-Nice to see WWE try to rebuild Rusev, but the damage to this character is done. All of his heat is gone.
-MiTB was good, Del Rio looked amazing in the match. Terrific way to mitigate would could have been a really serious injury by landing feet first on the ropes. Guy is extremely underrated on his work.
-Owens pulling a Homer Simpson
-I'm sure Ambrose winning the title is due to the fact that Ambrose is going to be headed to Smackdown as the face of that brand. Make sense, and props to WWE booking for having the champ lose CLEAN. Means so much more for Rollins, and in turn Ambrose. Best booking in years on that end.
-AJ continues to be the MVP of the roster. Cena's first big match, traveled constantly all last week across China, it was inevitable he'd have some ring rust, and I liked that the match booking carried that in. Cena just looked like he was a step off, and I'm sure it was partly by design, partly from the booking of the match. Cena is by far the worst spot caller I've seen though. Everyone in the building can hear him call spots.
Overall, it was a great PPV. Better than WM in my book, because it didn't protect Reigns at all. Product is better for it when you have the champ lose clean, and it also gives Rollins some momentum.