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Don't anger the giant alien overmind by talking negatively about his plan.
The Hound said:Ah, another religious argument... here's my input: As an atheist, all religious beliefs are equal. No one religion is more ridiculous than the next. And I am happy that my mind is not burdened by any of them.
I can't tell if you're talking about religion or not.everything was magically made from nothing, no cause no reason at all.
The Hound said:Does there have to be a reason, Hollywood? Maybe there is a reason for it all, who really knows? We're all smart enough to ask why, but maybe we're not smart enough to figure it out... shit, for all the proof we have, everything may damn well have been "magically made from nothing." (or to put it another way: "Let there be light!"). No one knows, there are only guesses.
Hollywood said:I personally don't beleive there's a hell and I never was taught there was one.
Justin Bailey said:Did you read any of the page that was posted above? Here http://www.xenu.net/archive/media/time910605.html Check out the rest of the site too when you get the time.
Yeah the catholic church isn't exactly cupcakes and sprinkles, but at least they don't attempt to blackmail anyone that speaks out against them or frame them for various crimes.
The Hound said:It's true, I don't know all that much about Catholicism. But I've found that most catholics and christians believe that God is all-knowing and all-seeing. And in Exodus 20 (The Ten Commandments, King James Bible) God says "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" and also "for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God." Sounds to me like a lot of people might be in big trouble if the christian god exists.
The Hound said:But we have all heard "give us money." Back to my point: scientology is no better or worse than any other religion.
Do some research on "indulgences" in Catholic history. The selling of indulgences to shorten relatives' stay in purgatory was one of the main causes of Martin Luther's rejection of the Church. If you've ever wondered about why Protestants believe in salvation through "faith alone," rather than the "faith and good works" (read as: buying holy trinkets) path described by Catholicism...there is your answer.Hollywood said:And NEVER have I heard anything about 'give us money to save your dead relatives from hell'.
-jinx- said:Do some research on "indulgences" in Catholic history. The selling of indulgences to shorten relatives' stay in purgatory was one of the main causes of Martin Luther's rejection of the Church. If you've ever wondered about why Protestants believe in salvation through "faith alone," rather than the "faith and good works" (read as: buying holy trinkets) path described by Catholicism...there is your answer.
Look, you've already admitted that you haven't read much about it. So please, go nuts. The time article is a good start, then you have much more at the main site: www.xenu.net. I'm not going to bother arguing with someone that doesn't know all the facts.The Hound said:But we have all heard "give us money." Back to my point: scientology is no better or worse than any other religion.
The Hound said:So now it's coming down to name-calling. Don't get your panties in a twist, your typos are becoming more frequent. I never said that all religions are the same, just equally... invalid (to me). I never said that Jesus didn't exist. In fact, I think it's very likely that he was a real person who made a huge impact on the worldjust like the other conquerors/rebels you mentioned. And let me ask you, Hollywood, as an atheist what exactly am I ignorant of? (Read carefully: as an atheist, I ask. There are plenty of things I'm ignorant of that have nothing to do with atheism; such as why people watch pro-wrestling)
Who says Christ was even a real person? Or that even if a JC did exist, that he was some enlightened messiah? He coulda just been L. Ron Hubbard's predecessor. And I don't believe Christ started the church either. I too had 12 years of Catholic school, and I don't remember ever hearing that. He's the person Christianity was developed to worship, but I don't believe he actually played any role in starting the church. His disciples were just his entourage. JC rolled 12-deep everywhere he went. So does Diddy. :lolHollywood said:I don't recall Christ talking about founding it to make money. If you think Scientology and other religions are the same, you are simply an idiot. And hey, you know, everything is fiction if your not old enough to have been alive when it happened. If there was no Christ then there was no Julius Cesar, Alexander the Great, Napolean, or George Washington either. Yep thats the crux of Atheism, ignorance is bliss.
The Hound said:So now it's coming down to name-calling. Don't get your panties in a twist, your typos are becoming more frequent. I never said that all religions are the same, just equally... invalid (to me). I never said that Jesus didn't exist. In fact, I think it's very likely that he was a real person who made a huge impact on the world–just like the other conquerors/rebels you mentioned. And let me ask you, Hollywood, as an atheist what exactly am I ignorant of? (Read carefully: as an atheist, I ask. There are plenty of things I'm ignorant of that have nothing to do with atheism; such as why people watch pro-wrestling)
Pimpwerx said:Who says Christ was even a real person? Or that even if a JC did exist, that he was some enlightened messiah? He coulda just been L. Ron Hubbard's predecessor. And I don't believe Christ started the church either. I too had 12 years of Catholic school, and I don't remember ever hearing that. He's the person Christianity was developed to worship, but I don't believe he actually played any role in starting the church. His disciples were just his entourage. JC rolled 12-deep everywhere he went. So does Diddy. :lol
Seriously though, so much of the Bible has been augmented over the millenia that who's to say which parts of it are grounded in some sort of historical fact, and which aren't? I suppose if you can believe in an omniscient and omnipresent deity, then it's not such a long stretch to believe he had a human son who died and did all this cool stuff either. But then, if I was to pass off the Superman comics as the chronicles of our spandex-bound savior, not many people would take me seriously. If I wrote it 2000 years ago, it would be the Holy Roman Catholic Church...of Krpyton. PEACE.
calder said:I hate to denigrate any belief system, but a classic line from Andy Richter Controls the Universe (RIP awesome show, RIP) comes to mind:
"[This] religion is the goofy fruit of the ha ha bush."
Hollywood said:I don't recall Christ talking about founding it to make money.
Pimpwerx said:Who says Christ was even a real person? Or that even if a JC did exist, that he was some enlightened messiah?
