Twitter is a god awful "service" that contributes active harm to society's communication skills and is directly responsible for the rise of people fucking saying "hashtag" aloud when speaking like fucking idiot fucks. Therefore, they are indirectly responsible for the contents of what may or may not be unmarked shallow graves in the woods behind my house.This level of dedication for these shorts is really impressive. I like twitter, and I know it's useful, and necessary these days, but gosh.
Twitter was the first time I realized I'm old and curmudgeonly. I simply don't see a use for it (outside of being obligated to do so to maintain some semblance of relevancy), and I'm both baffled and infuriated by the world's enthusiastic and unequivocal support of such a shitty, awful platform.
At least it's okay as an occasional spectator sport to watch people who somehow still don't understand how the internet works destroy their careers...