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WTF happened to the Screen Savers?!

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DarthWufei said:
And where does this leave the TechTV fans? Honestly is anything salvageable? It doesn't seem like there's any hope for the old network at all. Unless some other network tries to create their on tech shows with these lost hosts. I'm all for that, but that seems so very unlikely.

Yeah the tech fans are fucked, hell gaming fans are fucked for the most part, but alot are so stupid they don't even know how much good info they are missing out on relying on these cheap casual shows. Even if they did focus more on tech it would totally suck because that channel is just absolutely obsessed with cramming everything into lame, uninformative 30 minute timeslots packed full of ads. The only reason why Pulse got bumped up was so they could have more time to push mass marketed crap on people. G4 acts like making serious, hardcore shows is so risky and unprofitable, but when have they ever even tried to do one to know? Things will never get better and it's just sad, if G4 was smart they could be doing so many cool random docs on tech. History of windows, dos, internet, hell I'd even want to see something about spamming culture. It all just comes down to g4's greed and narrow- mindedness, even if they were cool enough to make some tech shows based around some interesting subjects, in the end it would just be that same 30 minute crap.


Lyte Edge said:
:lol There was another episode (although I might be thinking of the Dark Tipper segment on Unscrewed) where Kevin showed off a modded Xbox, and went into the game list, showing a bunch of copied games. :)

Rumor has it, MS threatened to pull ads over that (he joked about something like that once), and there's another rumor that SCEA wasn't too happy with the HDloader demonstration on Pulse.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
One of the things I actually liked about the revised TSS was the new 'underground-ness' that Kevin helped contribute in the form of really promoting open-source stuff, Bittorent, file-sharing programs, and other subversive, perhaps less ethical 'alternatives'. I'm sure those aspects will be slapped away by the uber corporate big dick.


tedtropy said:
One of the things I actually liked about the revised TSS was the new 'underground-ness' that Kevin helped contribute in the form of really promoting open-source stuff, Bittorent, file-sharing programs, and other subversive, perhaps less ethical 'alternatives'. I'm sure those aspects will be slapped away by the uber corporate big dick.

Open-source, Bittorent, and file-sharing programs are fine as they can all be used for legal things. But when they get into things like copying PS2 games with HDloader (which is basically saying "Hey kids, here's how you can keep those rented games forever!") you can get in trouble with Sony or MS who help pay the bills in the form of advertising.


Shogmaster said:
Filter is definitely NOT watchable. It's somewhat tolerable because of Fook Mi, but that's being generous.

It's the closest thing to VH1's lite-viewing that G4 has been able to manage, and (apart from Cinematheque) the only place on G4 to get turned on to older games.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Shogmaster said:
Filter is definitely NOT watchable. It's somewhat tolerable because of Fook Mi, but that's being generous.

Watching Filter is, for me, and admittedly shallow affair. Diane Mizota is just so beautiful that I can't resist, but you can practically see her squinting to make out the que cards and she's about as robotic as can be. Oh, and the actual content of the show is usually crap as well.

Show Interviewer: "So what do you think of Solid Snake?"
Random Street Guy: "Yo, yo, yo Snake is off the hook, for realizy. L|nk3n Par|<. Whooooo!"


And just when you think G4 couldn't fuck things up any more...

According to Kevin Rose's blog, they're bringing in the two hosts from Pulse to host The Screen Savers, and Kevin's going to be doing smaller bits.

I swear, the only thing that could make it any worse is if they brought in Tommy Tallarico and Diane Mizota as hosts... maybe next season.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
why doesn't he just bail? I mean, fuck contracts, and it's not like any fans are going to be upset at him at this point. take the girl and run.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
They're making Chi-Lan Lieu and Kevin Pereira hosts!? Oh sweet Jesus, if you thought it was bad before... :lol


jooey said:
why doesn't he just bail? I mean, fuck contracts, and it's not like any fans are going to be upset at him at this point. take the girl and run.

Well, if he did just bail and say "fuck this contract", he'd most likely get stuck with "breach of contract". I seem to recall reading somewhere that the only way that any of the TSS people can get out of their contract early is getting fired.

They're making Chi-Lan Lieu and Kevin Pereira hosts!? Oh sweet Jesus, if you thought it was bad before...

I'm actually really curious to see how bad it actually is. At this point, it's really just a matter of wanting to hang around and see exactly how big of a trainwreck it's going to be. I'll probably attempt to watch the new episode on Monday just to see how bad it is.
I like the Tallrico shows eventhough he is an ass atleast he plays video games. I hate pretty much all the chicks on G4 shows who pretend to enjoy video games. Especially Morgan webb you can tell right way she has a snobby way about her.

anyways unscrewed got screwed har har har :p


Wellington said:
Though I've only caught the last half hour, it's actually not that bad....

Yeah, I only caught a little bit of it, but I must say that it isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Of course, I only watched around five minutes where they were testing out some paint that was supposed to inhibit a WiFi signal, but amazingly enough, the new male host was at least tolerable. Sure, he's no Leo or Patrick, but he's worlds better than that idiot they brought in a few months ago.


