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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|

Last drafts are strange, or at least I think this is a last draft. It feels like a strange last draft. I find myself cutting way more than normal. Just, "eh fuck this" and snipping away.

Because by the time I'm reading something for the fourth or fifth time, I guess I stop giving a shit about how awesome my sentences are. It's more "God I talk too much. Why do I talk so much?"

Hatred is a good indicator that I'm almost done with a project though, so woohoo. I really, really want to be done wtih this one so I cna start the next story.
Just passed 30,000 words on my first original story.

Well, really my second, but I kind of lost interest in the first one once I got the idea for this.

This is easily the longest I've ever worked on an original piece and I'm loving it. Now if only I could get finals out of the way so I could focus more on it.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
I've had a couple of Goodreads/Amazon reviews, but today the first "real" review of my collection was published on a SF/F blog, and it was pretty positive!

Review of Tide of Shadows and Other Stories

It goes into each story individually, but the final paragraph wraps things up pretty nicely:

Offering a little something for everyone, Tide of Shadows and Other Stories is a collection of tales that know precisely how to engage the reader, and exactly how to find a climax without overstaying their welcome. Whereas some authors try to put too much into a short story, or are content to sacrifice content for style (or vice versa), Moher strikes that perfect balance.

It's really encouraging for me, and helps to justify the feeling I had that, despite being rejected by the pro-paying SFF mags, the stories were still worth publishing. It's so fun to see people enjoying the book.
I've had a couple of Goodreads/Amazon reviews, but today the first "real" review of my collection was published on a SF/F blog, and it was pretty positive!

Review of Tide of Shadows and Other Stories

It goes into each story individually, but the final paragraph wraps things up pretty nicely:

and is really encouraging for me, helping to justify the feeling I had that, despite being rejected by the pro-paying SFF mags, the stories were still worth publishing. It's so fun to see people enjoying the book.

Excellent! Congrats! Getting reviews is really key to help drive more interest/sales.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Excellent! Congrats! Getting reviews is really key to help drive more interest/sales.

Thanks! I've heard from a couple of other readers that have reviews pending, so hopefully I have something more to show off, soon.

On another note, Kindle Unlimited has been a total flop so far. I've sold over 100 copies of the book, but only had one borrow. I'll be removing the book from the program after my 90 days are up and putting it on other bookstores if that number doesn't miraculously start trending upwards.
Okay fellow hubba-hubba challenge-takers... do I create the pen name when I go through the process of adding my book to my existing KDP author profile (i.e., by changing the author name on the book) or do I need to setup a completely separate author profile for this pen name?

Or are both of those wrong?


Okay fellow hubba-hubba challenge-takers... do I create the pen name when I go through the process of adding my book to my existing KDP author profile (i.e., by changing the author name on the book) or do I need to setup a completely separate author profile for this pen name?

Or are both of those wrong?
You can use your current account, all you need to do is put in your pen name for the author when you create the book. In author central you can have up to three pen names, so you'll have to use that to create a new author page.
You can use your current account, all you need to do is put in your pen name for the author when you create the book. In author central you can have up to three pen names, so you'll have to use that to create a new author page.

Cool. Thanks.

So short #1 rounds out to just a smidge over 5k words. Cover done. It is setup in Kindle and ready to go. I've set the price for this one at $0.99... or is everyone else going with $2.99?

Are we sharing keywords here? I still don't quite get the magic art of the keywords.

Now, I may go with an every two week schedule on the others. I should be able to polish off the 2nd one fairly quickly, as I believe word-wise it will be lighter, though it will be heavier on the hubba hubba.
Cool. Thanks.

So short #1 rounds out to just a smidge over 5k words. Cover done. It is setup in Kindle and ready to go. I've set the price for this one at $0.99... or is everyone else going with $2.99?

Are we sharing keywords here? I still don't quite get the magic art of the keywords.

Now, I may go with an every two week schedule on the others. I should be able to polish off the 2nd one fairly quickly, as I believe word-wise it will be lighter, though it will be heavier on the hubba hubba.

Go for 2.99 if it's over 5k.

As far as keywords go, here's an example of poor ones from the book:

erotica, erotic story, sex story, sex, sex book erotica, erotica sex story, book with sex stories

And here are examples of good ones:

kindle unlimited romance, contemporary urban, cuckold erotica, taboo older man, cuckold housewife,
wife sharing cuckold erotica, cheating spouse ,watching wife have sex with another man erotica

So basically, be descriptive and don't use single generic words.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Well this is kind of a bummer, but I got a rejection letter to a place I was really hoping i'd get in. It was a thousand dollars! A thousand! That's such big money! I didn't really think I'd get in, but it's weird. The story i wrote is basically perfect in my eyes. I have nothing else to add or change. The beginning and end are perfect. This a story that when i showed a class of people, one of the first responses was "this made me cry" It's weird trying to find a place for this. It's just weird being able to make someone cry, and not really knowing what to do with it?
I think that something that moves off into alien territory (to a human observer that is, in this case reader) should probably be treated as such. A bunch of eunuchs would not refer to each by any gender at all, let alone even use language that requires such references. (look up the syntax for Cyrillic languages as an example of languages that leave that partially out)

It is a little on the nose to SMURF everything though.

