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39-year-olds are millenials now?
No. She's clearly by all definitions a Gen Xer.
39-year-olds are millenials now?
I was going to say this. Most people I knew had rabbit ears on their sets and started to transition to cable by the mid 90's. I remember the old school cable boxes where you got scramble/static on the PPV channels. Some content came in watchable at that time where I could watch WWF and sometime the naughty channels.
Not knowing how TV works in 2017 = dumbNot knowing that something exists = dumb
I'm so fucking sick of "Millennial" articles
No, the boxes were for TVs built before the switch. Current TVs don't need converters.I thought you had to have a digital converter box or something now.
Why is everything a "hack"? Like, is using a car to go to the grocery store instead of walking a "hack"? Printing out an article instead of hand copying it a "hack"? So nauseating to read that term over and over.
-Would rather watch someone play a video game via Twitch/YouTube instead of play a game themselves.
Not knowing that something exists = dumb
Antenna TV is garbage and your local programming sucks.
OTA HD is fucking terrible.
OTA HD is fucking terrible.
OTA HD is fucking terrible.
OTA HD is fucking terrible.
Thats if you have a old tube tv, especially during the digital transition period. There are a few HDTVs that didn't have it built in, but most tvs have it built in standard now so you just need the antenna. My old Samsung hdtv I still have from 2007 took my old rabbit ears without issues.
For those saying you can't get channels... Are you hooked up for cable? Because they legally have to have the local channels available on the cable line even if you don't pay for cable.
Yeah, for the most part modern HDTV's will have the tuner, but they might start moving away from that. Higher-end Vizios no longer have the tuner.
Again it all depends on where you live and what you can pick up with whatever antenna type you have.
It ranges from OMG why am I paying for cable to I got this antenna and can't pick up shit.
Compared to what?
Umm...why? Poor reception on your end? Because the quality is better than cable/satellite.
If you knew what a cow looked like you could get free milk, but you're too busy making avocado toast.
Millennials are:
-Killing buffalo wing joints
-Killing the golf industry
-Unable to identify cows
-Killing the diamond industry
-Killing satisfying sex (Yes, seriously. That was a thing)
-Killing chocolate
-Killing radio
-Enjoy avocado toast
-Exposing people to what avocado toast is
-Cares more about dogs than marriage
-Something something moochers
I made one out of tinfoil and a 4 dollar converter from frys. Worked great.HD antenna was $50 bucks 8 years. Great picture, local channels and sports.
I still have it and it works great.
I disagree.
NoAntenna TV is awful though
Yes, the reception is horrible and unreliable, always subject to cut out ever 30 seconds or so. It's possible I just had shitty antennas, but I've been cycling through them for years and years. Maybe it was a weather thing? Seattle intermittent rain?
I'm not saying it's any worse than OG antennas - those were terrible too. They can both be terrible!
(Look, I hate watching TV so I don't care. The less I spend on cable, the better)
Honestly, I'd love tips on getting better reception if you have any. It's not like I enjoy watching garbage TV.
Antenna TV is awful though
Man, what a succinct rebuttal!
I fully expect to read an article in 15 years time about how the generation that comes after the millennials have discovered they can listen to music for free on the radio, without a streaming service subscription.
When I comment on that, I will be sure to say "People can't be getting more ignorant, can they?".
The online stream he found to watch the game didnt have regular commercialsdisappointing half of his guests who were only interested in the ads.
What's avocado toast?
too much effort compared to streaming
But then you have to watch commercials. Ew.
these fucking millenials articles are fucking terrible.
I grew up with over the air TV. my parents didn't get paid TV until I was in college. How the fuck do people not know about this. WHO RAISED THESE KIDS?!?
Jeff Bezos hates this new millennial lifehack for FREE BOOKS.
Don't people have rooftop antennas in America...? This article makes no sense to me
I thought Millennials were killing broadcast media?
I was pretty surprised by the amount of channels I got. Last time I used an antenna was like 20 years ago and I got maybe 4 or 5, now its around 20+. Also no more snow, they come in clear.
I have an antenna but honestly almost never use it. There's really not much that interests me on the network channels + lack of a guide to see what's on and coming up.
Freeview in the UK has a guide..
America is weird. Kettles to boil water a rare strange thing and now no TV antennas. I know cable was a big thing but not so big there was virtually no use of antennas.
Wait - what? How do Americans boil water then?
I have a 12 dollar circular antenna from Lowes that I've used for 10+ years now, gets every major network in full HD perfectly as well as a bunch of gonzo channels that are tucked away as like 4-2, 6-2, 6-3. This is stuff like "BOUNCE" which is just awesome movies starring African Americans and also a channel that just plays Law & Order 24/7. I think there's one called MeTV that just plays old sitcoms too from the 60s, 70s, 80s.
Crazy. I mean in the UK I just had a Freesat box and Netflix, nothing else needed. Although there are no analogue TV signals here anymore, if that's what the article is referring to. But... who wants to watch adverts? And no offence meant, but I've seen American adverts from time to time and they're some of the most obnoxious ones going, I couldn't stand it.
Do you not have to pay a TV licence there, though?
TV quality via antenna can vary wildly from place to place. Depends on where you live, the kind of antenna you have, and what signal you can get started your place.
Sometimes it can be better than cable. By like a rather noticable amount. Other times you'll struggle to get even a hazy picture come through.
I thought you had to have a digital converter box or something now.
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the idea of paying for TV was to avoid commercials until the commercials invaded every channel? TV has had free broadcast channels since like... ever.
Yes, the reception is horrible and unreliable, always subject to cut out ever 30 seconds or so. It's possible I just had shitty antennas, but I've been cycling through them for years and years. Maybe it was a weather thing? Seattle intermittent rain?
I'm not saying it's any worse than OG antennas - those were terrible too. They can both be terrible!
(Look, I hate watching TV so I don't care. The less I spend on cable, the better)
Honestly, I'd love tips on getting better reception if you have any. It's not like I enjoy watching garbage TV.
Again it all depends on where you live and what you can pick up with whatever antenna type you have.
It ranges from OMG why am I paying for cable to I got this antenna and can't pick up shit.
Umm...why? Poor reception on your end? Because the quality is better than cable/satellite.
I live in town with perfect reception and OTA absolutely does not look better than cable. I have directly compared them because everyone keeps saying OTA looks better, it simply does not.Ridiculous. What a ridiculous hack. WTAF is happening.
Right, terrible, as in higher quality than what gets piped in, got it.
Not sure if this is a joke? You can literally buy it and then twist in a single cable, then run a scan for channels and that's it.too much effort compared to streaming