with them, but enough to be distracting. It's like they were on the verge of something really good but couldn't quite make it.
The opposite happened with me. I once bought an expensive book in a big bookstore chain, just to find out how f*ckin' bad it was. Seriously, I don't know how (HOOOOW?!) that guy managed to get that shit published. The guy was arrogant and he simply got that ancient alien crap from History Channel and put it into a book, and added stuff like "the LHC is a portal to bring Satan to Earth made by the greys, because he's an alien from planet Niburu" and at the end Jesus came back to Earth in a giant flying saucer to save humanity... it was THAT bad, and the bastard couldn't even write properly. I... I don't even...

I'm not the type of person who usually shits in other people's work, but that guy was a so arrogant bastard that I couldn't believe the f*ck I was reading.

Thanks for the recommendations guys, I decided to go with a Herman Miller Embody for my chair. Wish I did this sooner, my back feels sooo much better now.

Also picked up a cheap Galant from Ikea while my Envelop gets built to order.

Here's mine:




You guys make me just want to go back and comb over all of my writing forever. Though I should at least finish the first book before doing something like that.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Less than a week out from the release of my short fiction collection. This week, I'm focusing promotions by publishing one of the stories for for free: https://medium.com/@adribbleofink/tide-of-shadows-c9633a9a6bd9

A few other short fiction writers recommended I pick one of the stories and release it for free a short while prior to publishing the collection. The logic:

  • It might convince a small number of readers to not purchase the collection or cancel their pre-order, but the likelihood of it selling extra copies--by giving a positive impression of the stories within--is high enough that I should come out the other end with positive results.
  • It's something that excited readers can share--extending the collection's reach outside of my immediate circle of twitter followers and blog readers.
  • It shows good faith towards readers.
  • It was recommended that I don't just pick the "best" story in the collection, but the one most representative of the collection as a whole. The five stories are so wildly different from one another, however, that it was difficult for me to do so. I went with the lead story, instead.
  • I posted it to Medium, rather than my own blog, hoping that will make it seem a bit more legitimate. I'll write a post for my blog tomorrow pointing people in the direction of the story.

Will it make a difference? Who knows. I'm hoping that people will read it and share it with other readers because (I think) it's a good story, just as they would any other story published online. I also want something to link to in my upcoming interviews/guest posts/etc. for people who don't want to drop money on the collection before getting a sense of my writing style.
Day 2 results (so far). 1 sale and 1 borrow.

With those and the 2 sales and 1 borrow I got yesterday (the latter from a friend's Kindle that I downloaded it on and flipped through the whole short), I made $10. With that, I can buy 1/5 a tank of gas! Yay!


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Day 2 results (so far). 1 sale and 1 borrow.

With those and the 2 sales and 1 borrow I got yesterday (the latter from a friend's Kindle that I downloaded it on and flipped through the whole short), I made $10. With that, I can buy 1/5 a tank of gas! Yay!

Frankly, that could add up pretty quick for a story that finds any sort of momentum. Thanks for posting these updates. :)
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