It's probably a lot easier to tell the story about these people by a human-like observer using 'he' as a general indication rather than a specific one. A woman would refer to the same people or even character as 'she', without breaking the fictional rules.

I think I've seen this specific example somewhere. It seems very familiar for some reason.
Jurassic Park? (yeah, I think that's it. It even became a plotpoint after all)

Those pronouns would feel too artificial because they are very clearly invented based on how they look on a written page, rather than how they'd be spoken in conversation. I agree with Haly's commentary.

Think of it this way: The sexless race probably wouldn't view itself as a compromise between the human sexes (unless that's somehow logical in a fantasy origin story). Why would a hybrid pronoun make any sense to them? They'd probably have a genderless one. Then it's back to how the humans and such react to them. They'd handle it in a self-centered way, sure, but there are too many simpler solutions in the context of normal conversation. Heck, people would probably be more likely to use "it" for that race than a hybrid word with probably-unpronounceable punctuation.

whilst my use of the mutant pronoun has so far been through narration, rather than a character's viewpoint or in dialogue, you all raise great points and something i need to really look at to make it feel far more natural. these creatures are one of the more powerful races in my world, socially and economically, it makes little sense that anyone would use such a clumsy way to talk about them when their culture has spread throughout the world.
thanks again!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Please Aiden, tell him to write more Twenty Palaces.



Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Please Aiden, tell him to write more Twenty Palaces.


I think he'd love to, but they sold very poorly. His new epic fantasy trilogy, which he self-published, is supposed to be very good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I found it funny he asked you a question about book covers because I'm fairly sure Twenty Palaces' Butcher-esque covers didn't do him any favors.
1500 words into short #2 and about to hit sexy time. Took a break to make the cover. Canva may become something of an obsession.

Edit: okay short #2 done at 4550 words. The story connecting these is moving forward and I know the layout for shorts 3, 4 and 5. I'm still considering a two week break between each. Curious to find out from cosmic how it's going. Also curious to know whether everyone is just hitting the publish button first thing Monday morning or late Sunday night?


Getting everything set up to publish the first short. Now just need to do a quick sweep over it and get my keywords down. ( Well mostly find the right keywords)
Hubba-Hubba Challenge Deadline approaches...

Since I imagine most are posting to the US store, aim to hit that publish button sometime Monday morning US time (be East or West Coast). For non-US people (like myself), I still suggest aiming for the US EC Monday morning bc of the publishing on weekends warning I posted about before.

Also, finding out how long it takes to get your book approved is half the 'fun', so don't stress if it takes time before it gets the OK. Just record your hitting the button time and when it actually goes live so we can note it here.

Now, who is ready to publish a short?

Also, cosmic, will you post those steps for the pen name publishing bit as soon as you're able?

1500 words into short #2 and about to hit sexy time. Took a break to make the cover. Canva may become something of an obsession.

Edit: okay short #2 done at 4550 words. The story connecting these is moving forward and I know the layout for shorts 3, 4 and 5. I'm still considering a two week break between each. Curious to find out from cosmic how it's going. Also curious to know whether everyone is just hitting the publish button first thing Monday morning or late Sunday night?

Canva is pretty addictive because it's such a struggle to find the right stuff and yet so charming to see your pen name there under some silly-looking woman looking sultry. :p
On a more positive note, I think I'm done with Amp. I have to go through and check the adverbials yet, but other than that, yeah, good to go. Bit over 24k words. When I first thought of the story a few years ago, I figured I could do it in 70 pages. The first draft was near 90, and the final version is around 80. Not too shabby of a call. What's ten pages between friends?

I plan on starting The Grimoire Library on Monday! Not a clue how long that one will get...


I'm going on a way faring adventure of self discovery, much nuisance, and long stretches of the British countryside.
Worked all last night. So I shall crank something out after the next few days.

This thing will be published damn it,

Mike M

Nick N
Got a personal rejection letter this morning that made me wish for a form rejection. It was actually very helpful in its feedback about what they felt like was wrong with the story, but they seemed to have sent me a copy of internal communication between two editors who were talking about me like I wasn't there ('cause I wasn't).

Work has been tough for a couple months now, it's totally upping my stress levels and wrecking my routine. I know I can't be at my A-game 100% of the time, but still...
Mine went live too. *_* I have one borrow it seems...

Pushed the publish button just now.

I hit publish.

Just hit the publish button. Let's see how it goes!

My book is live. :O

Bravo, guys!

Time to see what happens. How did it go for everyone (getting to the 'Publish' button)?

I am going to do my best to publish tonight. I'm polishing and editing like a madwoman.

The fact that I can't have anyone look over it before I publish is terrifying to me.

I feel ya. My last bit was written in a huge rush and my sister never got back to me. I do think you can re-upload fresh copies, though...? Fix a few things, etc.