I finally watched one episode of the new Screen Savers. There are times when Kevin Rose actually looks like he doesn't want to be there.


Hail to the KING baby
Some big company should just take all the talent that's been fired (Leo, all the old TSS crew) and make a new network with an actual plan and an actual budget. This market could be huge. Look at how big the Discovery Channel got and that's basically just nature/science shows. This is tech/gaming! The reason G4/TTV is going down the shitter is b/c so many of its shows are so crappy, have such awful talent that even a tech fan has maybe a 5% chance of watching it more than once. Even the more-watchable shows like Pulse are downright painful to watch 90% of the time for one reason or another. I didn't even think Unscrewed was very funny either. And that's not mentioning the godawful shows that would make the most die-hard gamer/tech person avoid the channel forever (Cheat, Filter, Sweat, Arena, whatever-that-godforsaken-Cribz-style-show-where-we-have-to-watch-Bret-Michaels-play-a-motocross-game he's-never-seen-before-for-ten-minutes-is called, too many to list).

You need quality to draw people in and then they will be hooked for a long time and you can pretty much just keep following the same formula. There were a few shows that actually almost hit the nail right on the head (early TSS, Icons). But if you're going to have bad hosts (pretty much almost everyone, even the superstars of the channel, Adam & Morgan), you're going to need mind-blowing content. Most of the programming is mediocre content, sub-public access hosting. That just won't cut it. You need a TSS-like show just covering random-ass tech stuff, I really don't think you'd even have to diverge very much from the old show, if at all. A nightly talkshow is a great idea too, but imo where Unscrewed failed is it tried too hard to be funny/like Conan. Tech/gaming can be hard to make funny in that format, but it doesn't have to be funny! Do a straight show where you have a couple tech-gaming guests from the tech news of the day or past week, and let the funny come out on its own! Even if it doesn't, at worse your viewers will be better-informed. Icons needs to be done once every few weeks and be an hour long. There are so many stories in gaming to be told, just look at a book like Phoenix or Kent's book, and this would likely draw in both the gaming and tech crowds, esp. for some of the older topics. Finally, and most importantly, don't make 75% of your shows cater to 12-year-olds who can barely read and need their parents to plug in their PSones. It's insulting and it's useless. If people have your fucking channel on chances are they have some very basic tech/gaming knowledge. The old TSS worked really well b/c it operated on this premise and didn't alienate people the way nearly all the other shows do.

As shitty as Filter is, too, I think a Top 10 show would work, once a week; look back at some of Seanbaby's or GameSpy's Top 10 lists and you can see this is a goldmine of great material. Who wouldn't want to see Seanbaby's 20 Worst Nintendo Games of All-Time on one show? The problem was Filter was executed in literally the worst way anyone could think up. Put a "hot" host who doesn't know/care about the shit she's talking about in cosplay and have people who visit the Filter website (who the fuck does this, anyway, like 10 people... maybe?) vote on fucking ridiculous and boring categories like "Top 10 Extreme Sports Games" and "Top 10 Skateboard Games" while dragging out the same five people to give commentary all the time. Just basically do the opposite of Filter and you'll be fine.

At this point, it's just a matter of who's smart, able, and dedicated enough to tap into this potential cash cow that G4TTV has absolutely and completely fucked up.


Hail to the KING baby
Matlock said:

Yah, now it is and it's probably why it's going to be in trouble at some point, but at the beginning it was science shit mostly, and people were saying, "who's gonna watch a channel all about science?" "Science and commercial TV don't mix, you can't do it!" Pretty much all the same arguments people have as to why a tech/gaming channel wouldn't work. You can also plug in a number of channels that became huge successes into that.


TSS - Leo/Patrick/Megan/Morgan/Martin days.
Fresh Gear - Sumi Das roxed
Tech Live - was pretty cool, basically GAF OT TV.
Call for Help - As annoying as Chris Pirillo was...well, he was annoying. He was gone apparently when I last watched the show over a year ago.

I loved these shows. I moved over a year ago...and didn't get cable til about 2 months ago. What the hell happened to one of my favorite networks? :(

I wonder what Leo is up to these days. If he were to ever have another show again I'd probably watch it. *looks for Leo's site*


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
If G4 honestly wants The Screen Savers to be successful, they need to do everything in their power to bring back Leo Laporte and Patrick Norton. Give them a nice salary, set them up in a house, whatever. Those guys are as close to figureheads as the show and station have ever had. Put them back in the hosts spot, leave Kevin and Sarah in their background spots (where they excel) and get this once great show back in fucking gear already. The present hosts just don't have any real personality, you have a hard time believing they know their stuff, and the show is just flat and dead, made even more so now by the lack of an audience. Honestly I liked the previous configuration of Kevin and the Dell Commercial Guy better than what we have now.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Miguel said:
TSS - Leo/Patrick/Megan/Morgan/Martin days.
Fresh Gear - Sumi Das roxed
Tech Live - was pretty cool, basically GAF OT TV.
Call for Help - As annoying as Chris Pirillo was...well, he was annoying. He was gone apparently when I last watched the show over a year ago.

