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WTF is a "Security Module (Steam)? And why do I always have to download it?

I'm trying to see if I should purchase the Steam Silver package or just get the basic retail package when it's released (So I'm trying to play DOD on Steam). What's really pissing me off is trying to get into a game. Unless I log onto a server that's pretty dead, the server will fill and kick me before I can download all the crap it wants me to. Does this shit eventually all get on your hard drive and make this unneccessary? And WTF do I have to download a security module before every match? It's not like any of this is fast (Cntrl-Alt-Delete shows it seems to be capped at 100kps). Any suggestions?
So once you've been playing a while and have everything precached on the hard drive (I assume), how long does it take to get into a match? I assume the length goes down. Correct? I can live with the stupid security module, but I'd like to think the rest of the garbage is being stored so it doesn't have to d/l again.
And if this stuff is being stored, anyone know of the best website where the common add-on files are available for download. (So I can download at a decent speed.)


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
You only download it on servers that have anti-cheat on. Basically it generates a random module ever time you connect making it harder to hack. Thats why you download it each time.
I've been screwing around on the link Bregor gave me and found out how to bring up the status graphs. I'm still not at 100 percent downloaded for DOD or HL (Though I could care less about this). Pretty amazing I was able to even get in any games yesterday with all the junk I must have been downloading. Up to 74 percent for DOD:)


Yeah its fucking annoying. They haven't made VAC for CSS yet so its pretty fast to join CSS games... And cheaters in CSS are still rare.
It plays a lot differently now that it's 100 downloaded:) My ping was jumping all over the place the other day, and today is was rock steady.
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