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wtf Sony, why don't you just SLAP ME IN THE FACE


Banstick Emeritus
I've been waiting for two weeks to get my Smackdown vs Raw beta disk, nothing. I checked in, it was sent but it got lost or something. Now what do I receive in my e-mail? A survey asking my opinion about the beta that NEVER ARRIVED. Ridiculous!

This insult will not stand.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I've had it for awhile now, still haven't played it. I never told them that I liked wrestling games so I don't know why they sent it. I want to play Killzone like 1000 times more than I do this piece of crap.


works for Gamestop (lol)
You won't get your beta disc. Don't even bother. You should have seen the Socom 2 beta test last year, lots of people didnt get their discs and Sony didn't do a damn thing about it.


This is perfect.



Hahaha, I got the beta disc and I have only played the game for like..... 3 times. Damn I hate wrestling games.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
they'll probably keep you waiting on the slap in the face too. Sony is doomed, collapsing under their own collective weight.

evil ways

bishoptl said:
I've been waiting for two weeks to get my Smackdown vs Raw beta disk, nothing. I checked in, it was sent but it got lost or something. Now what do I receive in my e-mail? A survey asking my opinion about the beta that NEVER ARRIVED. Ridiculous!

This insult will not stand.

Sony's not to blame, It's a smoothly calculated move by THQ.

See they only sent betas to people who either don't care about or don't like wrestling games, and to their main customer fanbase, the average, retarded Gamefaqs wrestling fan that only cares about characters and theme songs being in the game and wouldn't know good gameplay if it fuck them up the ass.


I got it. Not really a wrestling fan, although I did play some wrestling games on the N64 back then. It's a decent game, although the online options are very limited so far.
Didn't you have to chose your 2 favorite genres or so at the start of the whole beta trail thing? I think I said fighting games, maybe that's why they sent me this :/ I wouldn't know how else they made the selection, maybe it's just very random.

bishoptl said:
it was sent but it got lost or something
Um... shouldn't you blame your post office then?


Banstick Emeritus
Would you have clicked on a thread that says "WTF Canada Post, why don't you just SLAP ME IN THE FACE"?

I think not. You gotta sell it, man


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bishoptl said:
Would you have clicked on a thread that says "WTF Canada Post, why don't you just SLAP ME IN THE FACE"?

I think not. You gotta sell it, man



I have a feeling that this is either getting delayed or online will be gone, because on the survey they asked stuff that indicated it could end up being cut due to the general shittiness of online play.

The game sucks Bish, just get KoC2 and be happy.
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