I loved these shows. I moved over a year ago...and didn't get cable til about 2 months ago. What the hell happened to one of my favorite networks? :(

I wonder what Leo is up to these days. If he were to ever have another show again I'd probably watch it. *looks for Leo's site*

Agreed. TSS peaked with Leo and Patrick. And remember how much cooler Morgan was then? Now they 'purdied' her up and surgically removed her personality. Sumi Das was both gorgeous and came off as a true professional. Tech Live, well, I always though that show was just redudant filler. As for Chris Pirillo on Call For Help, I thought he was a good match - he has the necessary charisma to be a host and he actually knew his shit, as opposed to the crew of monkeys we now have heading most of the station's shows...


tedtropy said:
Agreed. TSS peaked with Leo and Patrick. And remember how much cooler Morgan was then? Now they 'purdied' her up and surgically removed her personality. Sumi Das was both gorgeous and came off as a true professional. Tech Live, well, I always though that show was just redudant filler. As for Chris Pirillo on Call For Help, I thought he was a good match - he has the necessary charisma to be a host and he actually knew his shit, as opposed to the crew of monkeys we now have heading most of the station's shows...

Don't get me wrong, I loved CFH. As annoying as Chris was...he was actually informative and knew his shit. I agree that Tech Live was kinda just filler, as the same news would probably be on TSS. Sumi Das fucking rocked. Fresh Gear rocked harder.


I guess I should watch some more of TSS nowadays...but after I had heard Leo left...it didn't seem really worth watching it.

Leo needs to get a show on Discovery Channel. Move whatever the hell is on after Mythbusters and give him an hour long show.

Mythbusters + Leoville TV = 2 Hours of MiG watching Discovery on Wednesdays.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Miguel said:
Don't get me wrong, I loved CFH. As annoying as Chris was...he was actually informative and knew his shit. I agree that Tech Live was kinda just filler, as the same news would probably be on TSS. Sumi Das fucking rocked. Fresh Gear rocked harder.


I guess I should watch some more of TSS nowadays...but after I had heard Leo left...it didn't seem really worth watching it.

Leo needs to get a show on Discovery Channel. Move whatever the hell is on after Mythbusters and give him an hour long show.

Mythbusters + Leoville TV = 2 Hours of MiG watching Discovery on Wednesdays.

The New Diet TSS is presently not worth watching. The new hosts are horrible, especially the woman, who comes off as neither knowing her stuff, posessing any real personality, and sounds like she has about two pounds of snot perpetually up her nose whenever she speaks. Kevin does seem bored, and he made a much better host, but he claims stepping down was his choice. Somehow I'm skeptical. About the only thing I can say is that Sarah is still cute, as is the female host, but she's no Diane Mizota.


I dunno, I'll always have a place in my heart for the old-school TSS show when the station was ZDTV and it was Kate Botello and Leo Laporte and the show was pretty small scale but had a TON of content and the chemistry between those two was great, particularly when there was a mishap. I remember them trying to do some demonstration of something or another and Leo was like, "The computer's not working!" and they both messed around for like two minutes before Leo was like, "Oh, I remember, this keyboard isn't connected to this computer!" Kate was all like, "See, I let Leo mess with the computers!" :lol You probably had to be watching to find it funny.

When Kate left and they brought in Patrick they also started giving the "intern" people more prominence and that opened the show up more, gave it a bigger presence, but I still yearn for the Kate and Leo days. It makes me wonder if Kate had some psychic power and knew what was going to happen in a year or two. Granted she originally moved from TSS to XPlay (an odd decision to me), but she wasn't on XPlay long before she left the network. I have no idea what she's up to now. It'd be awesome to see her back teamed with Leo on a network that had the actual spirit of ZD/Tech-TV from back in the day, not this G4-aborted piece of crap network.


teiresias said:
I dunno, I'll always have a place in my heart for the old-school TSS show when the station was ZDTV and it was Kate Botello and Leo Laporte and the show was pretty small scale but had a TON of content and the chemistry between those two was great, particularly when there was a mishap. I remember them trying to do some demonstration of something or another and Leo was like, "The computer's not working!" and they both messed around for like two minutes before Leo was like, "Oh, I remember, this keyboard isn't connected to this computer!" Kate was all like, "See, I let Leo mess with the computers!" :lol You probably had to be watching to find it funny.

When Kate left and they brought in Patrick they also started giving the "intern" people more prominence and that opened the show up more, gave it a bigger presence, but I still yearn for the Kate and Leo days. It makes me wonder if Kate had some psychic power and knew what was going to happen in a year or two. Granted she originally moved from TSS to XPlay (an odd decision to me), but she wasn't on XPlay long before she left the network. I have no idea what she's up to now. It'd be awesome to see her back teamed with Leo on a network that had the actual spirit of ZD/Tech-TV from back in the day, not this G4-aborted piece of crap network.

I miss her as a host as well. Shoot, I was even shocked when Chris Pirillo was let go. Neither of them may have had the hip look networks seem to crave these days, but they knew what they were talking about and generally were entertaining in a natural way (unlike the forced in-your-face attitude of G4.)
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