Pat Robertson on South Park said:You know Susan, there's so many great missionaries doing great work in Africa and stuff, and what we need is the help of everyone around the world. Now, one of our missionaries has found a new planet out in Alpha Six...and we can be sure they've never heard the message of Jesus Christ. Now we need your money so we can build an interstellar cruiser to deliver the message of Christ to those Godless aliens.
The Hound said:Okay, slow down. I'm no authority, but I have studied various religious systems in school and on my own. I don't know what generalizations you're talking about. I thought I made my point clear several times. Again: I DON'T think that ALL religions are the same. It's their core mythologies that I feel are equally invalid... I'm just not a believer. And I agree that there are some bad, bad scientologists. There are also plenty of bad, bad catholics, jews, muslims, etc. This time, READ CAREFULLY before you click on Quote.
Zaptruder said:Yes, bad people exist everywhere. Proportionally, they're a lot higher in Scientology. And regardless of the silliness of the core beliefs in religion, CoS as a group will fuck you up very bad; more so than just a, "I now believe in space aliens and thetans kinda way."
whytemyke said:That generalization at the beginning of your argument, man, is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. Proportionally, Scientologists are far more bad people? You could make the excuse that the LEADERSHIP is bad, but I don't think the followers are anymore inherently bad than those of any other religion. But yeah, I'll be a dick and uh... tell you to go ahead and prove that fact. Statistically.
The Hound said:*sighs* If I'm going to read more about scientology, I'm certainly not going to start with an anti-scientology website.
I'll say again, it's no better or worse. To me all religious beliefs are just someone's made up stories.
Scientology is a multiteired organization in which bottom levels report up the ladder. While it's true that people caught up in it may be no better than worse than anyone else, the system they are a part of is reprehensible and is responsible for doing a great deal of psychological, legal, and monetary harm.whytemyke said:That generalization at the beginning of your argument, man, is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. Proportionally, Scientologists are far more bad people? You could make the excuse that the LEADERSHIP is bad, but I don't think the followers are anymore inherently bad than those of any other religion. But yeah, I'll be a dick and uh... tell you to go ahead and prove that fact. Statistically.
Hollywood said:Maybe you should consider there are other sources of history besides the Bible. Like the supposed tomb of James, brothewr of Jesus inscribed on it, tested to be dated the same period Jesus lived.
pwn3d said:You may not have realized this, but the James ossuary is very likely a forgery by Oded Golan, an Isreali entrepreneur. He was recently put on trial by the Isreali police for forging inscriptions on a number of artifacts.
Hollywood said:Well on a recent 60 minutes they talked about it being 99% sure that its real, and not a forgery.
Jeffahn said:Could somebody please explain the difference between a religion and a cult? Thanks in advance.
"Cult" itself has no meaning anymore, but "destructive cult" can be unambiguously used when you mean a group like Scientology or Heaven's Gate. The difference itself lies in the level of control a group's leader holds over its members.The Hound said:Not much, really. The word cult has just been twisted over the centuries into a bad word.
Okay guys, this argument has reached a dead end for us all, so I'm done. No hard feelings, we just can't understand each other. Now, I'm going to masturbate, not feel guilty about it, and go to bed. In that order.
JackFrost2012 said:FnordChan and Hitokage have done a better job than I would of explaining this already, but Scientology is dangerous not because they're a believe a bunch of silly things, but because they're a dangerous, extortionist cult who does everything in their power to squash dissent and to ruin the lives of its members. Poke around xenu.net and you can find some interesting things ... like the "Internet Protection Filter" Scientologists were required to install, that censored some strings (like "Xenu," for example) at the WINSOCK.DLL level, making it literally impossible to read about Scientology on the internet. Or the large number of people whose lives have been ruined by their total isolation from friends and family in favor of the "better" support of the scientologists. Or the few people who have been killed by Scientology "treatment," Or the "personality tests" for prospective members that are impossible not to fail. Or the way "church doctrine" is petered out in several books over years for a total cost of over $100,000; by the time you reach the crazy stuff, you've spent too much time and money to be able to afford not to believe it. Or the way Scientology requires its adherents to attend expensive "cleaning" treatments, and when most people are unable to afford them, tie them into indentured servitude to the church for the rest of their unhappy lives. Or the incredible litiginous of the CoS, and their constant fight against the distribution of free information on the Internet (not just CoS materials, but basically trying to sue the Internet into a new structure where nobody can say anything they don't like).
Scientology is fucked up. Not because it's a "wacky religion," but because it's the most actively evil organization on the face of this planet.
(Fun fact, however: my friends and I have picked up some Scientology slang; when we complete every game in a series and/or find every secret in a game, we say we "went clear on X.")
kablooey said:Any vaguely discomforting words are changed around into technical nonsense intended to sound harmless.
kablooey said:It makes me sad to think about Beck being a Scientologist. :'(
It makes me sad to think about Beck being a Scientologist. :'(
kablooey said:It makes me sad to think about Beck being a Scientologist. :'(
Part of the problem there is that what the inner circles of scientology believe and what scientology presents itself as to the outside world are not remotely equal.whytemyke said:Ok... I'm willing to totally agree with what jack Frost said, that it's an evil corporation that will make an attempt to destroy the people who sign up. However, as per the religion itself, i think that's a different debate totally.
To be fair, Catholicism DID have the inquisitions, but catholicism of today is not catholicism of yesteryear.Fatghost28 said:Holy fuck, you guys saying Scientology is not any worse than Catholicism are fucked up.
Scientology is on the same level as Al Qaeda, Aum Shinrikio, or Heaven's Gate. A fucking whack job organization rotten to the core and led by the megalomanical ravings of a fucking lunatic.
Catholicism doesn't have a spotless history but fuck, do some research. It's because most of you lazy fucks don't take the five minutes to learn more about Scientology that those fuckers aren't completely ridiculed out of existence.