I concede defeat once again, won't be able to make the deadline :'(

If I ever publish this though, I'll be sure to post an update here :eek:

No! It's still Monday the 18th somewhere! Go go go!
Mine's not live yet! :(

By the way, what do you have to do to get the book attached to your account, again? Search for it and then say "I'm the author" somewhere?
I'm live apparently. 0 borrows and 0 purchases. Seems about right.

Been live for a little over 4 hours and nada, bupkus, zilch. Feels bad, man.

It just started, don't be so pessimistic. :p

How long are your books, and what category did everyone put theirs in?

Mine ended up just over 7,000 and I had to make it the first of two books in the story because I'm barely at the halfway point plot-wise... That might hurt sales, but I did try to make it worth their while by jam-packing it. We shall see, I guess.


It just started, don't be so pessimistic. :p

How long are your books, and what category did everyone put theirs in?

Mine ended up just over 7,000 and I had to make it the first of two books in the story because I'm barely at the halfway point plot-wise... That might hurt sales, but I did try to make it worth their while by jam-packing it. We shall see, I guess.

Mine is pretty short only about 3000 words. I noticed it got pushed under the Kindle Short Reads label as well as the catagories i have it under myself. No buys or anything yet.
mine has said "live - under review" fire so long. it implies you can buy it but I can't find it anywhere.

Ever since the KDP Bookshelf layout got changed, it's been doing that. Seems to go up once it gets assigned an ASIN, if not a little bit after that.

Anyway, my third one went live. Got a few sales/borrows over the past week, but nothing much. Still saw the most activity in the first week when I only had one short out. Overall, I've made like $50 since starting 3 weeks ago.

Unless things REALLY pick up after I put my last 3 shorts out and their subsequent bundles, I'll probably just drop this pen name and make one with a more "mainstream" focus. If that doesn't work, think I'll just be done with erotica and go back to writing what I want to write.
EDIT: Or 1 borrow 1 paid...?

mine has said "live - under review" fire so long. it implies you can buy it but I can't find it anywhere.

Just give it a bit more. On the other forums I read that some people were under review for much longer than others for no particular reason. Just luck of the draw, I guess?

Mine is pretty short only about 3000 words. I noticed it got pushed under the Kindle Short Reads label as well as the catagories i have it under myself. No buys or anything yet.

When you submitted were you able to choose a lower price point, or was $2.99 the lowest? I noticed with mine that it seemed the default low.

Ever since the KDP Bookshelf layout got changed, it's been doing that. Seems to go up once it gets assigned an ASIN, if not a little bit after that.

Anyway, my third one went live. Got a few sales/borrows over the past week, but nothing much. Still saw the most activity in the first week when I only had one short out. Overall, I've made like $50 since starting 3 weeks ago.

Unless things REALLY pick up after I put my last 3 shorts out and their subsequent bundles, I'll probably just drop this pen name and make one with a more "mainstream" focus. If that doesn't work, think I'll just be done with erotica and go back to writing what I want to write.

So nothing new released today or yesterday? I'm trying to figure out how to add you to an overall graph. You and 360 might have your own mini ones for jumping the gun, though.
Yeah 2.99 was the lowest I could go with the 70% rate. I kinda wish now I could set it to 99 cents lol.

Well, we did find that .99 is better for when you have under 5000 words even if the royalty rate is not as good. Can you not change it?

No, I released my third short today. Released the first bundle last Monday.

OK. We'll use your 3rd short for this graph then. Any sales or borrows for the 3rd only that went up today?
OK. We'll use your 3rd short for this graph then. Any sales or borrows for the 3rd only that went up today?

Zero :(

I did get a borrow on the first today though.

So far, the total breakdown is this:

First short: 13 sales, 8 borrows

Second short: 0 sales, 1 borrow

Third short: 0 sales, 0 borrows

First Bundle: 1 sale, 2 borrows

Maybe I should write more stuff like the first.


Well, we did find that .99 is better for when you have under 5000 words even if the royalty rate is not as good. Can you not change it?

OK. We'll use your 3rd short for this graph then. Any sales or borrows for the 3rd only that went up today?

Yeah i just updated it. I rather it be at 99 cents.
Hubba-Hubba Challenge Update:

To start keeping tabs on the results, can you guys post your sales/borrows results at the end of your day today? If you could note other details like length (word count and pages) and your price point, that would help organize this. I'll start posting progress charts as soon as I get some data. \[-_-]/

Also: They've only been live for a few hours, so don't be discouraged if the results are low (as that's to be expected).

Zero :(

I did get a borrow on the first today though.

So far, the total breakdown is this:

First short: 13 sales, 8 borrows

Second short: 0 sales, 1 borrow

Third short: 0 sales, 0 borrows

First Bundle: 1 sale, 2 borrows

Maybe I should write more stuff like the first.

Gotcha. And it is a pretty stark contrast to the other shorts. I don't know what those themes are, but maybe you hit the target on your first shot?

Yeah i just updated it. I rather it be at 99 cents.

Nice. I think that'll help.
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