Due to the numerous recommendations, I will be getting some ROH stuff tonight. Keyser, I'll trust your judgement on this one as your taste in matches is pretty close to mine. i'll PM you my opinions..... Too bad that WWE is gonnna sign Samoa Joe though. I've heard he's great in the ring.
I love a weel thought out technical match with just right amount of high risk spots thrown in, WHEN IT MAKES SENSE.
On the topic of Smackdown, having JBL in my opinion has been the downfall of that show with it's B-list roster. While JBL is a great character (which any long time fan has seen before, DiBiasie should be PISSED. He never got the title he deserved), but he lacks the credibility where it counts. IN THE RING. You can't have a piss poor talent between the ropes and actually expect anyone to take the guy seriously. No one wants to pay to see this guy lose, the air of indifference has set in on Smackdown and the champ prospects aren't looking very good either.
Let's look at the title scene there shall we?
Big Show - Could be a dominating monster, bt they have no idea how to book this.
Eddie G.- Had the belt once, flourished and then had the rug pulled from underneath him before he could find his niche. Fuck you Vince.
Cena - Ugh.... this hack actually has gotten WORSE in the ring since his debut, if it's possible.
Angle - He'd be the best person to put it on at this point, but he's not even close to his former self. Even at 1/2 speed he's twice the wrestler of anyone else on that shitty roster
Overall the situation is not good. I (along with others in my circle of friends and co-workers) view Smackdown as the B-list show. That is sad, considering that show has the title with all the history. I wonder what Burno Sammartino would think if he watched what they've done to his title, or Billy Graham or Backlund or any other great champ.
PS: The six sided ring is GREAT. Makes for a faster paced match with the right talent in there. You just need to give it a chance, the six sided rings have worked in Mexico for decades.
EDIT: Someone actually has just stood there while Flair climbed to the top. Chris Benoit watched him go up and just kind of stared at him and started to laugh after he cocked his head sideways. Flair got up there and looked like a cat stuck up a tree. It was funny stuff.
According to Bret Hart (and a few others with a distaste for Flair), he does this when he loses his place in the match.