Ryback is a heart attack waiting to happen
Was thinking the same thing.
Ryback is a heart attack waiting to happen
Let's think about that for a moment.Ryback carrying the match
Big Show chanting feed me more...
Let's think about that for a moment.
Big Show gets an A for effort
You, I, and everyone around us knows the answer to that.Is Ryback on the juice?
I cant help but like big show now ever since he had that podcast with austin, such a man with a sad story throughout his life
Doesn't Vince realize what the audience wants is the average ordinary everyday guy doing well, and maybe a handful of larger than life guys doing things?
This constant talk of Strowman is tiring. There was more talent in Droz's puke than anything Strowman can do.
Clubbing blows for all.
Wondering the combined age of the in ring talent
the way the WWE has failed in booking the Wyatt's as monsters has been surprising since it's something they are normally pretty good at. Back in the day with Yokozuna, they started him off at the bottom of the ladder, crushing guys on his way up, making fans wonder "Many what's gonna happen when he faces the champ?!?!" With the Wyatt's, this feud with the "Titans" is something they should have done 2 years ago. It has no impact now that Bray has feuded with and lost to every major name on the fucking roster.
Still amazes me that Big Show is a pro Destiny gamer.
You, I, and everyone around us knows the answer to that.
I really fucking hate Ryback
36, Harper is 36.
does he need a special controller for his giant fucking hands?